Contact Professor Argyrios Zolotas
Areas of expertise
- Autonomous Systems
- Instrumentation, Sensors and Measurement Science
- Mechatronics & Advanced Controls
- Systems Engineering
- Vehicle Health Management
Professor Zolotas is a key academic at Cranfield University's in the Centre for Assured and Connected Autonomy (Centre for Autonomous and Cyber-Physical Systems), internationally known for his expertise in Systems and Control. He has spent more than two decades researching and developing engineering applications for dynamically complex systems in the transportation and aerospace industries.
He has received multiple awards, including a visiting professorship with Grenoble INP (FR) in 2018, and secured substantial amounts in research funding (both as PI, Co-I). He is collaborating with various industrial and academic partners, as well as research organisations. He has designed and manages several taught courses, and led the successful MSc AVDC accreditation with RAeS as Course Director. Prof Zolotas is Senior Member IEEE ('11), he was awarded a Fellow(HEA) in 2013, and he was admitted as Fellow of the Institute of Measurement and Control (InstMC) in 2023. He is elected member on the InstMC Council since Jun. 2023. He has been admitted as Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) in 2024.
Professor Zolotas was recipient (together with co-authors) of IMECHE's Railway Division John Jarrett Davis Prize 2015 for the research paper 'Passive suspensions for ride quality improvement of two-axle railway vehicles'. Also is recipient (together with co-authors) of ICSAE 2016's Best Paper Award -in topic Control Systems Engineering- for paper title 'Improved PID control for Tilting Trains'.
Prof Zolotas, to date, has published 150+ publications (incl. peer-reviewed papers, book / book chapters, and industrial reports).
Professor Zolotas was Associate Editor on the IEEE Transactions Control Systems Technology (for 6-year term, 2012-2018), on IET Proceedings Control Theory and Applications (5-year term, 2013-2018), on IEEE CSS Letters (4-year term, 2017-2021). He has received the IET Proceedings IET Control Theory & Applications Certificate (05/2018) for exceptional contribution to IET Control Theory & Applications by serving as an Associate Editor. He is currently Associate Editor on the journals of Sustainability (MDPI) and Vibration (MDPI). He is Member of the IEEE CSS Technical Committee on Smart Cities, and of the IEEE CSS Technical Committee on Robust and Complex Systems. He is Member of the SAE Automation of Aircraft Exterior Inspection standards committee G-38.
Prof Zolotas heads the Autonomous Systems Dynamics and Control research group and he is developing an innovative research program in Autonomous Systems and Robotics as a Service (ASRaaS) promoting net-zero standards.
Professor Zolotas promotes reducing the gender gap in STEM and increase the number of women engineers, already supervised to completion a number of female students (now in successful academic and professional careers themselves, further promoting gender balance in STEM).
Note: Prof Zolotas's background is strongly engineering-related, however he has a small Erdo's number = 4 (which is a more mathematics related distance linking authors to Paul Erdos). This distance metric is due to Professor Zolotas (4) having co-authored with Prof Malcolm C. Smith (3), who co-authored with Prof Ciprian Ilie Foias (2), who co-authored with Prof Jacques Dixmier (1), who coauthored with Paul Erdo's.
Research opportunities
There are available opportunities for postgraduate research studies in the following thematic areas:
- Autonomous systems and robotics as a service (UAV and UGV) [especially for applications in demanding off-road and rmeote environments]
- Robust and resilient system architecture (advanced control)
- Vehicle platforms with net zero standards (novel power distibution)
We are always keen to hear from interested candidates. Candidates with appropriate background in systems and control, Autonomy and AI, Robotics and embedded systems, Hybrid propulsion are recommended to contact me for a discussion (include a full up to date CV in your email).
Current activities
Professor Zolotas's expertise is on Systems and Control Engineering, including robust control and fault tolerant control, system architecture, AI-based and data-driven control. Since joining Cranfield University he has lead work in autonomous systems for ground, aerial and and rail service related concepts. He is also Course Director of the world renowned MSc in Autonomous Vehicle Dynamics and Control programme. Since January 2021 he has heading the Autonomous Systems Dynamics and Control research group within the Centre for Autonomous and CyberPhysical Systems, where he is developing an innovative research program in Autonomous Systems and Robotics as a Service (ASRaaS) promoting net-zero standards.
