Contact Orhan Sahin


Orhan Sahin is currently engaged in the development of a learning factory program aimed at facilitating the digital and sustainable transition of SMEs. Upon obtaining his Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2016, he gained valuable experience as a project engineer for a span of three years at a private firm in Turkey. Subsequently, he pursued and completed his Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2021.

In 2021, he embarked on his doctoral studies at the University of Liverpool's System Realization Laboratory. Presently, he continues to advance his research endeavours at Cranfield University, further solidifying his expertise in the field.

Research opportunities

Learning Factory, Digital and Sustainable Transition

Current activities

Orhan is a PhD candidate at Cranfield University. His research focuses on developing a learning factory program that will meet the specific needs of SMEs and support their digital and sustainable transition. The aim of his research is to design a learning factory program that can help SMEs improve their productivity, quality, and innovation by applying the principles of lean production, Industry 4.0 and sustainability.


Conference Papers