Contact Dr Timoleon Kipouros
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 758237
- Email:
Areas of expertise
- Aircraft Design
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Computing, Simulation & Modelling
- Gas Turbines & Propulsion
- Process Systems Engineering
- Systems Engineering
Timos received a 5-year Diploma in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece, in 2002, and a PhD in Computational Engineering Design from the University of Cambridge in 2006. He then received a graduate certificate from MIT in Architecture and Systems Engineering in 2017.
Research opportunities
Please get in touch if you are interested in computational engineering design optimisaton methods, multi-physics topology optimisation, post-processing of optimisation processes for decision-making, and other related topics.
There are opportunities for Research Assistants and Research Fellows as part of large national and international projects.
Current activities
Timos is working on multi-physics optimisation methods, change propagation in engineering design, value-driven design, interactive computational design, and multidimensional engineering data visualisation using a novel implementation of Parallel Coordinates. In recent years, he has been developing methods for complex systems design.
Timos is currently working within the ONEheart project which received funding from UKRI ATI and it is led by Airbus UK. He is working on novel computational design methodologies for probabilistic design requirements management and multi-fidelity multidisciplinary design optimisation under uncertainties. Timos is also participating in international collaborations through EXPEED ( and D-SIFT ( projects funded by VINNOVA and led by Chalmers University of Technology.
Timos is a Visiting Professor at the University of Patras and the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics.
Timos was the Principal Investigator of FUTPRINT50 project which received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme ( and
FutPrint50 was an international collaborative research project that aimed to have a hybrid-electric aircraft up to 50 seats in commercial service by 2035/40. Discover the full story:
- Airbus SE
- Embraer SA
- Safran SA (Snecma)
Articles In Journals
- Spinelli A, Krupa GP, Kipouros T, Laskaridis P & Berseneff B. (2025). Battery pack technological considerations for hybrid-electric regional aircraft feasibility. The Aeronautical Journal
- Smith JN, Yapp L & Kipouros T. (2024). Very rapid decarbonization of primary care: could learning from COVID pandemic help us prepare?. Family Practice, 41(4)
- Spinelli A & Kipouros T. (2024). PDOPT: A Python library for Probabilistic Design space exploration and OPTimisation. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(95)
- Pannunzio V, Kipouros T, Khan A, Friday L, Brayne C, .... (2024). Designing for systems-of-systems resilience: from the individual to the planet. Proceedings of the Design Society, 4
- Pannunzio V, Komashie A, Walsh S, Milne R, Kipouros T, .... (2024). Exploring indicators of system-of-systems resilience: outcomes of a health systems design workshop at an international conference. Proceedings of the Design Society, 4
- Golgolnia T, Kipouros T, Clarkson PJ, Marquardt G & Kevdzija M. (2024). Implementing the model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approach to develop an assessment framework for healthcare facility design. Proceedings of the Design Society, 4
- Early F, Ward J, Komashie A, Kipouros T, Clarkson J, .... (2024). A systems approach to developing user requirements for increased pulmonary rehabilitation uptake by COPD patients. npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 34(1)
- Hackmann C, Komashie A, Handley M, Murdoch J, Wagner AP, .... (2023). Codesigning a systemic discharge intervention for inpatient mental health settings (MINDS): a protocol for integrating realist evaluation and an engineering-based systems approach. BMJ Open, 13(9)
- Brahma A, Panarotto M, Kipouros T, Isaksson O, Andersson P, .... (2023). FUNCTION DRIVEN ASSESSMENT OF MANUFACTURING RISKS IN CONCEPT GENERATION STAGES. Proceedings of the Design Society, 3
