Contact Dr Marco Debiasi
- Tel: +44 (0) 7555 724107
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Areas of expertise
- Aircraft Design
- Flight Physics
- Gas Turbines & Propulsion
- Renewable Energy
Marco Debiasi served as a Second Lieutenant of the Aeronautica Militare (Italian Air Force) after which he graduated from the University of Padova with a study on the structural integrity of components subject to fatigue. Subsequently, he obtained a MS (1998) and a PhD (2000) in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from the University of California, Irvine researching the aeroacoustics of high-speed jets. In 2001 he joined the Gas Dynamics and Turbulence Laboratory of the Ohio State University where he directed the experimental activities of a multi-disciplinary group studying the aeroacoustics of cavity flows and the use of real-time feedback control techniques to reduce their noise. In 2006 he moved to the Temasek Laboratories of the National University of Singapore where he served as the head of the Experimental AeroScience Group (EAG) from 2009 to 2017. During this time he led the development of grid fins with improved aerodynamics, aerofoils morphed by piezoelectric actuators, and palm-sized flapping-wing MAVs for autonomous indoor missions. In 2018 Marco Debiasi joined Cranfield University where he conducts research on experimental aerodynamics and flow control.
Current activities
Sensors and actuators for active flow control.
Shape and structural control of aerodynamic components.
Passive and active mitigation of cavity-flow resonance.
Supervision of MSc students.
Articles In Journals
Conference Papers
- Debiasi MT, Atkinson K, Saddington A & Finnis M. (2023). Aero-whisker for the Measurement of Aircraft Flight Speed and Angle of Attack in Compressible Flow Conditions
- Lu Z, Boon SJ, Debiasi M & Khoo BC. (2017). A light-weight acoustic silencer design for a multi-rotor MAV
- Chan WL, Nguyen QV & Debiasi M. (2017). Implementation of active attitude stabilization on a double clap-and-fling flapping wing MAV with surveillance capability
- Debiasi MT, Cui Y, Damodaran M, Dela Cruz J, Tan JH, .... (2017). Study on Aerodynamics of Annular Wing for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Debiasi M, Lu Z, Nguyen QV & Chan WL. (2017). Noise measurements of flapping wings with tensed membrane
- Lu Z, Debiasi M, Nguyen QV, Chan WL & Khoo BC. (2017). Low-noise hyper-elastic membranewings for a flapping wing MAV
- Debiasi MT, Chan WL & Jadhav S. (2016). Measurements of a Symmetric Wing Morphed by Macro Fiber Composite Actuators
- Chan WL, Nguyen QV & Debiasi M. (2016). Tailless control of a double clap-and-fling flapping wing MAV
- Jones GR, Santer MJ, Papadakis G & Debiasi MT. (2016). Active Flow Control at Low Reynolds Numbers by Periodic Airfoil Morphing
- Lu Z, Liu Y, Debiasi M & Khoo BC. (2016). Acoustic characteristics of a multi-rotor MAV and its noise reduction technology
- Van Truong T, Debiasi M, Kureemun U & Lee HP. (2016). Structural optimization of a flapping wing micro air vehicle
- Lu Z, Nguyen QV, Chan WL & Debiasi M. (2015). Acoustic characteristic of a bat inspired membrane wing with adaptive compliances
- Nguyen Q-V, Chan WL & Debiasi M. (2015). An insect-inspired flapping wing micro air vehicle with double wing clap-fling effects and capability of sustained hovering
- Nguyen QV, Chan WL & Debiasi M. (2015). Performance test of a hovering flapping wing micro air vehicle with double wing clap-and-fling mechanism
- Jones GR, Debiasi MT, Bouremel Y, Santer MJ & Papadakis G. (2015). Open-Loop Flow Control At Low Reynolds Numbers Using Periodic Airfoil Morphing
- Lu Z, Cui Y, Zhu J & Debiasi M. (2014). A novel duct silencer using dielectric elastomer absorbers
- Lu Z, Debiasi M, Nguyen QV & Chan WL. (2014). An experimental investigation on the acoustic performance of a flapping wing micro-air-vehicle
- Bouremel Y, Chan WL, Jones G & Debiasi MT. (2014). Measurements of a Symmetric Airfoil Morphed by Macro Fiber Composite Actuators
- Nguyen QV, Chan WL & Debiasi M. (2014). A novel hybrid design of an insect-based Micro Air Vehicle capable of sustained and controlled flight
- Nguyen QV, Chan WL & Debiasi M. (2014). Design, fabrication, and performance test of a hovering-based flapping-wing Micro Air Vehicle capable of sustained and controlled flight
