Contact Professor Alessio Balleri
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 863867
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Areas of expertise
- Defence Sensors
Dr Alessio Balleri obtained his 5 year Laurea Degree with distinction (summa cum laude) from the University of Pisa in 2004 and a PhD degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from University College London (UCL) in 2010.
Alessio was a Research Associate in Radar Systems with the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at UCL from February 2010 until March 2012. From June 2004 to December 2004 he was a visiting Research Scholar with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Illinois at Chicago.
- IEEE AESS Radar Systems Panel Member.
- Associate Editor in Chief for the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine (MAES).
- Special Issue Editor and Deputy Editor in Chief for the IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation.
- Co-Technical Chair of the 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 27 April -1 May, 2020.
- Technical Program Committee co-chair of the IET International Radar Conference 2017, Belfast, 23-26 October 2017.
- Guest co-editor for the special issue on Electronic attack and protection for modern radar systems and radar networks for the Institute of Engineering and Technology's Journal of Radar, Sonar and Navigation (published in vol. 18, no. 11, November 2024).
- Guest co-editor for the special issue on Biologically Inspired Radar and Sonar Systems for the Institute of Engineering and Technology's Journal of Radar, Sonar and Navigation (published in vol. 6, no. 6, July 2012).
- Guest co-editor for the special issue on Radar Emerging Techniques for the European Association for Signal Processing's Journal on Advances in Signal Processing.
Research opportunities
radar signal processing, biologically inspired radar and sonar systems, echolocating natural systems, radar and sonar target classification (High-Resolution Range Profile and micro-Doppler signatures), target feature identification and extraction, radar sea and wind farm clutter, multi-static radar systems
Current activities
- Chayapa Charoencholwanich, "Novel deep learning techniques for non-cooperative geolocation in urban environments", from June 2023 - current.
- Rakshith Mungara, "Target Detection in Sea Clutter", from March 2023 - current.
- Benjamin Griffin, "Development of a Cooperative Multistatic Radar Network based on the Aveillant Holographic Radar", Oct 2018 - Nov 2022.
- Safiah Zulkifli, "Development of K-Band FMCW Flexible Radar for Detection and Classification of Nano-Drones ", Oct 2016 - Aug 2021.
- Gareth Frazer, "Deception Jamming Against Anti-Ship Missiles which Use Doppler Beam Sharpening Modes", Feb 2016 - July 2020.
- Leon Kocjancic, "Multibeam Radar System based on Waveform Diversity for RF Seeker Applications", Feb 2016 - Feb 2020.
- Nasyitah Ghazalli, "Passive Bistatic Radar Based on Staring Radar Illuminators of Opportunity", Feb 2015 - Feb 2019.
- Luc Fourtinon, "3D Conformal Antenna Arrays for Radar Applications", Oct 2014 - Jan 2018.
- Krasin Georgiev, "Biologically Inspired Radar and Sonar Signal Processing", Feb 2014 - Aug 2017.
Articles In Journals
- Griffiths H & Balleri A. (2024). RSN editorial 2024. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 18(1)
- Clemente C & Balleri A. (2024). Guest Editorial: Selected papers from RADAR 2022—International Conference on Radar Systems (Edinburgh, UK). IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 18(1)
- Balleri A & Butters B. (2024). Measurements and analysis of the radar cross section of chaff dipoles. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 18(11)
- Balleri A, Matthes D, Lo Monte L & Kulpa K. (2024). Guest Editorial: Electronic attack and protection for modern radar systems and radar networks. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 18(11)
- Griffiths H & Balleri A. (2024). Editorial: RSN Editorial 2025. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation
- Rosamilia M, Aubry A, Balleri A, Carotenuto V & De Maio A. (2023). Radar Detection Performance via Frequency Agility Using Measured UAVs RCS Data. IEEE Sensors Journal, 23(19)
- Rosamilia M, Balleri A, De Maio A, Aubry A & Carotenuto V. (2023). Radar Detection Performance Prediction Using Measured UAVs RCS Data. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 59(4)
- Markow J, Balleri A & Catherall A. (2022). Statistical analysis of in‐flight drone signatures. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 16(11)
- Belloni C, Balleri A, Aouf N, Le Caillec J-M & Merlet T. (2021). Explainability of Deep SAR ATR Through Feature Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 57(1)
- Lombardi F, Griffiths HD, Lualdi M & Balleri A. (2021). Characterization of the Internal Structure of Landmines Using Ground-Penetrating Radar. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 18(2)
- Bennett A, Yu N, Castelli M, Chen G, Balleri A, .... (2021). Characterisation of a microwave induced plasma torch for glass surface modification. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 16(1)