- Spinelli A, Enalou HB, Zaghari B, Kipouros T & Laskaridis P. (2022). Application of Probabilistic Set-Based Design Exploration on the Energy Management of a Hybrid-Electric Aircraft. Aerospace, 9(3)
- Lopez DI, Ghisu T, Kipouros T, Shahpar S & Wilson M. (2022). Extending Highly Loaded Axial Fan Operability Range Through Novel Blade Design. Journal of Turbomachinery, 144(12)
- Kim T, Kipouros T, Brintrup A, Farnfield J & Di Pasquale D. (2022). Optimisation of aero-manufacturing characteristics of aircraft ribs. The Aeronautical Journal, 126(1299)
- Endress F, Kipouros T, Buker T, Wartzack S & Clarkson PJ. (2022). The Value of Information in Clustering Dense Matrices: When and How to Make Use of Information. Proceedings of the Design Society, 2
- Bobek S, Tadeja SK, Struski Ł, Stachura P, Kipouros T, .... (2022). Virtual Reality-Based Parallel Coordinates Plots Enhanced with Explainable AI and Data-Science Analytics for Decision-Making Processes. Applied Sciences, 12(1)
- Kipouros T, Chamseddine I & Kokkolaras M. (2022). Using Parallel Coordinates in Optimization of Nano-Particle Drug Delivery. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 144(4)
- Crescenti F, Kipouros T, Munk DJ & Savill MA. (2021). Generating minimal Pareto sets in multi-objective topology optimisation: an application to the wing box structural layout. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 63(3)
- Tadeja SK, Kipouros T, Lu Y & Kristensson PO. (2021). Supporting Decision Making in Engineering Design Using Parallel Coordinates in Virtual Reality. AIAA Journal, 59(12)
- Kipouros T. (2021). Review on the monograph Deterministic Global Optimization: An Introduction to the Diagonal Approach, Springer, 2017, written by Yaroslav D. Sergeyev and Dmitri E. Kvasov. Journal of Global Optimization, 80(3)
- Vishwanathan A, Vio GA, Kipouros T & Parks GT. (2021). On the effect of boundary condition uncertainty on robust topology optimization of aerospace structures. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 193
- Kontogiannis SG, Demange J, Savill AM & Kipouros T. (2020). A comparison study of two multifidelity methods for aerodynamic optimization. Aerospace Science and Technology, 97
- Tello C, Muñoz A, Sánchez D, Kipouros T & Savill M. (2020). Impact of Fluid Substitution on the Performance of an Axial Compressor Blade Cascade Working with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 142(1)
- Gericke K, Eckert C, Campean F, Clarkson PJ, Flening E, .... (2020). Supporting designers: moving from method menagerie to method ecosystem. Design Science, 6
- Di Pasquale D, Gore D, Savill M, Kipouros T & Holden C. (2019). Aircraft Cost Modelling, Integrated in a Multidisciplinary Design Context. Engineering and Applied Sciences, 4(6)
- Pagliuca G, Kipouros T & Savill MA. (2019). Surrogate Modelling for Wing Planform Multidisciplinary Optimisation Using Model-Based Engineering. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019(1)
- Georgiades A, Sharma S, Kipouros T & Savill M. (2019). ADOPT: An augmented set-based design framework with optimisation. Design Science, 5
- Munk DJ, Kipouros T & Vio GA. (2019). Multi-physics bi-directional evolutionary topology optimization on GPU-architecture. Engineering with Computers, 35(3)
- Pelken PM, Vassilev V & Kipouros T. (2019). Architectural design for optimised performance supported by aerospace Value Assessment methods. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 296(1)
- Azabi Y, Savvaris A & Kipouros T. (2019). Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Aerodynamic Shape Optimisation of the Aegis UAV. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 1(2)
- Azabi Y, Savvaris A & Kipouros T. (2019). The Interactive Design Approach for Aerodynamic Shape Design Optimisation of the Aegis UAV. Aerospace, 6(4)
- Dababneh O, Kipouros T & Whidborne J. (2018). Application of an Efficient Gradient-Based Optimization Strategy for Aircraft Wing Structures. Aerospace, 5(1)
- Nieto-Martin J, Kipouros T, Savill M, Woodruff J & Butans J. (2018). Technoeconomic Distribution Network Planning Using Smart Grid Techniques with Evolutionary Self‐Healing Network States. Complexity, 2018(1)
