Areas of expertise
- Space Systems
Dr Joan-Pau Sanchez studied physics at the Universitat de Barcelona, and an MSc in Mission Analysis and Design at the University of Glasgow. He was awarded his PhD also from University of Glasgow in 2009 after completing a comprehensive analysis of different deflection alternatives against Earth-threatening asteroids and comets. He then briefly worked as space mission analysis at GMV Aerospace and Defence, before returning to academia. He joined the University of Strathclyde as postdoctoral research fellow, leading the Visionary Space Systems theme within the ERC project VISIONSPACE. In 2012, he was granted an individual Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship to pursue his research on asteroid retrieval missions at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. He joined Cranfield University on February 2015.
Current activities
Challenges to space mission design are today as abundant as ever; spacecraft reach new unexplored regions of the Solar System, and promise to reach even further with the technologies that move up the TRL ladder; new insights into orbital dynamics are revealing new rich families of exploitable orbits, which may enable radically new mission applications and services; etc. All these advances, both technological and theoretical, entail new sets of problems to be dealt with by the fields of Astrodynamics, Space System Engineering, Planetary Science and Space Environment.
My research activities particularly focus on small body missions; from current exploration issues, such as how and where to land in asteroids and comets, to longer term problems such as how to deflect Earth threatening asteroid or to exploit asteroids and comets for in-situ resource utilization.
- European Space Agency
- European Commission
- UK Space Agency
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
- Science and Technology Facilities Council
Articles In Journals
- Bellome A, Sánchez JP, García Mateas JC, Felicetti L & Kemble S. (2024). Modified dynamic programming for asteroids belt exploration. Acta Astronautica, 215
- Bellome A, Sánchez J-P, Felicetti L & Kemble S. (2023). Multiobjective Design of Gravity-Assist Trajectories via Graph Transcription and Dynamic Programming. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 60(5)
- Lehtinen T, Granvik M, Bellome A & Sánchez J-P. (2021). Icarus: In-situ monitoring of the surface degradation on a near-Sun asteroid. Acta Astronautica, 186(September)
- Sánchez JP, Morante D, Hermosin P, Ranuschio D, Estalella A, .... (2021). ESA F-Class Comet Interceptor: Trajectory design to intercept a yet-to-be-discovered comet. Acta Astronautica, 188(November)
- Machuca P & Sánchez J-P. (2021). CubeSat Autonomous Navigation and Guidance for Low-Cost Asteroid Flyby Missions. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 58(6)
Conference Papers
- Bellome A, Sanchez J-P, Rico Álvarez JI, Afsa H, Kemble S, .... (2022). An Automatic Process for Sample Return Missions Based on Based on Dynamic Programming Optimization
- Wu CX, Machuca P, Felicetti L & Sanchez JP. (2022). Autonomous Optical Navigation for Small Spacecraft in Cislunar Space
- Afsa H, Bellome A, Sanchez-Cuartielles JP & Kemble S. (2022). Automatic multi-gravity assist trajectory design with modified Tisserand Graphs exploration
- Sánchez JP, Bellome A, Carrillo M & Del Ser J. (2022). Deterministic and Stochastic Exploration of Long Asteroid Fly-by Sequences Exploiting Tree-graph and Optimal Substructure Properties
- Bellome A, Sanchez J-P, Kemble S & Felicetti L. (2021). A multi-fidelity optimization process for complex multiple gravity assist trajectory design
- Di Fraia MZ, Feetham L, Felicetti L, Sanchez J-P & Chermak L. (2021). Perception fields: analysing distributions of optical features as a proximity navigation tool for autonomous probes around asteroids
- Bellome A, Carrillo M, Sánchez JP, Ser JD, Kemble S, .... (2021). Efficiency of tree-search like heuristics to solve complex mixed-integer programming problems applied to space trajectory design
- Sánchez JP, Jones GH & Snodgrass C. (2020). Comet interceptor: An ESA mission to a dynamically new solar system object
- Bellome A, Cuartielles JPS, Felicetti L & Kemble S. (2020). Modified tisserand map exploration for preliminary multiple gravity assist trajectory design
- Di Fraia MZ, Chermak L, Cuartielles J-P, Felicetti L & Scannapieco AF. (2020). NAV-Landmarks: Deployable 3D Infrastructures to Enable CubeSats Navigation Near Asteroids
- Machuca P, Ozaki N, Sanchez Cuartielles JP, Felicetti L & Funase R. (2020). System requirements analysis for JAXA's contribution to Comet Interceptor mission: autonomous navigation, guidance and attitude control for a hyperbolic comet fly-by
- Sánchez JP, Ranuschio D, Estalella A, Morante D, Viera D, .... (2020). ESA F-class comet-I: Trajectory design to intercept a yet-to-be-discovered comet
- Machuca P & Sánchez JP. (2019). Autonomous navigation and guidance for Cubesats to flyby near-Earth asteroids
- Neves R & Sánchez JP. (2018). Optimization of Asteroid Capture Missions Using Earth Resonant Encounters
- Sanchez Lara C & Sanchez Cuartielles JP. (2018). Near rectilinear orbits around the moon as operational orbit for the future deep space gateway
- Hobbs S, Sanchez JP, Convenevole C, Gibbings A, Germani C, .... (2018). G-class: A geosynchronous radar mission to study the diurnal water cycle
- Cano J, Cunill J, Diaz AJ, Golemis A, Gupta S, .... (2018). ArtemiS: A complete mission architecture to bridge the gap between humanity and near-Earth asteroids
- Machuca P, Sánchez JP, Masdemont JJ & Gómez G. (2018). Low-energy trajectory design and autonomous navigation to flyby near-Earth asteroids using CubeSats
- Neves R & Sánchez JP. (2018). Gauss' variational equations for low-thrust optimal control problems in low-energy regimes
- Neves R, Sánchez JP, Colombo C & Alessi EM. (2018). Analytical and semi-analytical approaches to the third-body perturbation in nearly co-orbital regimes
- Durrani D, Gautier F, Kersey G, Le Blay C, Ogborne S, .... (2018). Towards drop your thesis 2018: 4.7 seconds of microgravity conditions to enable future CubeSat landings on asteroids
- Celik O, Sanchez JP, Karatekin O & Ritter B. (2017). Analysis of natural landing trajectories for passive landers in binary asteroids: A case study for (65803) 1996GT Didymos
- Neves R & Sánchez JP. (2017). Asteroid capture missions for unattainable targets using earth-resonant encounters
- Sánchez JP & Celik O. (2017). Landing in binary asteroids: A global map of feasible descend opportunities for unpowered spacecraft
- Celik O, Karatekin O, Ritter B & Sanchez JP. (2017). Reliability Analysis of Ballistic Landing in Binary Asteroid 65803 (1996 GT) Didymos under Uncertainty and GNC Error Considerations
- Cuartielles JPS, Gibbings A, Snodgrass C, Green S & Bowles N. (2016). Asteroid belt multiple fly-by options for m-class missions
- Cuartielles JPS, Colombo C & Alessi EM. (2015). Semi-Analytical perturbative approaches to third body resonant trajectories