Areas of expertise
- Autonomous Systems
- Computing, Simulation & Modelling
- Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
- Instrumentation, Sensors and Measurement Science
- Mechatronics & Advanced Controls
- On-Road Vehicle Dynamics
- Systems Engineering
Dr Stefano Longo (MSc, PhD, SMIEEE, MIET, CEng, FHEA) received his MSc in Control Systems from the Department of Automatic Control and System Engineering at the University of Sheffield in 2007 and completed his PhD in Control Systems in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bristol in 2011. His PhD thesis was awarded the prestigious Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Control and Automation Prize for significant achievements in the area of control engineering.
In November 2010, he was appointed for the position of Research Associate in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College London, where he worked in the intersection of the Control & Power, and Circuit & Systems Research Groups. He kept the position as Honorary Research Associate until 2016. He was appointed lecturer (Assistant Professor) at Cranfield University in 2012, promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2017, and to Reader (Associate Professor) in 2020.
His work and his research interests gravitate around the problem of designing and implementing advanced control and estimation algorithms in hardware, where the algorithm design and the hardware implementation are not seen as two separate and decoupled problems, but as a single interconnected one. These ideas have been applied to networked control systems (whilst at the University of Bristol), to parallelisable hardware for constrained optimal control and real-time optimisation (whilst at Imperial College London) and, more recently, to alternative powertrain and chassis control.
Since 2019, Dr Longo has taken the position of Head of Automotive at Embotech AG, an ETH spin-off company specialising in embedded optimisation with applications to autonoous driving.
Current activities
Dr Longo's main activities are research, teaching and consultancy.
Dr Longo's research focuses on the area of optimisation-based control algorithm development and their implementation on embedded hardware. His international reputation builds on the publication of over 80 research papers in international journals and conferences.
He is the first author of the book 'Optimal and Robust Scheduling for Networked Control Systems(external)'. The book is based on his doctoral research work that was awarded the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Control and Automation Prize for significant achievements in the area of control engineering.
He has co-authored the 3rd Edition of the best-selling book "Modern Electric, Hybrid, and Fuel Cell Vehicles".
As part of his activities, he is also involved in the organisation of international scientific meetings and he is a technical editor and reviewer for major journal and conferences (such as the ones owned by the IEEE and Elsevier).
Until 2019, Dr Longo was the Course Director for the MSc in Automotive Mechatronics and MSc in Advanced Motorsport Mechatronics, where he still teaches the modules 'Mechatronics Modelling for Vehicle Systems', 'Embedded Vehicle Control Systems' and contributes to the modules 'Advanced Control and Optimisation', 'Vehicle Electrification and Hybridisation' and 'Applications of Vehicle Control.'
Dr Longo's funding mainly comes for EPSRC and Innovate UK, as his research is fundamental as well as applied. He has also received funding from Jaguar Land Rover, Arrival and other engineering companies for projects related to vehicle localisation, powertrain control, thermal management systems and hardware-in-the-loop testing. His test rigs are located in the Mechatronics Laboratory and are available for research, teaching and consultancy.
- Nissan Motor Co. Ltd
- Innovate UK
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Articles In Journals
- Li B, Lin C, Ahmadi J, Siampis E, Longo S, .... (2024). An integrated path-tracking and control allocation method for autonomous racing electric vehicles. Vehicle System Dynamics, 62(6)
- Lin C, Li B, Siampis E, Longo S & Velenis E. (2024). Predictive Path-Tracking Control of an Autonomous Electric Vehicle with Various Multi-Actuation Topologies. Sensors, 24(5)
- Abdullahi I, Longo S & Samie M. (2024). Towards a Distributed Digital Twin Framework for Predictive Maintenance in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Sensors, 24(8)
- Htike Z, Papaioannou G, Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. (2022). Fundamentals of Motion Planning for Mitigating Motion Sickness in Automated Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71(3)
- Papaioannou G, Htike Z, Lin C, Siampis E, Longo S, .... (2022). Multi-Criteria Evaluation for Sorting Motion Planner Alternatives. Sensors, 22(14)
- Stryszowski M, Longo S, D'Alessandro D, Velenis E, Forostovsky G, .... (2021). A Framework for Self-Enforced Optimal Interaction Between Connected Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(10)
- Stryszowski M, Longo S, Velenis E & Forostovsky G. (2021). A Framework for Self-Enforced Interaction Between Connected Vehicles: Intersection Negotiation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(11)
- Propp K, Auger DJ, Fotouhi A, Marinescu M, Knap V, .... (2019). Improved state of charge estimation for lithium-sulfur batteries. Journal of Energy Storage, 26
- Morganti MV, Longo S, Tirovic M, Blaise C-Y & Forostovsky G. (2019). Multi-Scale, Electro-Thermal Model of NMC Battery Cell. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(11)
- Fotouhi A, Auger DJ, Propp K & Longo S. (2018). Lithium–Sulfur Battery State-of-Charge Observability Analysis and Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 33(7)
- Siampis E, Velenis E, Gariuolo S & Longo S. (2018). A Real-Time Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Strategy for Stabilization of an Electric Vehicle at the Limits of Handling. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 26(6)
- Samaranayake L & Longo S. (2018). Degradation Control for Electric Vehicle Machines Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 26(1)
- Fotouhi A, Auger DJ, Propp K & Longo S. (2018). Accuracy Versus Simplicity in Online Battery Model Identification. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 48(2)
- Fotouhi A, Longo S, Propp K, Samaranayake L & Auger D. (2018). A hardware-in-the-loop test rig for development of electric vehicle battery identification and state estimation algorithms. International Journal of Powertrains, 7(1/2/3)
- Fotouhi A, Auger DJ, Propp K, Longo S, Purkayastha R, .... (2017). Lithium–Sulfur Cell Equivalent Circuit Network Model Parameterization and Sensitivity Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 66(9)
- Propp K, Auger DJ, Fotouhi A, Longo S & Knap V. (2017). Kalman-variant estimators for state of charge in lithium-sulfur batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 343
- Basrah MS, Siampis E, Velenis E, Cao D & Longo S. (2017). Wheel slip control with torque blending using linear and nonlinear model predictive control. Vehicle System Dynamics, 55(11)
- Tavernini D, Velenis E & Longo S. (2017). Feedback brake distribution control for minimum pitch. Vehicle System Dynamics, 55(6)
- Abir J, Longo S, Morantz P & Shore P. (2017). Virtual metrology frame technique for improving dynamic performance of a small size machine tool. Precision Engineering, 48
- Propp K, Marinescu M, Auger DJ, O'Neill L, Fotouhi A, .... (2016). Multi-temperature state-dependent equivalent circuit discharge model for lithium-sulfur batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 328
- Fotouhi A, Auger DJ, Propp K, Longo S & Wild M. (2016). A review on electric vehicle battery modelling: From Lithium-ion toward Lithium–Sulphur. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 56
- Abir J, Longo S, Morantz P & Shore P. (2016). Optimized estimator for real-time dynamic displacement measurement using accelerometers. Mechatronics, 39