- D’Ambros A, Kipouros T, Zachos P, Savill M & Benini E. (2018). Computational Design Optimization for S-Ducts. Designs, 2(4)
- Dababneh O & Kipouros T. (2018). A review of aircraft wing mass estimation methods. Aerospace Science and Technology, 72
- Dababneh O & Kipouros T. (2018). Influence of high fidelity structural models on the predicted mass of aircraft wing using design optimization. Aerospace Science and Technology, 79
- Munk DJ, Kipouros T, Vio GA, Parks GT & Steven GP. (2018). On the effect of fluid-structure interactions and choice of algorithm in multi-physics topology optimisation. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 145
- Munk DJ, Kipouros T, Vio GA, Parks GT & Steven GP. (2018). Multiobjective and multi-physics topology optimization using an updated smart normal constraint bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization method. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 57(2)
- Munk DJ, Kipouros T, Vio GA, Steven GP & Parks GT. (2017). Topology optimisation of micro fluidic mixers considering fluid-structure interactions with a coupled Lattice Boltzmann algorithm. Journal of Computational Physics, 349
- Mazlan NM, Savill M & Kipouros T. (2017). Evaluating NOx and CO emissions of bio-SPK fuel using a simplified engine combustion model: A preliminary study towards sustainable environment. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 231(5)
- Ju Y, Qin R, Kipouros T, Parks G & Zhang C. (2016). A high-dimensional design optimisation method for centrifugal impellers. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 230(3)
- Comer AL, Kipouros T & Stewart Cant R. (2016). Multi-objective Numerical Investigation of a Generic Airblast Injector Design. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 138(9)
- Raudberget D, Levandowski C, Isaksson O, Kipouros T, Johannesson H, .... (2015). Modelling and assessing platform architectures in pre-embodiment phases through set-based evaluation and change propagation. Journal of Aerospace Operations, 3(3,4)
- Nguyen HA, Abramson D, Kipouros T, Janke A & Galloway G. (2015).
WorkWays : interacting with scientific workflows. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 27(16) - Randall M, Rawlins T, Lewis A & Kipouros T. (2015). Performance Comparison of Evolutionary Algorithms for Airfoil Design. Procedia Computer Science, 51(1)
- Mazlan NM, Savill M & Kipouros T. (2015). Effects of biofuels properties on aircraft engine performance. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 87(5)
- Oliver J, Kipouros T & Savill M. (2015). Configuring an electrical power network with distributed generation by multi-objective optimization with evolutionary computing. Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 17(2)
- Fischer GR, Kipouros T & Savill AM. (2014). Multi-objective optimisation of horizontal axis wind turbine structure and energy production using aerofoil and blade properties as design variables. Renewable Energy, 62
- Furlan F, Chiereghin N, Kipouros T, Benini E & Savill M. (2014). Computational design of S-Duct intakes for distributed propulsion. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 86(6)
- Nguyen H, Abramson D & Kipouros T. (2014). The WorkWays Problem Solving Environment. Procedia Computer Science, 29
- Randall M, Lewis A, Hettenhausen J & Kipouros T. (2014). Local Search Enabled Extremal Optimisation for Continuous Inseparable Multi-objective Benchmark and Real-world Problems. Procedia Computer Science, 29
- Hettenhausen J, Lewis A & Kipouros T. (2014). A Web-based System for Visualisation-driven Interactive Multi-objective Optimisation. Procedia Computer Science, 29
- Kipouros T. (2013). Stochastic Optimisation in Computational Engineering Design. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 175 ADVANCES
- Razzaq M, Tsotskas C, Turek S, Kipouros T, Savill M, .... (2013). Multi-objective optimization of a fluid structure interaction benchmarking. CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 90(4)
- Trapani G, Kipouros T & Savill AM. (2012). The design of multi-element airfoils through multi-objective optimization techniques. CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 88(2)