- Belloni C, Aouf N, Balleri A, Le Caillec J & Merlet T. (2020). Pose‐informed deep learning method for SAR ATR. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 14(11)
- Frazer G, Balleri A & Jacob G. (2020). Deception Jamming Against Doppler Beam Sharpening Radars. IEEE Access, 8
- Benavoli A, Balleri A & Farina A. (2019). Joint Waveform and Guidance Control Optimization for Target Rendezvous. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 67(16)
- Georgiev K, Balleri A, Stove A & Holderied MW. (2018). Bio‐inspired processing of radar target echoes. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 12(12)
- Kocjancic L, Balleri A & Merlet T. (2018). Multibeam radar based on linear frequency modulated waveform diversity. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 12(11)
- Balleri A, Farina A & Benavoli A. (2017). Coordination of optimal guidance law and adaptive radiated waveform for interception and rendezvous problems. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 11(7)
- Fioranelli F, Ritchie M, Balleri A & Griffiths H. (2017). Practical investigation of multiband mono‐ and bistatic radar signatures of wind turbines. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 11(6)
- Lombardi F, Griffiths HD, Wright L & Balleri A. (2017). Dependence of landmine radar signature on aspect angle. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 11(6)
- Balleri A & Farina A. (2017). Ambiguity function and accuracy of the hyperbolic chirp: comparison with the linear chirp. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 11(1)
- Gurbuz SZ, Clemente C, Balleri A & Soraghan JJ. (2017). Micro‐Doppler‐based in‐home aided and unaided walking recognition with multiple radar and sonar systems. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 11(1)
- Fioranelli F, Ritchie M, Balleri A & Griffiths H. (2016). Experimental analysis of multistatic multiband radar signatures of wind turbines. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 10(8)
- Fioranelli F, Ritchie M, Balleri A & Griffiths H. (2016). Experimental analysis of multistatic wind turbine radar clutter statistics. Electronics Letters, 52(3)
- Ricci R & Balleri A. (2015). Recognition of humans based on radar micro‐Doppler shape spectrum features. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 9(9)
- Ritchie M, Fioranelli F, Balleri A & Griffiths HD. (2015). Measurement and analysis of multiband bistatic and monostatic radar signatures of wind turbines. Electronics Letters, 51(14)
- Baker CJ, Smith GE, Balleri A, Holderied M & Griffiths HD. (2014). Sensing, Cognition, and Engineering Application [Further Thoughts]. Proceedings of the IEEE, 102(4)
- Baker CJ, Smith GE, Balleri A, Holderied M & Griffiths HD. (2014). Biomimetic Echolocation With Application to Radar and Sonar Sensing. Proceedings of the IEEE, 102(4)
- Balleri A, Al‐Armaghany A, Griffiths H, Tong K, Matsuura T, .... (2013). Measurements and analysis of the radar signature of a new wind turbine design at X ‐band. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 7(2)
- Clemente C, Balleri A, Woodbridge K & Soraghan JJ. (2013). Developments in target micro-Doppler signatures analysis: radar imaging, ultrasound and through-the-wall radar. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2013(1)
- Balleri A, Griffiths HD, Baker CJ, Woodbridge K & Holderied MW. (2012). Analysis of acoustic echoes from a bat-pollinated plant species: insight into strategies for radar and sonar target classification. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 6(6)
- Leighton TG & Balleri A. (2012). Biologically-inspired radar and sonar systems. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 6(6)
- Balleri A, Chetty K & Woodbridge K. (2011). Classification of personnel targets by acoustic micro-Doppler signatures. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 5(9)
- Al-Ashwal WA, Baker CJ, Balleri A, Griffiths HD, Harmanny R, .... (2011). Statistical analysis of simultaneous monostatic and bistatic sea clutter at low grazing angles. Electronics Letters, 47(10)
- Balleri A, Woodbridge K, Baker CJ & Holderied MW. (2009). Flower classification by bats: Radar comparisons. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 24(5)
- Balleri A, Nehorai A & Wang J. (2007). Maximum likelihood estimation for compound-gaussian clutter with inverse gamma texture. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 43(2)
Conference Papers
- Pascarella F, Mugnaini S, Balleri A, Scarselli C, Brizi D, .... (2024). Design of a Stacked Circularly Polarized Slot-Patch Antenna for X-band Applications
- Zulkifli S, Corrias A & Balleri A. (2024). Detection of flying nano-drone signatures with a K-band FMCW radar
- Griffin B, Balleri A & Catherall A. (2023). Multistatic dual-channel detection of drones: effects of PNT errors
- Rosamilia M, Aubry A, Balleri A, Carotenuto V & De Maio A. (2022). RCS Measurements of UAVs and Their Statistical Analysis
- Griffin B, Balleri A, Baker C, Jahangir M & Harman S. (2022). Development of a Passive Dual Channel Receiver at L-Band for the Detection of Drones
- Rosamilia M, Aubry A, Balleri A, Carotenuto V & De Maio A. (2022). Performance prediction of the coherent radar detector on measured UAVs data
- Balleri A. (2021). Measurements of the Radar Cross Section of a nano-drone at K-band
- Benavoli A, Balleri A & Farina A. (2021). Joint Waveform and Guidance Control Optimization by Statistical Linearisation for Target Rendezvous
- Jahangir M, Baker CJ, Antoniou M, Griffin B, Balleri A, .... (2021). Advanced cognitive networked radar surveillance
- Griffin B, Balleri A, Baker C & Jahangir M. (2021). Prototyping a Dual-Channel Receiver for use in a Staring Cooperative Radar Network for the Detection of Drones
- Pometcu L, Quendo C, Balleri A, Leuliet A & Merlet T. (2021). Direction of Arrival Estimation for Radio-Frequency Seekers
- Zulkifli S & Balleri A. (2020). Design and Development of K-Band FMCW Radar for Nano-Drone Detection
- Markow J & Balleri A. (2020). Examination of Drone Micro-Doppler and JEM/HERM Signatures
- Balleri A, Kocjancic L & Merlet T. (2020). Characterisation of Sidelobes for Multibeam Radar based on Quasi-Orthogonal LFM Waveforms
- Zulkifli S & Balleri A. (2020). FMCW Radar Prototype Development for Detection and Classification of Nano-Targets
- Griffin B, Balleri A, Baker C & Jahangir M. (2020). Optimal receiver placement in staring cooperative radar networks for detection of drones
- Balleri A & Shackelford AK. (2020). Welcome from the technical program chairs
- Kocjancic L, Balleri A & Merlet T. (2019). Numerical Characterisation of Quasi-Orthogonal Piecewise Linear Frequency Modulated Waveforms
- Kocjancic L, Balleri A & Merlet T. (2019). Experiments of Quasi-Orthogonal Linear Frequency Modulated Waveforms for Multibeam Radar
- Abedrrabba S, Chatterjee M, Ahiska K, Balleri A, Allanic R, .... (2019). DRAGON: Adaptive RF Seekers based on 3-D Conformal Antennas
- Kocjancic L, Balleri A & Merlet T. (2019). Micro-Doppler Signature Extraction with Multibeam Radar
- Ghazalli N, Balleri A, Jahangir M, Colone F & Baker CJ. (2019). Passive Detection Using a Staring Radar Illuminator of Opportunity
- Frazer G, Balleri A & Jacob GS. (2019). Deception Jamming Against Doppler Beam Sharpening Radars
- Lombardi F, Griffiths HD & Balleri A. (2018). Landmine internal structure detection from ground penetrating radar images
- Gersone F, Balleri A, Baker CJ & Jahangir M. (2018). Simulations of L-band Staring Radar Moving Target Integration Efficiency
- Belloni C, Balleri A, Aouf N, Merlet TJ & Le Caillec J-M. (2017). SAR image dataset of military ground targets with multiple poses for ATR
- Frazer G, Balleri A & Jacob G. (2017). Simulations of Repeat Jamming against Anti-Ship Missile Seekers Which Use Doppler Beam Sharpening Modes
- Ghazalli N, Balleri A & Colone F. (2017). Exploitation of Deterministic Signals for Passive Single-Channel Detection
- Balleri A, Farina A & Benavoli A. (2017). Two-dimensional coordination of guidance and adaptive radiated waveform for interception and rendezvous problems
- Fourtinon L, Balleri A, Quere Y, Person C, Martin-Guennou A, .... (2017). Directivity and ellipticity study for planar and 3D conformai RF-seeker antennas
- Lombardi F, Griffiths HD, Balleri A & Lualdi M. (2017). Preliminary results on multi offset GPR for imaging of landmines
- Georgiev K, Balleri A, Stove A & Holderied M. (2017). Bio-inspired two target resolution at radio frequencies
- Liu J, Balleri A, Jahangir M & Baker C. (2017). Investigating jammer suppression with a 3-D staring array
- Kocjancic L, Balleri A & Merlet T. (2017). Study of the Frequency Slope Effect on the Chirp Waveform Orthogonality
- Lombardi F, Griffiths HD & Balleri A. (2017). Bistatic radar signature of buried landmines
- Fourtinon L, Balleri A, Quere Y, Person C, Martin-Guennou A, .... (2016). Beampattern and Polarisation Synthesis of 3D Rf-Seeker Antenna Arrays
- Georgiev K, Balleri A, Stove A & Holderied M. (2016). Baseband version of the bat-inspired spectrogram correlation and transformation receiver
- Lombardi F, Griffiths HD & Balleri A. (2016). Influence of internal structure on landmine radar signatures
- Fioranelli F, Ritchie M, Griffiths H & Balleri A. (2015). Analysis of multiband monostatic and bistatic radar signatures of wind turbines
- Wright L, Balleri A, Griffiths H & Lombardi F. (2015). Multi-perspective high range resolution profiles of landmines
- Bruno M & Balleri A. (2015). Analysis of the signature of rotating blades with the Empirical Mode Decomposition
- Brewster A & Balleri A. (2015). Extraction and analysis of micro-Doppler signatures by the Empirical Mode Decomposition
- Perassoli M, Balleri A & Woodbridge K. (2014). Measurements and analysis of multistatic and multimodal micro-Doppler signatures for automatic target classification
- Newcombe C & Balleri A. (2014). Simulations of Waveform Diversity for Doppler Beam Sharpening techniques
- Inggs M, Balleri A, Al-Ashwal WA, Ward KD, Woodbridge K, .... (2012). NetRAD multistatic sea clutter database
- Balleri A, Matsuura T, Al-Armaghany A, Griffiths H & Tong K. (2012). The radar signature of the wind lens: a less disruptive wind turbine?
