Contact Dr Pere Suau-Sanchez
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 754227
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- Twitter: @peresuau
Areas of expertise
- Air Transport Management
- Aviation Management & Operations
Pere Suau-Sanchez is Senior Lecturer in Air Transport Management at Cranfield University (part-time since 2018). He has a PhD in Economic Geography (2011, Autonomous University of Barcelona) and has been a guest researcher at the Worldwide Scientific Network for Aviation Research and Policy in Amsterdam (2008-2010). Pere has also been Graduate Faculty at Central Washington University (2022-2023). In the past, he has also worked for Aviation DataWorks (2018), the Observatory of Urbanization of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2006-2007), and the Department of Transport Planning of the Barcelona Metropolitan Agency for Urban and Infrastructure Development (2005-2006). Currently, he is also Professor at the Open University of Catalonia.
Pere Suau-Sanchez's research focuses on airline and airport strategy, including airport connectivity, airline networks, sustainability and business models. Pere has participated in several R&D projects and research grants funded by the Norwegian Research Council, the Spanish Ministry of Science and the Catalan Government.
Research opportunities
Pere Suau-Sanchez's research focuses on airline and airport strategy, including airport connectivity, airline networks, sustainability and business models. Pere has participated in several R&D projects and research grants funded by the Norwegian Research Council, the Spanish Ministry of Science and the Catalan Government.
Articles In Journals
- Suau-Sanchez P, Voltes-Dorta A & Lamolla L. (2025). Board and executive gender diversity as a driver of airline efficiency: A network-DEA analysis. Journal of Air Transport Management, 124
- Sismanidou A, Tarradellas J, Suau-Sanchez P & O'Connor K. (2024). Breaking barriers: An assessment of the feasibility of long-haul electric flights. Journal of Transport Geography, 115
- Mwesiumo D, Halpern N, Bråthen S, Budd T & Suau-Sanchez P. (2023). Perceived benefits as a driver and necessary condition for the willingness of air passengers to provide personal data for non-mandatory digital services at airports. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 171(May)
- Sismanidou A, Tarradellas J & Suau-Sanchez P. (2022). The uneven geography of US air traffic delays: Quantifying the impact of connecting passengers on delay propagation. Journal of Transport Geography, 98(January)
- Dobruszkes F, Decroly J-M & Suau-Sanchez P. (2022). The monthly rhythms of aviation: A global analysis of passenger air service seasonality. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 14(June)
- Reiter V, Voltes-Dorta A & Suau-Sanchez P. (2022). The substitution of short-haul flights with rail services in German air travel markets: A quantitative analysis. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(4)
- Mwesiumo D, Halpern N, Budd T, Suau-Sanchez P & Bråthen S. (2021). An exploratory and confirmatory composite analysis of a scale for measuring privacy concerns. Journal of Business Research, 136(November)
- Budd T, Suau-Sanchez P, Halpern N, Mwesiumo D & Bråthen S. (2021). An assessment of air passenger confidence a year into the COVID-19 crisis: A segmentation analysis of passengers in Norway. Journal of Transport Geography, 96(October)
- Halpern N, Mwesiumo D, Suau-Sanchez P, Budd T & Bråthen S. (2021). Ready for digital transformation? The effect of organisational readiness, innovation, airport size and ownership on digital change at airports. Journal of Air Transport Management, 90
- Halpern N, Mwesiumo D, Budd T, Suau-Sanchez P & Bråthen S. (2021). Segmentation of passenger preferences for using digital technologies at airports in Norway. Journal of Air Transport Management, 91
- Halpern N, Budd T, Suau-Sanchez P, Bråthen S & Mwesiumo D. (2021). Conceptualising airport digital maturity and dimensions of technological and organisational transformation. Journal of Airport Management, 15(2)
- Heffer-Flaata H, Voltes-Dorta A & Suau-Sanchez P. (2021). The Impact of Accommodation Taxes on Outbound Travel Demand from the United Kingdom to European Destinations. Journal of Travel Research, 60(4)