- Jaeggi DM, Parks GT, Kipouros T & Clarkson PJ. (2008). The development of a multi-objective Tabu Search algorithm for continuous optimisation problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 185(3)
- Kipouros T, Jaeggi DM, Dawes WN, Parks GT, Savill AM, .... (2008). Insight into high-quality aerodynamic design spaces through multi-objective optimization. CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 37(1)
Conference Papers
- Shubham S, Kipouros T, Dash S & Ianakiev A. (2024). Uncertainty propagation and management of mixed uncertainties for multi-fidelity multi-disciplinary analysis of propeller with different blade sweep
- Vella Zarb D, Parks G & Kipouros T. (2024). Synergistic Utilization of LLMs for Program Synthesis
- Shubham S, Spinelli A & Kipouros T. (2024). Multi-fidelity Multi-disciplinary Optimisation of Propeller Design by Visual Analytics
- Spinelli A, Krupa GP & Kipouros T. (2023). Set-Based Design Space Exploration to Investigate the Effect of Energy Storage Durability on the Energy Management Strategy of a Hybrid-Electric Aircraft
- Zaghari B, Kiran A, Sinnige T, Pontika E, Enalou HB, .... (2023). The Impact of Electric Machine and Propeller Coupling Design on Electrified Aircraft Noise and Performance
- Spinelli A, Krupa GP, Kipouros T, Berseneff B & Fiette S. (2023). Investigation of the operational flexibility of a regional hybrid-electric aircraft
- Kiran A, Zaghari B, Kipouros T & Reis RJND. (2023). Application of Model-Based Systems Engineering for the Integration of Electric Engines in Electrified Aircraft
- Krupa GP, Spinelli A & Kipouros T. (2023). An interactive framework to facilitate probabilistic set-based multidisciplinary design optimisation studies
- Moebs N, Reis R, Windels E, Ertman K, van Woensel C, .... (2023). Development of the initial certification and technology roadmap for the FUTPRINT50 framework
- Endress F, Kipouros T & Zimmermann M. (2023). Distributing Design Domains for Topology Optimization in Systems Design
- Pannunzio V, Friday L, Kipouros T, Clarkson PJ & Brayne C. (2023). Dependency and Structure Modelling for stakeholder management: an example in Landscape Regeneration
- Spinelli A, Anderson L, Enalou HB, Zaghari B, Kipouros T, .... (2022). Application of Probabilistic principles to Set-Based Design for the optimisation of a hybrid-electric propulsion system
- Affonso W, Tavares R, Barbosa FR, Gandolfi R, dos Reis RJN, .... (2022). System architectures for thermal management of hybrid-electric aircraft - FutPrInt50
- Scaramuzzi A, Benini E & Kipouros T. (2022). Robust Design Optimisation of S-ducts
- Lopez DI, Ghisu T, Kipouros T, Shahpar S & Wilson M. (2022). Extending Highly Loaded Axial Fan Operability Range Through Novel Blade Design
- Panarotto M, Kipouros T, Brahma A, Isaksson O, Tholin OS, .... (2022). Using DSMs in functionally driven explorative design experiments – an automation approach
- Affonso W, Gandolfi R, dos Reis RJN, da Silva CRI, Rodio N, .... (2021). Thermal Management challenges for HEA – FUTPRINT 50
- Pongetti J, Kipouros T, Emmanuelli M, Ahlfeld R & Shahpar S. (2021). Using Autoencoders and Output Consolidation to Improve Machine Learning Models for Turbomachinery Applications
- Edmunds C, Elders I, Galloway S, Stephen B, Postnikov A, .... (2020). Congestion management with aggregated delivery of flexibility using distributed energy resources
- Vishwanathan A, Vio GA & Kipouros T. (2020). Considering Boundary Condition Uncertainty for Robust Topology Optimization of Flat Plates
- Tadeja SK, Kipouros T & Kristensson PO. (2020). IPCP: Immersive Parallel Coordinates Plots for Engineering Design Processes
- Muñoz A, Sánchez D, Savill M, Kipouros T & Tello-Castillo C. (2019). Impact of Fluid Substitution on the Performance of an Axial Compressor Blade Cascade Working With Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
- Piotrowski W, Kipouros T & Clarkson PJ. (2019). Enhanced Interactive Parallel Coordinates using Machine Learning and Uncertainty Propagation for Engineering Design
- Tadeja SK, Kipouros T & Kristensson PO. (2019). Exploring Parallel Coordinates Plots in Virtual Reality
- Crescenti F, Kipouros T & Savill AM. (2018). Loading and planform shape influence on the wing structural layout through topology optimization.