- Chan WL, Nguyen QV & Debiasi M. (2014). Pitch and yaw control of tailless flapping wing MAVs by implementing wing root angle deflection
- Debiasi MT, Bouremel Y, Lu Z & Ravichandran V. (2013). Deformation of the Upper and Lower Surfaces of an Airfoil by Macro Fiber Composite Actuators
- Debiasi M, Bouremel Y, Khoo HH & Luo SC. (2012). Deformation of The Upper Surface of An Airfoil By Macro Fiber Composite Actuators
- Debiasi M. (2012). Measurements of the Forces and Moments Generated by Swept-back Grid Fins
- Debiasi M & Li J-M. (2011). Experimental Study of a DBD-Plasma Driven Channel Flow
- Debiasi M, Khoo HH, Bouremel Y, Luo SC & Zhiwei E. (2011). Shape Change of the Upper Surface of an Airfoil by Macro Fiber Composite Actuators
- Debiasi M, Yan Z & Chng TL. (2010). Swept-Back Grid Fins for Transonic Drag Reduction
- Zeng Y, Cai J, Debiasi M & Chng TL. (2009). Numerical Study on Drag Reduction for Grid-Fin Configurations
- Debiasi M, Herberg M, Zeng Y, Tsai HM & Dhanabalan S. (2008). Control of Flow Separation in S-Ducts via Flow Injection and Suction
- Debiasi M, Herberg M, Tsai HM & Papamoschou D. (2008). Mixing Characteristics of Elliptic Jets with Plug
- Kim K, Debiasi M, Schultz R, Serrani A & Samimy M. (2007). Dynamic Compensator for a Synthetic-Jet-Like Compression Driver Actuator in Closed-Loop Cavity Flow Control
- Debiasi M & Tsai HM. (2007). Effects of Tangential Blowing on High-Speed Jets
- Debiasi M, Dhanabalan S, Tsai HM & Papamoschou D. (2007). Mixing Enhancement of High-Bypass Turbofan Exhaust via Contouring of Fan Nozzle
- Caraballo E, Little J, Debiasi M, Serrani A & Samimy M. (2007). Reduced Order Model for Feedback Control of Cavity Flow - the Effects of Control Input Separation
- Little J, Debiasi M & Samimy M. (2006). Flow Structure in Controlled and Baseline Subsonic Cavity Flows
- Caraballo E, Yuan X, Little J, Debaisi M, Serrani A, .... (2006). Further Development of Feedback Control of Cavity Flow Using Experimental Based Reduced Order Model
- Debiasi M, Little J, Serrani A, Yuan X, Myatt J, .... (2006). Influence of Stochastic Estimation on the Control of Subsonic Cavity Flow - A Preliminary Study
- Efe MO, Debiasi M, Peng Yan , Ozbay H & Samimy M. (2006). Support vector networks for prediction of floor pressures in shallow cavity flows
- Efe M, Debiasi M, Yan P, Ozbay H & Samimy M. (2005). Control of Subsonic Cavity Flows by Neural Networks - Analytical Models and Experimental Validation
- Caraballo E, Yuan X, Little J, Debiasi M, Yan P, .... (2005). Feedback Control of Cavity Flow Using Experimental Based Reduced Order Model
- Yan P, Yuan X, Ozbay H, Debiasi M, Caraballo E, .... (2005). Modeling and Feedback Control for Subsonic Cavity Flows: A Collaborative Approach
- Debiasi M, Little J, Myatt J, Samimy M, Yan P, .... (2004). An Experimental Study of Subsonic Cavity Flow - Physical Understanding and Control
- Ozbay H, Efe O, Samimy M, Caraballo E, DeBonis J, .... (2004). Controller Design for Active Closed-Loop Control of Cavity Flows
- Samimy M, Debiasi M, Efe O, Ozbay H, Myatt J, .... (2004). Exploring Strategies for Closed-Loop Cavity Flow Control
- Efe MO, Debiasi M, Ozbay H & Samimy M. (2004). Modeling of subsonic cavity flows by neural networks
- Debiasi M & Samimy M. (2003). An Experimental Study of the Cavity Flow for Closed-Loop Flow Control
- Samimy M, Ozbay H, DeBonis J & Myatt J. (2003). Closed-Loop Active Flow Control - A Collaborative Approach
- Samimy M, Debiasi M, Caraballo E, Ozbay H, Effe M, .... (2003). Development of Closed-Loop Active Flow Control
- Samimy M, Debiasi M & Kastner J. (2002). Control of an Impinging High Speed Jet Using Hartmann Tube Based Fluidic Actuators
- Papamoschou D & Debiasi M. (2002). Mach wave elimination applied to turbofan engines
- Debiasi M & Papamoschou D. (2001). Cycle analysis for quieter supersonic turbofan engines
- Papamoschou D & Deniasi M. (2000). Targeted Mach wave elimination
- Debiasi M & Papamoschou D. (1999). Acoustics of under- and over-expanded coaxial jets
- Debiasi M & Papamoschou D. (1999). Application of the mach wave elimination method to supersonic jet engines
- Papamoschou D & Debiasi M. (1998). Noise measurements in supersonic jets treated with the Mach wave elimination method