Contact Dr Wenlong Chen

Areas of expertise

  • Computing, Simulation & Modelling
  • Water Science and Engineering


Dr Wenlong Chen is a researcher specialising in the physical behavior of water and sediment related system. A focal aspect of his research is improving systems' understanding by analytically and numerically simulating both the interaction within the system and the response of the system to external forces. He is currently a research fellow at Cranfield University, working on the development of predictive models of cohesive sediment erosion by bringing together computational dynamics modelling and cutting-edge analytical erosion simulation and measurement equipment.

Prior to joining Cranfield University, he was a research fellow at University of Nottingham on an EPSRC-funded project on coastal erosion protection, where he developed a nonlinear perturbation model for the evolution of nourishment in the nearshore of a macro-tidal environment which can facilitate the nature-based protection to the coast. Wenlong obtained his PhD in marine dynamics at Twente University (2011-2015), worked at the Water Engineering and Management department. There he developed a semi-analytical model to simulate the storm surge process in coastal basins.

Current activities

Wenlong is a research fellow on a EPSRC project, entitled 'Improved prediction of cohesive sediment erosion based on inter-particle forces', investigating how the inter-particle forces contributes to the resistive force of the cohesive sediment with both experimental and numerical method.


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers