Contact Fergus Crawley
Fergus Crawley completed his MSc at Cranfield University in Advanced Mechanical Engineering and BEng at the University of Salford (Manchester) in Mechanical Engineering, with a year in industry working on new product development for a Combined Heat & Power (CHP) manufacturer. During his time as a Research Assistant at Cranfield he has been actively involved in design and prototyping thermoelectric systems for the Gates foundation: NMT project and Innovate UK Energy Catalyst: Solar Energy Harvesting project.
Current activities
Fergus is currently an ICASE PhD researcher at Cranfield University focusing on small-form mm scale kinetic energy harvesting devices. He is also involved as a research assistant for the projects:
- Innovate UK Energy Catalyst project 'A CSP and TFG hybrid energy system
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: Re-invent the toilet challenge
- Solar Hydrogen Production systems
Articles In Journals
- Crawley FJE & Luo Z. (2024). High force compression mode to Shear mode piezoelectric energy harvesting. Micro and Nano Engineering, 23
- Abdulkhaliq H, Crawley F, Luk P & Luo Z. (2023). Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Harnessing Rotational Kinetic Energy through Linear Energy Conversion. Energies, 16(18)
- Nwalike ED, Ibrahim KA, Crawley F, Qin Q, Luk P, .... (2023). Harnessing Energy for Wearables: A Review of Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting Technologies. Energies, 16(15)
- Hussaini ZA, Crawley F, Luo Z, Sansom C, King P, .... (2023). A Novel Application of a Parabolic Trough Collector for Solar Cooking, Thermal Storage and Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 1
- Munthala D, Sonklin T, Pomyai P, Luo Z, Crawley FJE, .... (2021). In-situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) studies of electrical field induced domain switching in BCZT ceramics. Ceramics International, 47(17)