To date, Argyrios has graduated several PhD students and advised several Research fellows on a variety of funded research projects. In 2018 he was hosted by GIPSA lab, Grenoble INP, on a short-term esteemed visiting Professorship award.
Prof Zolotas presented keynote speeches:
- Keynote speech (invited), Title: "Systems and Control in the era towards Autonomy", The 3rd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Mechatronics Engineer (CIM 2022), Malaysia, 2022.
- Keynote speech (invited), Title: "Systems and Control in the era towards Autonomy, experiences and what the future may hold.", 15th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials, Bialystok, Poland, 2020.
and was invited speaker:
-- Invited talk on "Hangar of the Future: Using UAVs & Advanced Digital Technologies", at the RSSB dedicated Workshop on 'The Future of Train Maintenance', Oct 2021.
- BAE Systems PLC
- Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
- Rheinmetall AG
- Airbus SE
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Articles In Journals
- Alhammad M, Avdelidis NP, Ibarra Castanedo C, Maldague X, Zolotas A, .... (2024). Multi-label classification algorithms for composite materials under infrared thermography testing. Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal, 21(1)
- Elshakhs YS, Deliparaschos KM, Charalambous T, Oliva G & Zolotas A. (2024). A Comprehensive Survey on Delaunay Triangulation: Applications, Algorithms, and Implementations Over CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs. IEEE Access, 12
- Cao D, Zolotas A, Wang M, Pirani M & Li W. (2024). Preface for Feature Topic on Human Driver Behaviours for Intelligent Vehicles. Automotive Innovation, 7(1)
- Torbali ME, Zolotas A, Avdelidis NP, Alhammad M, Ibarra-Castanedo C, .... (2024). A Complementary Fusion-Based Multimodal Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation Using Phased-Array Ultrasonic and Pulsed Thermography on a Composite Structure. Materials, 17(14)
- Kartal MR, Ignatyev DI & Zolotas A. (2024). Sparse Online Gaussian Process Adaptive Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Slung Payload. Drones, 8(11)
- Deane S, Avdelidis NP, Ibarra-Castanedo C, Williamson AA, Withers S, .... (2023). Development of a thermal excitation source used in an active thermographic UAV platform. Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal, 20(4)
- Zhang J, Roumeliotis I, Zhang X & Zolotas A. (2023). Techno-economic-environmental evaluation of aircraft propulsion electrification: Surrogate-based multi-mission optimal design approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 175(April)
- Grehan J, Ignatyev D & Zolotas A. (2023). Fault Detection in Aircraft Flight Control Actuators Using Support Vector Machines. Machines, 11(2)
- Zolotas A. (2023). Simple Internal Model-Based Robust Control Design for a Non-Minimum Phase Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Machines, 11(4)
- Beycimen S, Ignatyev D & Zolotas A. (2023). A comprehensive survey of unmanned ground vehicle terrain traversability for unstructured environments and sensor technology insights. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 47(November)
- Hassan F, Zolotas A & Halikias G. (2023). New Insights on Robust Control of Tilting Trains with Combined Uncertainty and Performance Constraints. Mathematics, 11(14)
- Torbali ME, Zolotas A & Avdelidis NP. (2023). A State-of-the-Art Review of Non-Destructive Testing Image Fusion and Critical Insights on the Inspection of Aerospace Composites towards Sustainable Maintenance Repair Operations. Applied Sciences, 13(4)
- Makridis E, Deliparaschos K, Kalyvianaki E, Zolotas A & Charalambous T. (2022). Robust Dynamic CPU Resource Provisioning in Virtualized Servers. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 15(2)
- Di Gialleonardo E, Santelia M, Bruni S & Zolotas A. (2022). A simple active carbody roll scheme for hydraulically actuated railway vehicles using internal model control. ISA Transactions, 120(January)
- Zhang J, Roumeliotis I & Zolotas A. (2022). Nonlinear Model Predictive Control-Based Optimal Energy Management for Hybrid Electric Aircraft Considering Aerodynamics-Propulsion Coupling Effects. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 8(2)