- Inchausti-Sintes F, Voltes-Dorta A & Suau-Sánchez P. (2021). The income elasticity gap and its implications for economic growth and tourism development: the Balearic vs the Canary Islands. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(1)
- Jimenez E & Suau-Sanchez P. (2020). Reinterpreting the role of primary and secondary airports in low-cost carrier expansion in Europe. Journal of Transport Geography, 88
- Suau-Sanchez P, Voltes-Dorta A & Cugueró-Escofet N. (2020). An early assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on air transport: Just another crisis or the end of aviation as we know it?. Journal of Transport Geography, 86
- Wendt P, Voltes-Dorta A & Suau-Sanchez P. (2020). Estimating the costs for the airport operator and airlines of a drone-related shutdown: an application to Frankfurt international airport. Journal of Transportation Security, 13(1-2)
- Never J & Suau-Sanchez P. (2020). Challenging the interline and codeshare legacy: Drivers and barriers for airline adoption of airport facilitated inter-airline network connectivity schemes. Research in Transportation Economics, 79
- Suau-Sanchez P & Voltes-Dorta A. (2019). Drivers of airport scheduled traffic in European winter tourism areas: Infrastructure, accessibility, competition and catchment area. Journal of Air Transport Management, 81
- Piltz C, Voltes-Dorta A & Suau-Sanchez P. (2018). A comparative analysis of hub connections of European and Asian airports against Middle Eastern hubs in intercontinental markets. Journal of Air Transport Management, 66
- Zeigler P, Pagliari R, Suau-Sanchez P, Malighetti P & Redondi R. (2017). Low-cost carrier entry at small European airports: Low-cost carrier effects on network connectivity and self-transfer potential. Journal of Transport Geography, 60
- Suau-Sanchez P, Voltes-Dorta A & Rodríguez-Déniz H. (2017). An assessment of the potential for self-connectivity at European airports in holiday markets. Tourism Management, 62
- Voltes-Dorta A, Rodríguez-Déniz H & Suau-Sanchez P. (2017). Passenger recovery after an airport closure at tourist destinations: A case study of Palma de Mallorca airport. Tourism Management, 59
- Voltes-Dorta A, Rodríguez-Déniz H & Suau-Sanchez P. (2017). Vulnerability of the European air transport network to major airport closures from the perspective of passenger delays: Ranking the most critical airports. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 96
- Budd T & Suau-Sanchez P. (2016). Assessing the fuel burn and CO2 impacts of the introduction of next generation aircraft: A study of a major European low-cost carrier. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 21
- Suau-Sanchez P, Voltes-Dorta A & Rodríguez-Déniz H. (2016). Measuring the potential for self-connectivity in global air transport markets: Implications for airports and airlines. Journal of Transport Geography, 57
- Tembleque-Vilalta M & Suau-Sanchez P. (2016). A model to analyse the profitability of long-haul network development involving non-hub airports: The case of the Barcelona–Asian market. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 4(2)
- Suau-Sanchez P, Voltes-Dorta A & Rodríguez-Déniz H. (2016). The role of London airports in providing connectivity for the UK: regional dependence on foreign hubs. Journal of Transport Geography, 50
- Suau‐Sanchez P, Burghouwt G & Fageda X. (2016). Reinterpreting
EU Air Transport Deregulation: A Disaggregated Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Traffic inE urope, 1990–2009. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 107(1) - Fageda X, Suau-Sanchez P & Mason KJ. (2015). The evolving low-cost business model: Network implications of fare bundling and connecting flights in Europe. Journal of Air Transport Management, 42
- Suau-Sanchez P, Voltes-Dorta A & Rodríguez-Déniz H. (2015). Regulatory airport classification in the US: The role of international markets. Transport Policy, 37
- Suau-Sanchez P, Burghouwt G & Pallares-Barbera M. (2014). An appraisal of the CORINE land cover database in airport catchment area analysis using a GIS approach. Journal of Air Transport Management, 34
- Suau-Sanchez P & Pallarès-Barberà M. (2013). An evolutionary approach to air transport: market, technology and institutional co-evolution. Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 59(3)