- Azabi Y, Savvaris A & Kipouros T. (2018). Initial Investigation of Aerodynamic Shape Design Optimisation for the Aegis UAV
- Kontogiannis SG, Kipouros T & Savill AM. (2018). Multiobjective aerostructural optimization for efficient transport wing conceptual design
- Kontogiannis SG, Demange J, Kipouros T & Savill AM. (2018). A comparison study of two multifidelity methods for aerodynamic optimization
- Di Pasquale D, Gore D, Savill M & Kipouros T. (2017). Multi-disciplinary integrated aircraft cost suite for optimisation study
- Georgiades A, Sharma S, Kipouros T & Savill M. (2017). Predicting and visualizing cost propagation due to engineering design changes
- Kontogiannis SG, Savill AM & Kipouros T. (2017). A Multi-Objective Multi-Fidelity framework for global optimization
- Di Pasquale D, Cross M, Savill M & Kipouros T. (2017). Automated multi-objective surrogate based optimisation for high lift airfoil under kinematic constraint
- Chiereghin N, Guglielmi L, Savill AM, Kipouros T, Manca E, .... (2017). Shape Optimization of a Curved Duct with Free Form Deformations
- Nguyen HA, van Iperen Z, Raghunath S, Abramson D, Kipouros T, .... (2017). Multi-objective optimisation in scientific workflow
- Di Pasquale D, Gore D, Savill M, Kipouros T & Holden C. (2016). Cost modelling for aircraft in a multi-disciplinary design context
- Demange J, Savill AM & Kipouros T. (2016). A Multifidelity Multiobjective Optimization Framework for High-Lift Airfoils
- Di Pasquale D, Zhu F, Cross M, Savill M & Kipouros T. (2016). Integrated system to perform surrogate based aerodynamic optimisation for high-lift airfoil
- Loxham J, Kipouros T & Savill AM. (2016). Towards uncertainty quantification and management in multi-disciplinary design optimisation
- Demange J, Savill AM & Kipouros T. (2016). Multifidelity Optimization for High-Lift Airfoils
- Rawlins T, Lewis A & Kipouros T. (2016). Repairing blackbox constraint violations in Multi-Objective Optimisation by use of decision trees
- Yuan J, Savill M, Kipouros T, Coggon S & Scarpa F. (2016). Probabilistic margin assessment of aircraft conceptual design using a modified reliability based design optimization methodology
- Tsotskas C, Kipouros T & Savill AM. (2015). Fast Multi-objective Optimisation of a Micro-fluidic Device by Using Graphics Accelerators
- Rawlins T, Lewis A, Hettenhausen J & Kipouros T. (2015). Enhancing ANN-guided MOPSO through Active Learning
- Di Pasquale D, Holden C, Kipouros T & Savill M. (2014). An automatic aerodynamic design process in an industrial Multi-Disciplinary context
- Ferraro G, Kipouros T, Savill AM & Rampurawala A. (2014). Multi-Objective Genetic Design Optimisation for Early Design
- Ferraro G, Kipouros T, Savill AM, Rampurawala A & Agostinelli C. (2014). Propeller-Wing Interaction Prediction for Early Design
- Oliver JM, Kipouros T & Savill AM. (2014). Electrical Power Grid Network Optimisation by Evolutionary Computing
- Trapani G, Savill AM, Kipouros T, Agostinelli C & Rampurawala A. (2014). A Rapid Approach to the Aerodynamic Design of a Flexible High-Lift Wing
- Tsotskas C, Kipouros T & Savill AM. (2014). The Design and Implementation of a GPU-enabled Multi-objective Tabu-search Intended for Real World and High-dimensional Applications
- Rawlins T, Lewis A, Hettenhausen J & Kipouros T. (2014). Enhancing MOPSO through the guidance of ANNs
- Ferraro G, Kipouros T, Mark Savill A, Rampurawala A & Agostinelli C. (2014). Propeller-wing interaction prediction for early design
- Ferraro G, Kipouros T, Mark Savill A & Rampurawala A. (2014). Multi-objective genetic design optimisation for early design
- Kipouros T & Isaksson O. (2014). Integrating value assessment into the computational engineering design cycle
- Kipouros T & Lewis A. (2014). Understanding the complexities in turbomachinery design by visualizing the discontinuous areas in the design parameter space
- Oliver JM, Kipouros T & Savill AM. (2013). A Self-adaptive Genetic Algorithm Applied to Multi-Objective Optimization of an Airfoil
- Kipouros T, Inselberg A, Parks GT & Savill AM. (2013). Parallel coordinates in computational engineering design
- Saddawi SD, Kipouros T & Savill M. (2013). Computational Engineering Design for Micro-Scale Combustion Devices: A Thermally Improved Configuration
- Tsotskas C, Kipouros T & Savill M. (2013). Biobjective Optimisation of Preliminary Aircraft Trajectories