- Zhang J, Roumeliotis I & Zolotas A. (2022). Model-based fully coupled propulsion-aerodynamics optimization for hybrid electric aircraft energy management strategy. Energy, 245(April)
- Liao X, Bingham C, Zolotas A, Zhang Q & Smith T. (2022). Servo Control of Drive-Trains Incorporating Magnetic Couplings. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 58(3)
- Hamid UZA, Hu C & Zolotas A. (2022). Feasible, Robust and Reliable Automation and Control for Autonomous Systems. Electronics, 11(14)
- Alhammad M, Avdelidis NP, Ibarra-Castanedo C, Torbali ME, Genest M, .... (2022). Automated Impact Damage Detection Technique for Composites Based on Thermographic Image Processing and Machine Learning Classification. Sensors, 22(23)
- Bian T, Xing Y & Zolotas A. (2022). End-to-End One-Shot Path-Planning Algorithm for an Autonomous Vehicle Based on a Convolutional Neural Network Considering Traversability Cost. Sensors, 22(24)
- Zhang J, Roumeliotis I & Zolotas A. (2022). Sustainable Aviation Electrification: A Comprehensive Review of Electric Propulsion System Architectures, Energy Management, and Control. Sustainability, 14(10)
- Strawa N, Ignatyev DI, Zolotas AC & Tsourdos A. (2021). On-Line Learning and Updating Unmanned Tracked Vehicle Dynamics. Electronics, 10(2)
- Pant S, Nooralishahi P, Avdelidis NP, Ibarra-Castanedo C, Genest M, .... (2021). Evaluation and Selection of Video Stabilization Techniques for UAV-Based Active Infrared Thermography Application. Sensors, 21(5)
- Aloseel A, Al-Rubaye S, Zolotas A, He H & Shaw C. (2021). A Novel Approach for Detecting Cyberattacks in Embedded Systems Based on Anomalous Patterns of Resource Utilization-Part I. IEEE Access, 9
- Aloseel A, Al-Rubaye S, Zolotas A & Shaw C. (2021). Attack-Detection Architectural Framework Based on Anomalous Patterns of System Performance and Resource Utilization—Part II. IEEE Access, 9
- Zheng X, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2020). Combined active suspension and structural damping control for suppression of flexible bodied railway vehicle vibration. Vehicle System Dynamics, 58(2)
- Deliparaschos K, Michail K & Zolotas A. (2020). Facilitating Autonomous Systems with AI-Based Fault Tolerance and Computational Resource Economy. Electronics, 9(5)
- Hassan F, Zolotas A & Shah SM. (2020). H∞ mixed sensitivity optimization for high speed tilting trains. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 9(5)
- Albayati IM, Postnikov A, Pearson S, Bickerton R, Zolotas A, .... (2020). Power and energy analysis for a commercial retail refrigeration system responding to a static demand side response. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 117
- Ahmadian E, Sodagar B, Mills G, Byrd H, Bingham C, .... (2019). Sustainable cities: The relationships between urban built forms and density indicators. Cities, 95
- Postnikov A, Albayati IM, Pearson S, Bingham C, Bickerton R, .... (2019). Facilitating static firm frequency response with aggregated networks of commercial food refrigeration systems. Applied Energy, 251
- Zolotas AC & Goodall RM. (2018). New insights from fractional order skyhook damping control for railway vehicles. Vehicle System Dynamics, 56(11)
- Mystkowski A & Zolotas A. (2018). PLC-based Discrete Fractional-order Control Design for an Industrial-Oriented Water Tank Volume System with Input Delay. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 21(4)
- Saleh I, Postnikov A, Arsene C, Zolotas A, Bingham C, .... (2018). Impact of Demand Side Response on a Commercial Retail Refrigeration System. Energies, 11(2)
- Yang J, Cui H, Li S & Zolotas A. (2018). Optimized Active Disturbance Rejection Control for DC-DC Buck Converters With Uncertainties Using a Reduced-Order GPI Observer. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 65(2)
- Hassan F, Zolotas AC & Margetts RM. (2017). Optimised PID control for tilting trains. Systems Science & Control Engineering, 5(1)
- Hassan F & Zolotas A. (2017). Impact of Fractional Order Methods on Optimized Tilt Control for Rail Vehicles. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 20(3)