- Suau-Sanchez P. (2013). Uneven patterns in airport seat capacity distribution: a review. Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 59(1)
- Rodríguez-Déniz H, Suau-Sanchez P & Voltes-Dorta A. (2013). Classifying airports according to their hub dimensions: an application to the US domestic network. Journal of Transport Geography, 33
- Pallares-Barbera M, Suau-Sanchez P, Le Heron R & Fromhold-Eisebith M. (2012). Globalising Economic Spaces, Uneven Development and Regional Challenges: Introduction to the Special Issue. Urbani izziv, 23(s 2)
- Suau-Sanchez P, Pallares-Barbera M, Tamásy C & Taylor M. (2012). Relational Dimensions of Regional Growth: Introduction to the Special Issue. Urbani izziv, 23(s 1)
- Suau-Sanchez P & Burghouwt G. (2012). Connectivity levels and the competitive position of Spanish airports and Iberia’s network rationalization strategy, 2001–2007. Journal of Air Transport Management, 18(1)
- Suau-Sanchez P. (2012). España, capital París. Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 58(3)
- Suau-Sanchez P. (2012). Bel, G. (2010) “España capital París”. Documents D' Analisi Geografica, 58(3)
- Suau-Sanchez P & Burghouwt G. (2011). The geography of the Spanish airport system: spatial concentration and deconcentration patterns in seat capacity distribution, 2001–2008. Journal of Transport Geography, 19(2)
- Suau-Sanchez P, Pallares-Barbera M & Paül V. (2011). Incorporating annoyance in airport environmental policy: noise, societal response and community participation. Journal of Transport Geography, 19(2)
- Suau-Sanchez P. (2010). Hanson, S.; Mei-Po, K. (2008) “Transport: Critical Essays in Human Geography”. RGS-IBS Urban Geography Research Group Book Review Series, 2010
- Wainwright E, Green AE, Yeomans C, Suau-Sanchez P & Kallis G. (2009). Book Reviews. Space and Polity, 13(2)
- Suau-Sanchez P & Pallares-Barbera M. (2007). Airport planning and environmental strategies in catalonia. BOLETIN DE LA ASOCIACION DE GEOGRAFOS ESPANOLES
- Suau Sánchez P. (2004). «urBANALization. Common landscapes, global places». Documents d'Analisi Geografica
- Suau-Sanchez P. (2004). Urbanalización. Paisajes comunes, lugares globales (Urbanalisation - Common Landscapes, Global Places). Documents d'Analisi Geografica
- Trapote-Barreira C & Suau-Sanchez P. Sistemas multiaeropuerto, un equilibrio difícil. Oikonomics
- Álvarez-Palau EJ & Suau-Sanchez P. Editorial: Redefiniendo las infraestructuras para una movilidad sostenible. Oikonomics
- Álvarez F, Canals A, Cerdán M, Cugueró-Escofet N, Escobar D, .... Hechos y retos que han marcado la gestión empresarial en los últimos 25 años. Oikonomics
- Cugueró-Escofet N & Suau-Sanchez P. ¿Dónde están las 'She-Os'? Una visión integradora de los factores determinantes en la vida personal y profesional. Oikonomics
Conference Papers
- Fontanet-Pérez P, Suau-Sanchez P & Vázquez XH. (2024). Sustainable aviation after COVID-19: will technology save all, or a more radical change is required? In Pandemic Recovery?. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Fontanet-Pérez P, Suau-Sanchez P & Vázquez XH. (2024). Rebuilding Airline Networks in the Post-COVID-19 Era: New Network Configurations in Europe? In Advances in Airline Economics (11). Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Suau-Sanchez P, Voltes-Dorta A, Cugueró-Escofet N & J. Mason K. (2021). COVID-19 and the impacts on commercial aviation: a dead stop? In Living with Pandemics. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Suau-Sanchez P, Voltes-Dorta A & Rodríguez-Déniz H. (2017). Benchmarking Worldwide Airport Connectivity with Demand Data: Global Hub Competition, New Players, and the Hidden Potential of Self-connectivity In Advances in Airline Economics (6). Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Suau-Sanchez P. (2013). Aeroport de Sabadell: La Singularitat de l’Èxit In Cebollada Frontera A(ed.), Made in Sabadell. Ajuntament de Sabadell, Museus Municipals de Sabadell.
- Suau-Sanchez P. (2010). Subjective appraisal of aircraft noise In Knippenberger U & Wall A (eds), Airports in Cities and Regions. Research and Practice. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Scientific Publishing.