Areas of expertise

  • Autonomous Systems
  • Computing, Simulation & Modelling
  • Systems Engineering


Dr. Zhengjia Xu received his Ph.D. degree in aerospace from Cranfield University in 2021 and his other degrees of B.S. degree in civil aviation electrical and electronic engineering and M.S. in vehicle operation engineering in 2014 and 2017, respectively.

Before joining Cranfield University in 2023, Dr. Zhengjia Xu was previously enrolled as Senior Radio Frequency Engineer and junior consultant as an Electronics and Embedded Software Engineer. He has multi-discipline engineering and research background in a wide range of fields including:

DSP implementations, ML, navigation system, IoT full-stack protocol design, RF front-end measurements/selection/development, embedded system programming with OS, etc.

Current activities

Dr Zhengjia Xu is a research fellow in Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) with the Centre for Autonomous and Cyber-Physical Systems in the School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing. With expertise in DSP, navigation, software-defined radio/device development, and embedded system, he is currently working on designing and developing cutting-edge GNSS receivers with frontier techniques.


ESA, Telespazio, Drone Defence Services Ltd, Captec, ASH Wireless Electronics Ltd, IET, etc.


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers