Contact Dr Truth Lumor
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Truth Lumor is a Lecturer in Information Systems at the Cranfield Defence and Security (CDS), Cranfield University in the UK. He holds a PhD in Information Systems and an MSc in Information Systems from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. His research focuses on the adoption and effects of information technologies on individuals, organizations, and societies. Particularly, he researches the diffusion of digital technologies, digitalization and its effects, the business value of IT, digital services, organizational agility, ICT for development (ICT4D), and enterprise architecture. His research has been published in AIS conferences including ECIS, AMCIS, HICSS, and SCIS, and Journals including Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (SJIS), and Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS). Truth is a Governance of Complex Systems Group member at Cranfield Defence and Security (Cranfield University) and leads course modules including Digital Business Strategy, Professional Issues, and Systems Thinking for Organizational Viability. Prior to pursuing an academic career, Truth worked for over seven years with the United Nations Development Programmes on ICT4D initiatives in Ghana.
Current activities
Currently, Truth leads three course modules including Digital Business Strategy, Professional Issues, and Systems Thinking for Organizational Viability. He also supervises MSc students thesis on several topics within the purview of Information Systems. His research focuses on the adoption and effects of information technologies on individuals, organizations, and societies. Particularly, he researches the diffusion of digital technologies, digitalization and its effects, the business value of IT, digital services, organizational agility, ICT for development (ICT4D), and enterprise architecture.
Articles In Journals
- Lumor T, Pulkkinen M, Chan YE & Hirvonen A. (2023). Exploring the Renewal of IT-enabled Resources from a Structural Perspective. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 53(1)
- Lumor T, Pulkkinen M, Hirvonen A & Neittaanmäki P. (2021). Creating the Socio-Technical Context Needed to Derive Benefits from Big Data Initiatives in Healthcare. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 33(2)
Conference Papers
- Lumor T, Hirvonen A & Pulkkinen M. (2021). The role of enterprise architecture in building and sustaining it - Enabled organizational agility
- Nguewo Ngassam RG, Lumor T & Brohman K. (2021). Leading a Special Interest Group with Data: Motivate and abate the cost for knowledge sharing in information system research
- Lumor T, Pulkkinen M & Hirvonen A. (2020). The actual adoption and use of mobile apps: The case of a higher education context
- Lumor T. (2020). Factors that influence information technology use during post-implementation: A literature review
- Lumor T, Chew E & Gill AQ. (2016). Exploring the Role of Enterprise Architecture in IS-enabled Ot: An EA Principles Perspective