- Hettenhausen J, Lewis A, Randall M & Kipouros T. (2013). Interactive multi-objective particle swarm optimisation using decision space interaction
- Lattarulo V, Kipouros T & Parks GT. (2013). Application of the multi-objective Alliance Algorithm to a benchmark aerodynamic optimization problem
- Kipouros T, Inselberg A, Parks G & Savill AM. (2013). Parallel Coordinates in Computational Engineering Design
- Trapani G, Savill AM, Kipouros T, Agostinelli C & Rampurawala A. (2013). Aerodynamic optimisation of a flexible high-lift wing
- Saddawi SD, Kipouros T & Savill M. (2012). Computational Engineering Design for Micro-Scale Combustors
- Mazlan NM, Savill M, Kipouros T & Li Y-G. (2012). A Numerical Study Into the Effects of Bio-Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosine Blends With Jet-A Fuel for Civil Aircraft Engine
- Guo C, Kipouros T, Shapiro E & Savvaris A. (2012). On the Effects of Turbulence Modelling in Design Optimisation for High-lift Devices
- Kipouros T, Ghisu T, Parks GT & Savill AM. (2012). An investigation of higher-order multi-objective optimisation for 3D aerodynamic shape design
- Fischer G, Kipouros T & Savill AM. (2012). Multi-objective Shape Optimisation for Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine Blades
- Kipouros T, Peachey T, Abramson D & Savill AM. (2012). Enhancing and Developing the Practical Optimisation Capabilities and Intelligence of Automatic Design Software
- Guo C, Kipouros T, Shapiro E & Savvaris A. (2012). On the effects of turbulence modelling in design optimisation for high-lift devices
- Fischer GR, Kipouros T & Savill AM. (2012). Multi-objective shape optimisation for horizontal-axis wind turbine blades
- Kipouros T, Peachey T, Abramson D & Mark Savill A. (2012). Enhancing and developing the practical optimisation capabilities and intelligence of automatic design software
- Kipouros T, Ghisu T, Parks G & Savill AM. (2012). An Investigation of Higher-order Multi-objective Optimisation for 3D Aerodynamic Shape Design
- Kipouros T, Pachidis V, Ghisu T & Templalexis I. (2010). Characterisation of the Uncertainties of the Operating Conditions in Turbomachinery Design
- Kipouros T, Jaeggi DM, Dawes WN, Parks GT, Savill AM, .... (2008). Biobjective Design Optimization for Axial Compressors Using Tabu Search
- Kipouros T, Mleczko M & Savill M. (2008). Use of Parallel Coordinates for Post-Analyses of Multi-Objective Aerodynamic Design Optimisation in Turbomachinery
- Kipouros T, Molinari M, Dawes WN, Parks GT, Savill M, .... (2007). An Investigation of the Potential for Enhancing the Computational Turbomachinery Design Cycle Using Surrogate Models and High Performance Parallelisation
- Kipouros T, Jaeggi D, Dawes B, Parks G & Savill M. (2005). Multi-Criteria Optimisation of Turbomachinery Blades: Investigating the Trade-Off Surface
- Kipouros T, Jaeggi D, Dawes B, Parks G & Savill M. (2005). Multi-objective Optimisation of Turbomachinery Blades Using Tabu Search
- Munk DJ, Kipouros T & Vio GA. (2019). A Generalized SNC-BESO Method for Multi-objective Topology Optimization In EngOpt 2018 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization. Springer International Publishing.
- Munk DJ, Vio GA, Steven GP & Kipouros T. (2018). Producing Smart Pareto Sets for Multi-objective Topology Optimisation Problems In Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Springer International Publishing.
- Oliver JM, Kipouros T & Savill AM. (2017). Multi-objective Optimisation by Self-adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm In Emmerich M, Deutz A, Schutze O, Legrand P, Tantar E, ... (eds), Studies in Computational Intelligence (662). Springer International Publishing.
- Schütze O, Coello Coello CA, Tantar A-A, Tantar E, Bouvry P, ... (eds). (2013). EVOLVE - A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation II
- Jaeggi D, Parks G, Kipouros T & Clarkson J. (2005). A Multi-objective Tabu Search Algorithm for Constrained Optimisation Problems In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (3410). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Jaeggi D, Asselin-Miller C, Parks G, Kipouros T, Bell T, .... (2004). Multi-objective Parallel Tabu Search In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (3242). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.