- Hassan F, Zolotas AC & Smith T. (2017). Optimized Ziegler-Nichols based PID Control Design for Tilt Suspensions. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 10(5)
- Deliparaschos KM, Michail K, Zolotas AC & Tzafestas SG. (2016). FPGA–Based Efficient Hardware/Software Co–Design for Industrial Systems with Consideration of Output Selection. Journal of Electrical Engineering, 67(3)
- Michail K, Deliparaschos KM, Tzafestas SG & Zolotas AC. (2016). AI-Based Actuator/Sensor Fault Detection With Low Computational Cost for Industrial Applications. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 24(1)
- Jiang JZ, Matamoros-Sanchez AZ, Zolotas A, Goodall RM & Smith MC. (2015). Passive suspensions for ride quality improvement of two-axle railway vehicles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 229(3)
- Zolotas A. (2015). Disturbance Observer-Based Control: Methods and Applications [Bookshelf]. IEEE Control Systems, 35(3)
- Michail K, Zolotas AC & Goodall RM. (2014). Optimised sensor selection for control and fault tolerance of electromagnetic suspension systems: A robust loop shaping approach. ISA Transactions, 53(1)
- Michail K, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2013). Fallback options for airgap sensor fault of an electromagnetic suspension system. Open Engineering, 3(2)
- Michail K, Zolotas AC, Goodall RM & Whidborne JF. (2012). Optimised configuration of sensors for fault tolerant control of an electro-magnetic suspension system. International Journal of Systems Science, 43(10)
- Zamzuri H, Zolotas A, Goodall R & Mazlan SA. (2012). Advances in tilt control design of high-speed railway vehicles: A study on fuzzy control methods. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 8(9)
- Yang J, Zolotas A, Chen W-H, Michail K & Li S. (2011). Robust control of nonlinear MAGLEV suspension system with mismatched uncertainties via DOBC approach. ISA Transactions, 50(3)
- Zhou R, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2011). Integrated tilt with active lateral secondary suspension control for high speed railway vehicles. Mechatronics, 21(6)
- Zamzuri H, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2010). Integral sliding mode control design for high speed tilting trains. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology, 11(5)
- Du X, Dixon R, Goodall RM & Zolotas AC. (2010). Modelling and control of a high redundancy actuator. Mechatronics, 20(1)
- Michail K, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2009). 347118 EMS SYSTEMS : OPTIMISED SENSOR CONFIGURATIONS FOR CONTROL AND SENSOR FAULT TOLERANCE(MAGLEV,Technical Session). The Proceedings of International Symposium on Seed-up and Service Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems : STECH, 2009(0)
- Zhou R, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2009). 354345 INTEGRATED TILT AND ACTIVE LATERAL SECONDARY SUSPENSION CONTROL(Bogie,Technical Session). The Proceedings of International Symposium on Seed-up and Service Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems : STECH, 2009(0)
- Steffen T, Zolotas A, Dixon R & Goodall R. (2009). Adaptive Control of a High Redundancy Actuator Using The Geometric Approach. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 42(8)
- Steffen T, Michail K, Dixon R, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2009). Optimal Passive Fault Tolerant Control of a High Redundancy Actuator. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 42(8)
- Dixon R, Steffen T, Davies J, Goodall RM, Zolotas AC, .... (2009). HRA - Intrinsically fault tolerant actuation through high redundancy. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 42(8)
- Davies J, Steffen T, Dixon R, Goodall RM, Zolotas AC, .... (2008). Modelling of High Redundancy Actuation Utilising Multiple Moving Coil Actuators. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 41(2)
- Steffen T, Davies J, Dixon R, Goodall RM, Pearson J, .... (2008). Failure Modes and Probabilities of a High Redundancy Actuator. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 41(2)
- Li Z, Zolotas AC, Jaimoukha IM & Grigoriadis KM. (2008). Output Selection with Fault Tolerance via Dynamic Controller Design. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 41(2)
- Michail K, Zolotas AC & Goodall RM. (2008). Optimised sensor configurations for a Maglev suspension. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 41(2)
- Zolotas AC, Goodall RM & Halikias GD. (2007). Recent results in tilt control design and assessment of high-speed railway vehicles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 221(2)
- Halikias GD, Zolotas AC & Nandakumar R. (2007). Design of optimal robust fixed-structure controllers using the quantitative feedback theory approach. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 221(4)
- Zolotas AC, Chaudhuri B, Jaimoukha IM & Korba P. (2007). A Study on LQG/LTR Control for Damping Inter-Area Oscillations in Power Systems. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 15(1)
- Zheng X, Zolotas AC & Wang H. (2006). Mathematica implementation of output-feedback pole assignment for uncertain systems via symbolic algebra. International Journal of Control, 79(11)
- Zolotas AC, Pearson JT & Goodall RM. (2006). Modelling Requirements for the Design of Active Stability Control Strategies for a High Speed Bogie. Multibody System Dynamics, 15(1)
- Pal BC, Chaudhuri B, Zolotas AC & Jaimoukha IM. (2004). Simultaneous stabilisation approach for power system damping control design through TCPAR employing global signals. IEE Proceedings - Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 151(1)
- Chaudhuri B, Pal BC, Zolotas AC, Jaimoukha IM & Green TC. (2003). Mixed-sensitivity approach to H//sub∞/ control of power system oscillations employing multiple facts devices. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 18(3)
- Zolotas AC & Halikias GD. (1999). Optimal design of PID controllers using the QFT method. IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications, 146(6)
Conference Papers
- Kartal MR, Ignatyev D & Zolotas A. (2024). Non-linear Control of a Quadrotor with Actuator Delay
- Biswas B, Ignatyev D, Zolotas A & Tsourdos A. (2024). Design of Controller with Enlarged Region Of Attraction Using Union Theorem in Sum-of-Squares Optimization for the F-8 Aircraft
- Deliparaschos KM, Loizou SG & Zolotas AC. (2024). A Modular UAV Hardware Platform for Aerial Indoor Navigation Research and Development
- Genest M, Pant S, Klishch D, Ibarra-Castanedo C, Avdelidis NP, .... (2024). Heat source selection for drone-based active-infrared thermography
- Shaikh MY, Petrunin I & Zolotas A. (2023). Self-supervised Obstacle Detection During Autonomous UAS Taxi Operations
- Negru SA, Geragersian P, Petrunin I, Zolotas A & Grech R. (2023). GNSS/INS/VO fusion using Gated Recurrent Unit in GNSS denied environments
- Kirenga A, Lee H-I & Zolotas A. (2023). Unmanned Aerial System concept design for rail yard monitoring
- Torbali ME, Alhammad M, Zolotas A, Avdelidis NP, Ibarra-Castanedo C, .... (2023). Fusion Insights from Ultrasonic and Thermographic Inspections for Impact Damage Analysis
- Biswas B, Ignatyev D, Zolotas A & Tsourdos A. (2023). Construction of Control Lyapunov Function with Region of Attraction Using Union Theorem in Sum-Of-Squares Optimization
- Alhammad M, Avdelidis NP, Ibarra-Castanedo C, Torbali ME, Zolotas A, .... (2023). Quantitative comparison between reflection mode and transmission modes for the inspection of composite materials using pulsed thermography
- Pant S, Genest M, Ibarra-Castanedo C, Avdelidis NP, Valdes J, .... (2023). Inspection of a helicopter blade using drone-based active thermography
- Torbali ME, Alhammad M, Zolotas A, Avdelidis NP, Ibarra-Castanedo C, .... (2023). Enhanced defect identification by image fusion of infrared thermography and ultrasonic phased array inspection techniques
- Shaikh MY, Petrunin I & Zolotas A. (2023). Correction: Self-supervised Obstacle Detection During Autonomous UAS Taxi Operations
- Leung THY, Ignatyev D & Zolotas A. (2022). Hybrid Terrain Traversability Analysis in Off-road Environments
- Beycimen S, Ignatyev D & Zolotas A. (2022). Predicting Autonomous Vehicle Navigation Parameters via Image and Image-and-Point Cloud Fusion-based End-to-End Methods