- Suardi A, Longo S, Kerrigan EC & Constantinides GA. (2016). Explicit MPC: Hard constraint satisfaction under low precision arithmetic. Control Engineering Practice, 47
- Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. (2015). Rear wheel torque vectoring model predictive control with velocity regulation for electric vehicles. Vehicle System Dynamics, 53(11)
- Liu Y, Van Schijndel J, Longo S & Kerrigan EC. (2015). UAV energy extraction with incomplete atmospheric data using MPC. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 51(2)
- Longo S. (2015). Sensors-Models Trade-Offs in Battery State Estimation. Engineering & Technology Reference
- Papazoglou A, Longo S, Auger D & Assadian F. (2014). Nonlinear Filtering Techniques Comparison for Battery State Estimation. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2(3)
- Longo S, Auger DJ & Assadian F. (2014). Mechatronics in Sustainable Mobility: Two Electric Vehicle Applications. The Journal of Sustainable Mobility, 1(1)
- Longo S, Kerrigan EC & Constantinides GA. (2014). Constrained LQR for low-precision data representation. Automatica, 50(1)
- J. Auger D, F. Groff M, Mohan G, Longo S & Assadian F. (2014). Impact of Battery Ageing on an Electric Vehicle Powertrain Optimisation. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2(4)
- Mohan G, Assadian F & Longo S. (2013). An Optimization Framework for Comparative Analysis of Multiple Vehicle Powertrains. Energies, 6(10)
- Longo S, Herrmann G & Barber P. (2012). Robust Scheduling of Sampled-Data Networked Control Systems. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 20(6)
- Lee D, Longo S & Kerrigan EC. (2012). Predictive Control for Soaring of Unpowered Autonomous UAVs. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 45(17)
- Su T, Longo S, Herrmann G & Barber P. (2012). Computation of an optimal communication schedule in a nonlinear networked control system using sum-of-squares. Systems & Control Letters, 61(3)
- Kerrigan EC, Jerez JL, Longo S & Constantinides GA. (2012). Number Representation in Predictive Control. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 45(17)
- Longo S, Kerrigan EC, Ling KV & Constantinides GA. (2011). A parallel formulation for predictive control with nonuniform hold constraints. Annual Reviews in Control, 35(2)
- Longo S, Herrmann G & Barber P. (2010). Stabilisability and detectability in networked control. IET Control Theory & Applications, 4(9)
- Longo S, Herrmann G & Barber P. (2009). Controllability, Observability in Networked Control. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 42(6)
- Longo S, Herrmann G & Barber P. (2009). Optimization Approaches for Controller and Schedule Codesign in Networked Control. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 42(6)
Conference Papers
- Li B, Ahmadi J, Lin C, Siampis E, Longo S, .... (2020). Integrated Path-tracking and Control Allocation Controller for Autonomous Electric Vehicle under Limit Handling Condition
- Htike Z, Papaioannou G, Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. (2020). Minimisation of Motion Sickness in Autonomous Vehicles
- Ahmadi J, Velenis E, Vagha HE, Lin C, Li B, .... (2020). Multi Actuation Scheme for Path-Following Control of Autonomous Vehicles
- Htike Z, Papaioannou G, Velenis E & Longo S. (2020). Motion Planning of Self-driving Vehicles for Motion Sickness Minimisation
- Htike Z, Papaioannou G, Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. (2020). Motion Sickness Minimisation in Autonomous Vehicles Using Optimal Control
- Li B, Siampis E, Lin C, Longo S & Velenis E. (2019). A Time-efficient Integrated Path-tracking and Control Allocation Method for Autonomous Electric Vehicle
- Stryszowski M, Longo S, Velenis E & B.R.A. Shah RM. (2018). Energy and Time-Optimal Connected Autonomous Vehicle Interaction: Cruising and Overtaking
- Zarkadis K, Velenis E, Siampis E & Longo S. (2018). Predictive torque vectoring control with active trail-braking
- Cha ES, Kim K-E, Longo S & Mehta A. (2018). OP-CAS: Collision Avoidance with Overtaking Maneuvers