- Balleri A, Woodbridge K & Chetty K. (2011). Frequency-agile non-coherent ultrasound radar for collection of micro-Doppler signatures
- Al-Ashwal WA, Balleri A, Griffiths HD, Miceli WJ, Woodbridge K, .... (2011). Measurements of bistatic radar sea clutter
- Griffiths H, Ohya Y, Balleri A, Tong K, Al-armaghany A, .... (2011). Measurement and analysis of the radar signature of a new type of wind turbine
- Balleri A, Griffiths HD, Woodbridge K, Baker CJ & Holderied MW. (2010). Bat-inspired ultrasound tomography in air
- Balleri A, Griffiths H, Holderied M & Baker C. (2010). Bat-inspired multi-harmonic waveforms
- Balleri A, Griffiths HD, Woodbridge K, Baker CJ & Holderied MW. (2010). Impact of flight trajectory on the detection and selection of flowers by nectar-feeding bats
- Balleri A, Woodbridge K, Baker CJ & Holderied MW. (2009). Classification of flowers by bats: comparison with the radar case
- Balleri A, Griffiths H, Woodbridge K, Baker CJ & Holderied M. (2009). Bat-pollinated plants: Feature extraction for target recognition in the natural world
- Greco M, Gini F, Verrazzani L & Balleri A. (2004). Analysis of polarimetric marine scattering at different range resolutions
- Ghazalli N, Balleri A, Jahangir M, Colone F & Baker C. (2021). Passive radar detection of drones with staring illuminators of opportunity In Radar Countermeasures for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Fioranelli F, Griffiths H, Ritchie M & Balleri A. Fioranelli F, Griffiths H, Ritchie M & Balleri A (eds). (2020). Micro-Doppler Radar and Its Applications
- Balleri A, Georgiev K, Stove A, Griffiths H, Baker C, .... (2017). Biologically inspired processing of target echoes In Novel Radar Techniques and Applications Volume 2: Waveform Diversity and Cognitive Radar, and Target Tracking and Data Fusion. Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Balleri A, Griffiths H, Baker C & Holderied M. (2017). Analysis of acoustic echoes from bat-pollinated plants In Biologically-Inspired Radar and Sonar: Lessons from nature. Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Balleri A, Farina A & Benavoli A. (2017). Biologically-inspired coordination of guidance and adaptive radiated waveform for interception and rendezvous problems In Biologically-Inspired Radar and Sonar: Lessons from nature. Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Balleri A, Griffiths H & Baker C. (2017). Introduction In Biologically-Inspired Radar and Sonar: Lessons from nature. Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Balleri A, Griffiths H & Baker C. Balleri A, Griffiths H & Baker C (eds). (2017). Biologically-Inspired Radar and Sonar: Lessons from nature
- Georgiev K, Balleri A, Stove A & Holderied MW. (2017). Enhanced range resolution: comparison with the matched filter In Biologically-Inspired Radar and Sonar: Lessons from nature. Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Balleri A, Griffiths H & Baker C. Balleri A, Griffiths H & Baker C (eds). (2017). Biologically-Inspired Radar and Sonar: Lessons from nature
- Balleri A & Mehmood A. (2014). Sonar Micro-Doppler Signatures: Principles and Applications In Chen VC, Tahmoush D & Miceli WJ (eds), Radar Micro-Doppler Signatures: Processing and Applications (2014). Institution of Engineering and Technology.
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- Griffiths H, Balleri A & Baker C. (2013). Biologically inspired and multi-perspective target recognition In Blacknell D & Griffiths HD (eds), Radar Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) and Non-Cooperative Target Recognition (NCTR) (1). Institution of Engineering and Technology.
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- Baker CJ, Griffiths HD & Balleri A. (2012). Biologically inspired waveform diversity In Gini F, De Maio A & Patton L (eds), Waveform Design and Diversity for Advanced Radar Systems. Institution of Engineering and Technology.