- Alhammad M, Avdelidis NP, Ibarra-Castanedo C, Zolotas A & Maldague XPV. (2022). Machine learning on thermographic images for the detection and classification of damage on composites
- Beycimen S, Ignatyev D & Zolotas A. (2022). A Comparison Study of Neural Network-Based Semantic Segmentation for Off-Road Traversability
- Grzędziński K, Stéphan V & Zolotas A. (2021). Wing tilt scheduling in tandem-wing VTOL configurations
- Alhammad M, Avdelidis NP, Deane S, Ibarra-Castanedo C, Pant S, .... (2021). Diagnosis of composite materials in aircraft applications: towards a UAV active thermography inspection approach
- Ignatyev DI, Shin H-S, Zolotas A & Tsourdos A. (2021). Group Design Project in Control Engineering: Adapting to COVID-19 Pandemic
- Deliparaschos KM, Santha G, Fragonara LZ, Petrunin I, Zolotas AC, .... (2020). A Preliminary Investigation of an Autonomous Vehicle Validation Infrastructure for Smart Cities
- Liao X, Bingham C, Zolotas A, Zhang Q & Smith T. (2020). Speed control of drive-train incorporating magnetic coupling
- Bai Y, Hong J-H & Zolotas A. (2019). Development of a Novel Water Landing UAV with Deflatable Floater
- Vu VT, Zolotas A, Sename O & Dugard L. (2019). Towards robust linear parameter varying control for active rail vehicle wheelsets
- Deliparaschos KM, Michail K & Zolotas A. (2017). On the issue of LQG embedded control realization in a Maglev system
- Postnikov A, Zolotas A, Bingham C, Saleh IM, Arsene C, .... (2017). Modelling of Thermostatically Controlled Loads to Analyse the Potential of Delivering FFR DSR with a Large Network of Compressor Packs
- Hassan F, Zolotas A & Margetts R. (2016). Improved PID control for tilting trains
- Zheng X, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2016). Combining active structural damping and active suspension control in flexible bodied railway vehicles
- Deliparaschos KM, Michail K, Tzafestas SG & Zolotas AC. (2015). A model-based embedded control hardware/software co-design approach for optimized sensor selection of industrial systems
- Zhou R, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2014). Robust system state estimation for active suspension control in high-speed tilting trains
- Yang TC, Zolotas AC, Wren TJ & Yu HN. (2014). Exploring future directions of control
- Michail K, Deliparaschos KM, Tzafestas SG & Zolotas AC. (2013). AI-based low computational power actuator/sensor fault detection applied on a MAGLEV suspension
- Zhou R, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2013). H∞-based control system and its digital implementation for the integrated tilt with active lateral secondary suspensions in high speed trains
- Deliparaschos KM, Michail K, Tzafestas SG & Zolotas AC. (2013). Optimised sensor selection for control: A Hardware-in-the-loop realization on FPGA for an EMS system
- Michail K, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2013). Optimised sensor selection for control and fault tolerance: Comparison and some new results
- Zhou R, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2013). H
∞ -based control system and its digital implementation for the integrated tilt with active lateral secondary suspensions in high speed trains - Michail K, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2013). Optimised Sensor Selection for Control and Fault Tolerance: comparison and some new results
- Zhou R, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2013). H∞-based control system and its digital implementation for the integrated tilt with active lateral secondary suspensions in high speed trains
- Matamoros-Sanchez AZ, Goodall RM, Zolotas AC, Jiang JZ & Smith MC. (2012). Stability control of a railway vehicle using absolute stiffness and inerters
- Alwi H, Zolotas A, Edwards C & Grigoriadis K. (2012). Sliding mode control design of an electrostatic microactuator using LPV schemes
- Michail K, Zolotas AC, Goodall RM & Halikias G. (2011). Optimal selection for sensor fault tolerant control of an EMS system via loop-shaping robust control
- Zolotas AC, Michail K & Goodall RM. (2011). Simulation-based Optimum Sensor Selection Design for an Uncertain EMS System via Monte-Carlo Technique.
- Ronghui Zhou , Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2010). 9 DOF railway vehicle modeling and control for the integrated tilting bolster with active lateral secondary suspension
- Michail K, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2010). An optimum sensor selection design framework applied to an electro-magnetic suspension system
- Yang J, Zolotas A, Chen W-H, Michail K & Li S. (2010). Disturbance observer based control for nonlinear MAGLEV suspension system
- Zhou R, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2010). LQG control for the integrated tilt and active lateral secondary suspension in high speed railway vehicles
- Zhou Y & Zolotas A. (2010). Sensor selection in neuro-fuzzy modelling for fault diagnosis
- Michail K, Zhou Y, Zolotas A, Goodall R & Halikias G. (2010). Optimised sensor configurations with reduced order controllers applied to an EMS system
- Steffen T, Michail K, Dixon R, Zolotas A & Goodall R. (2009). Optimal passive fault tolerant control of a High Redundancy Actuator
- Steffen T, Zolotas A, Dixon R & Goodall R. (2009). Adaptive control of a High Redundancy Actuator using the geometric approach
- Michail K, Zolotas A, Goodall R & Pearson J. (2009). Fault Tolerant Control for EMS systems with sensor failure
- Li Z, Zolotas A, Jaimoukha I & Grigoriadis K. (2009). Integrated design of dynamic controller with fault diagnosis and tolerance
- Davies J, Steffen T, Dixon R, Goodall R & Zolotas A. (2009). Active versus passive fault tolerant control of a High Redundancy Actuator
- Zhou Y, Dexter A & Zolotas A. (2009). Generating training data for identifying neurofuzzy models of non-linear dynamic systems
- Dixon R, Steffen T, Davies J, Goodall RM, Zolotas AC, .... (2009). HRA - Intrinsically fault tolerant actuation through high redundancy
- Li Z, Zolotas A, Jaimoukha IM & Grigoriadis KM. (2008). Output selection with fault tolerance via dynamic controller design
- Michail K, Zolotas A & Goodall RM. (2008). Optimised sensor configuration for a Maglev suspension
- Michail K, Zolotas A, Goodall R & Pearson J. (2008). MAGLEV suspensions - A sensor optimisation framework
- Garlick WG, Zolotas AC & Infield DG. (2008). The architecture and control of large power networks with distributed generation
- Zamzuri H, Zolotas AC & Goodall RM. (2008). Tilt control design for high-speed trains: a study on multi-objective tuning approaches
- Zolotas AC, Wang J & Goodall RM. (2008). Reduced-order robust tilt control design for high-speed railway vehicles
- Orukpe PE, Zheng X, Jaimoukha IM, Zolotas AC & Goodall RM. (2008). Model predictive control based on mixed ℋ2/ℋ∞control approach for active vibration control of railway vehicles
- Davies J, Steffen T, Dixon R, Goodall RM, Zolotas A, .... (2008). Modelling of high redundancy actuation utilising multiple moving coil actuators
- Steffen T, Davies J, Dixon R, Goodall RM, Pearson J, .... (2008). Failure modes and probabilities of a high redundancy actuator
- Steffen T, Dixon R, Goodall RM & Zolotas AC. (2008). Multi-Variable Control of a High Redundancy Actuator
- Michail K, Zolotas A, Goodall R & Pearson J. (2008). MAGLEV suspensions - A sensor optimisation framework
- Nandakumar R, Halikias GD & Zolotas A. (2007). Robust control design of a hydraulic actuator using the QFT method
- Zolotas AC, Korba P, Chaudhuri B & Jaimoukha IM. (2007). H2 LMI-based robust control for damping oscillations in power systems
- Mazars E, Jaimoukha IM, Li Z & Zolotas AC. (2007). Fault detection and isolation filter design for systems subject to polytopic uncertainties
- Wang J, Zolotas AC & Wilson DA. (2007). Active suspensions: a reduced-order H
∞ control design study - Du X, Dixon R, Goodall RM & Zolotas AC. (2007). LQG control of a high redundancy actuator
- Li Z, Zolotas AC, Jaimoukha IM, Grigoriadis KM, Michail K, .... (2007). Output selection under control and fault detectability considerations
- Steffen T, Davies J, Dixon R, Goodall R & Zolotas A. (2007). Using a series of moving coils as a high redundancy actuator
- Zolotas AC, Korba P, Chaudhuri B & Jaimoukha IM. (2007). H2 LMI-based Robust Control for Damping Oscillations in Power Systems
- Zolotas AC, Tzes A & Vagia M. (2007). Robust control design for an uncertain electrostatic micro-mechanical system via loop shaping
- Li Zhiyuan , Li Baojin & Peide L. (2007). Linear Time And Frequency Domain Fractionally Spaced Equalization
- Wang J, Zolotas AC & Wilson DA. (2007). Active suspensions:: A reduced-order H∞ control design
- Zolotas A, Halikias G, Goodall R & Jun Wang . (2006). Model reduction studies in LQG optimal control design for high-speed tilting railway carriages
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