- Morganti MV, Longo S, Tirovic M, Auger DJ & Shah Bin Raja Ahsan RM. (2018). Modular Battery Cell Model for Thermal Management Modelling
- Zarkadis K, Velenis E, Siampis E & Longo S. (2018). Predictive Torque Vectoring Control with Active Trail-Braking
- Basrah MS, Siampis E, Velenis E, Cao D & Longo S. (2017). Advanced Vehicle Control
- Fotouhi A, Auger DJ, Propp K & Longo S. (2017). Electric vehicle battery parameter identification and SOC observability analysis: NiMH and Li‐S case studies
- Herath N, Binduhewa P, Samaranayake L, Ekanayake J & Longo S. (2017). Design of a dual energy storage power converter for a small electric vehicle
- Morganti MV, Longo S & Shah RM. (2017). Development of an HIL rig for vehicle thermal management systems design and optimisation
- Herath N, Binduhewa P, Samaranayake L, Ekanayake J & Longo S. (2017). Design of a Dual Energy Storage Power Converter for a Small Electric Vehicle
- Fotouhi A, Longo S, Auger DJ & Propp K. (2016). Electric Vehicle Battery Parameter Identification and SOC Observability Analysis: NiMH and Li-S Case Studies
- Fotouhi A, Propp K, Samaranayake L, Auger DJ & Longo S. (2016). Electric vehicle battery management algorithm development using a HIL simulator incorporating three-phase machines and power electronics
- Fotouhi A, Shateri N, Auger DJ, Longo S, Propp K, .... (2016). A MATLAB graphical user interface for battery design and simulation; from cell test data to real-world automotive simulation
- Abir J, Morantz P, Longo S & Shore P. (2016). An accelerometer based-feedback technique for improving dynamic performance of a machine tool
- Fotouhi A, Auger DJ, Cleaver T, Shateri N, Propp K, .... (2016). Influence of battery capacity on performance of an electric vehicle fleet
- Fotouhi A, Auger DJ, Propp K & Longo S. (2016). A Study on Battery Model Parametrisation Problem - Application-Oriented Trade-offs between Accuracy and Simplicity
- Amy T, Kong H, Auger D, Offer G & Longo S. (2016). Regularized MPC for Power Management of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems with Applications in Electric Vehicles * *Supported by the "Developing FUTURE Vehicles" project of the British Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
- Kampanakis A, Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. (2016). A Torque Vectoring Optimal Control Strategy for Combined Vehicle Dynamics Performance Enhancement and Electric Motor Ageing Minimisation * *The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from EPSRC via the ‘FUTURE Vehicle’ project (grant number EP/I038586/1) and the Impact Acceleration Account (grant number EP/K503927/1).
- Abir J, Morantz P, Longo S & Shore P. (2016). A novel accelerometer based feedback concept for improving machine dynamic performance
- Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. (2016). Stability of towed wheels in cornering manoeuvre
- Abir J, Morantz P, Longo S & Shore P. (2016). Feedback based technique for improving dynamic performance of a small size machine tool
- Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. (2015). Model Predictive torque vectoring control for electric vehicles near the limits of handling
- Samaranayake L & Longo S. (2015). Cost functions for degradation control of electric motors in electric vehicles
- Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. (2015). Predictive rear wheel torque vectoring control with terminal understeer mitigation using nonlinear estimation
- Tavernini D, Velenis E & Longo S. (2015). Model-based active brake force distribution for pitch angle minimization
- Samaranayake L & Longo S. (2015). Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for traction motor degradation minimization
- Sowman J, Laila DS & Longo S. (2015). Real-time approximate explicit nonlinear model predictive control for the swing-up of a reaction wheel pendulum
- Kong H & Longo S. (2015). Cooperative Distributed Model Predictive Control via Linear Programming★A Divide and Conquer Approach**This work was supported by the “Developing FUTURE Vehicles” project of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under the UK Low Carbon Vehicles Integrated Delivery Programme.
- Al-Jazaeri AO, Samaranayake L, Longo S & Auger DJ. (2014). Fuzzy Logic Control for energy saving in Autonomous Electric Vehicles
- Mohan G, Assadian F & Longo S. (2014). Comparative Analysis of Multiple Powertrain Architectures based on a Novel Optimization Framework
- Fotouhi A, Propp K, Longo S & Auger DJ. (2014). Simulation for prediction of vehicle efficiency, performance, range and lifetime: A review of current techniques and their applicability to current and future testing standards
- Feig P, Auger D, Billitteri F & Longo S. (2014). Sensors-models trade-offs in battery state estimation
- Balakrishnnan VK, Longo S, Velenis E & Barber P. (2014). Sensor configurations and testbed for vehicle state estimation
- Suardi A, Longo S, Kerrigan EC & Constantinides GA. (2014). Robust explicit MPC design under finite precision arithmetic
- Liu Y, Longo S & Kerrigan EC. (2013). Nonlinear predictive control of autonomous soaring UAVs using 3DOF models
- Longo S, Kerrigan EC & Constantinides GA. (2013). A predictive control solver for low-precision data representation
- Suardi A, Longo S, Kerrigan EC & Constantinides GA. (2013). Energy-aware MPC co-design for DC-DC converters
- Mohan G, Assadian F & Longo S. (2013). Comparative analysis of forward-facing models vs backward-facing models in powertrain component sizing
- Papazoglou A, Longo S, Auger DJ & Assadian F. (2013). Computational Aspects of Estimation Algorithms for Battery-Management Systems
- Auger DJ, Groff MF, Mohan G, Longo S & Assadian F. (2013). The impact of battery ageing on an electric vehicle powertrain optimisation
- Su T, Longo S, Na J, Herrmann G & Fan N. (2012). Robustness-verification in networked control systems via sum-of-square approach
- Su T, Longo S, Na J, Herrmann G & Fan N. (2012). Concept for hybrid optimization for schedule design in nonlinear networked control
- Longo S, Kerrigan EC, Ling KV & Constantinides GA. (2011). Parallel move blocking Model Predictive Control
- Zheng D, Na J, Ren X, Herrmann G & Longo S. (2011). Adaptive control of robotic servo system with friction compensation
- Longo S, Su T, Herrmann G, Barber P & Gerlinger U. (2011). Scheduling of the FlexRay static segment for robust controller integration
- Longo S, Herrmann G & Barber P. (2010). Robust controller scheduling in automotive communication networks
- Siampis E, Velenis E & Longo S. The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks
- Auger DJ, Fotouhi A, Propp K & Longo S. (2019). Battery Management Systems – State Estimation for Lithium–Sulfur Batteries In Wild M & Offer GJ (eds), Lithium-Sulfur Batteries. Wiley.
- Fotouhi A, Propp K, Auger DJ & Longo S. (2018). Behaviour of Lithium-Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles In Pistoia G & Liaw B (eds), Green Energy and Technology (1, 0). Springer International Publishing.
- Longo S, Su T, Herrmann G & Barber P. (2013). Optimal and Robust Scheduling for Networked Control Systems
- Longo S, Su T & Herrmann G. (2013). A general framework for NCS modeling In Automation and Control Engineering (20130668). CRC Press.
- Longo S, Su T & Herrmann G. (2013). Controllability and observability In Automation and Control Engineering (20130668). CRC Press.
- Longo S, Su T & Herrmann G. (2013). Introduction In Automation and Control Engineering (20130668). CRC Press.
- Longo S, Su T & Herrmann G. (2013). Application to an automotive control system In Automation and Control Engineering (20130668). CRC Press.
- Longo S, Su T & Herrmann G. (2013). Communication sequence optimization In Automation and Control Engineering (20130668). CRC Press.
- Longo S, Su T & Herrmann G. (2013). Robust schedule design In Automation and Control Engineering (20130668). CRC Press.
- Longo S, Su T & Herrmann G. (2013). Schedule design for nonlinear NCSs In Automation and Control Engineering (20130668). CRC Press.
- Longo S, Su T & Herrmann G. (2013). Control of plants with limited communication In Automation and Control Engineering (20130668). CRC Press.
- Longo S, Su T & Herrmann G. (2013). Optimal controller and schedule codesign In Automation and Control Engineering (20130668). CRC Press.
- Longo S, Su T & Herrmann G. (2013). Optimal schedule design In Automation and Control Engineering (20130668). CRC Press.
- Longo S, Su T, Herrmann G & Barber P. (2013). Optimal and robust scheduling for networked control systems