Contact Dr Yize Liu
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Areas of expertise
- Gas Turbines & Propulsion
Dr. Yize Liu is a research fellow at Cranfield University, UK. He joined Cranfield as a doctorial researcher at the centre for propulsion engineering in 2015. The research mainly focuses on development of a preliminary design methodology for low emissions aero combustors. Upon graduation, he was working at Cranfield as a research fellow in gas turbine combustor design in 2019. Prior to this, he obtained a 1st class BEng degree (2010-2013) and a distinction MSc degree (2014) in mechanical engineering at the University of Sheffield, UK. He was a technical adviser for Nuffield Foundation Research Scheme in 2015-2017. He is also a reviewer for SCI journals and EI conference proceedings.
ONEheart Airbus Project. Collaboration with Airbus. (2022-2025)
EPSRC funded Turbo-green burner Project. Collaboration with Samad Power, UK and Brits Energy, UK (06/2019-06/2021)
Innovate UK founded Solar-turbo CHP Project. Collaboration with Brits Energy, UK, Samad Power, UK, LEMS energy management, South Africa, University of Pretoria, South Africa, University of Birmingham, UK (04/2020-04/2022)
Current activities
His current research focuses on gas turbine combustor design and modelling for aero and ground-based applications. In particular, the development of low emissions combustor design tools using multi-fidelity modelling approaches.
Articles In Journals
- Swanepoel JK, le Roux WG, Roosendaal C, Madani SH, de Wet G, .... (2024). Initial experimental testing of a hybrid solar-dish Brayton cycle for combined heat and power (ST-CHP). Applied Thermal Engineering, 249
- Liu Y, Nikolaidis T, Madani SH, Sarkandi M, Gamil A, .... (2022). Multi-Fidelity Combustor Design and Experimental Test for a Micro Gas Turbine System. Energies, 15(7)
- Liu Y, Sun X, Sethi V, Li Y-G, Nalianda D, .... (2021). Development and application of a preliminary design methodology for modern low emissions aero combustors. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 235(4)
- Liu Y, Sun X, Sethi V, Nalianda D, Li Y-G, .... (2017). Review of modern low emissions combustion technologies for aero gas turbine engines. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 94
- Li J, Sun X, Liu Y & Sethi V. (2017). Preliminary aerodynamic design methodology for aero engine lean direct injection combustors. The Aeronautical Journal, 121(1242)
Conference Papers
- Liu Y, Nikolaidis T, Gamil A, Madani SH & Sarkandi M. (2021). Combustor Development and Performance Analysis for Recuperated Microturbine Application
- Roumeliotis I, Arena F, Liu Y, Vouros S, Pachidis V, .... (2020). Performance and Emission Assessment of Thermo-Electric Power Plant for Rotorcraft Propulsion
- Agarwal P, Sethi V, Gauthier PQ, Sun X & Liu Y. (2017). Preliminary CFD Study on the Effect of Fuel Injector Coking on Fuel Spray Characteristics