Contact Dr Jialuo Ding
Dr. Jialuo Ding is currently a Principal Research Fellow in Additive Manufacturing, in Cranfield University. She got her PhD degree from Cranfield University in 2013. She is leading the research development of the digital aspects of the wire based Direct Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing process (w-DED AM), including process modelling and simulation, process monitoring and control, and the applications of large-scale DED AM component building. In addition, she is the Research Programme Lead of WAAMMat Programme, which is a rolling research programme aiming at providing industrial solutions based on WAAM process, and is responsible for the delivery of research and industrial projects in the WAAMMat Programme.
Research opportunities
Process simulation of w-DED AM process, including FEM and CFD based activities
Process monitoring and control for w-DED AM process
Digital twin of w-DED AM process
Industrial applications of w-DED AM process
Current activities
Current projects:
NEWAM project (EPSRC): lead the process modelling research area
HPWAAM project (Innovate UK): project lead
MultiFun (EU): co-investigator
WAAMMat industrial projects, 10+ per year
Research interest:
Digital twin of wire based Direct Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing (w-DED AM) process
Stress & distortion prediction and control for w-DEDAM process
Fluid flow modelling and process fundamental understandings
Process monitoring, control and automation
Novel w-DED AM process and applications
Advanced Forming Research Centre
BAE Systems
Boeing UK
Bombardier Aerospace
GE Avio
Innovate UK
Lockheed Martin UK
Weir Group
Articles In Journals
- Yi H, Jia L, Ding J & Li H. (2024). Achieving material diversity in wire arc additive manufacturing: Leaping from alloys to composites via wire innovation. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 194
- Eimer E, Ding J & Williams S. (2024). From Wire to Component: Aluminium Lithium Alloy Development for Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing. BHM Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte, 169(1)
- Davis AE, Wainwright J, Sahu VK, Dreelan D, Chen X, .... (2024). Achieving a Columnar-to-Equiaxed Transition Through Dendrite Twinning in High Deposition Rate Additively Manufactured Titanium Alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 55(6)
- Qin J, Taraphdar P, Sun Y, Wainwright J, Lai WJ, .... (2024). Knowledge-based bidirectional thermal variable modelling for directed energy deposition additive manufacturing. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 19(1)
- Walker J, Mills B, Javadi Y, MacLeod C, Sun Y, .... (2024). Study of Residual Stress Using Phased Array Ultrasonics in Ti-6AL-4V Wire-Arc Additively Manufactured Components. Sensors, 24(19)
- Wang Y, Ding J, Williams S & Cong B. (2024). Effect of plasma gas composition on deposition characteristics in plasma arc directed energy deposition of Ti-6Al-4 V. Welding in the World
- Wang J, Biswal R, Chen G, Pardal GR, Lu Y, .... (2024). On the composition gradient of steel/Invar functionally graded material manufactured by wire-based direct energy deposition. Additive Manufacturing, 96
- Eimer E, Williams S, Ding J, Ganguly S & Chehab B. (2023). Mechanical performances of the interface between the substrate and deposited material in aluminium wire Direct Energy Deposition. Materials & Design, 225(January)
- Wang C, Suder W, Ding J & Williams S. (2023). Parametric study of melt pool geometry in hybrid plasma arc-laser melting process for additive manufacturing application. Welding in the World, 67(4)
- Lu Y, Wang J, Williams S, Zhu L, Ding J, .... (2023). Additive manufacturing of a functionally graded high entropy alloy using a hybrid powder-bed wire-based direct energy deposition approach. Additive Manufacturing, 63(February)
- Syed AK, Plaskitt R, Hill M, Pinter Z, Ding J, .... (2023). Strain controlled fatigue behaviour of a wire + arc additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V. International Journal of Fatigue, 171(June)
- Loukas C, Vasilev M, Zimmerman R, Vithanage RKW, Mohseni E, .... (2023). Transforming Industrial Manipulators via Kinesthetic Guidance for Automated Inspection of Complex Geometries. Sensors, 23(7)
- Eimer E, Ganguly S, Czink S, Dietrich S, Chehab B, .... (2023). Effect of inter layer cold work on 2024 aluminium alloy produced by wire directed energy deposition. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 880(July)
- Wang C, Wang J, Bento J, Ding J, Pardal G, .... (2023). A novel cold wire gas metal arc (CW-GMA) process for high productivity additive manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing, 73(July)
- Bento JB, Wang C, Ding J & Williams S. (2023). Process Control Methods in Cold Wire Gas Metal Arc Additive Manufacturing. Metals, 13(8)
- Wainwright J, Williams S & Ding J. (2023). Refinement of Ti-6Al-4V prior-β grain structure in the as-deposited condition via process control during wire-direct energy deposition. Additive Manufacturing, 74(July)
- Chen G, Ding J, Sun Y, Chen X, Wang C, .... (2023). Efficient reduced-order thermal modelling of scanning laser melting for additive manufacturing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 321(December)
- Chen X, Wang C, Ding J, Qu R, Wang Y, .... (2023). Thermal fluid dynamics of the effect of filler wire on deposition rate and bead formation intending plasma arc-based DED. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 107(December)
- Qin J, Vives J, Raja P, Lasisi S, Wang C, .... (2023). Automated Interlayer Wall Height Compensation for Wire Based Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing. Sensors, 23(20)
- M. Haghighi A, Ding J, Sun Y, Wang C & Williams S. (2023). Thermo-capillary-gravity bidirectional modelling for evaluation and design of wire-based directed energy deposition additive manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 107(December)
- Wang J, Diao C, Taylor M, Wang C, Pickering E, .... (2023). Investigation of 300M ultra-high-strength steel deposited by wire-based gas metal arc additive manufacturing. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 129(7-8)
- Zimermann R, Mohseni E, Foster EA, Vasilev M, Loukas C, .... (2023). In-process non-destructive evaluation of metal additive manufactured components at build using ultrasound and eddy-current approaches. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 107(01/12/2023)
- Ghafoori E, Dahaghin H, Diao C, Pichler N, Li L, .... (2023). Fatigue strengthening of damaged steel members using wire arc additive manufacturing. Engineering Structures, 284
- Yin Y, Tian Y, Ding J, Mitchell T & Qin J. (2023). Prediction of Electron Beam Welding Penetration Depth Using Machine Learning-Enhanced Computational Fluid Dynamics Modelling. Sensors, 23(21)
- Zhang T, Li H, Gong H, Ding J, Wu Y, .... (2022). Hybrid wire - arc additive manufacture and effect of rolling process on microstructure and tensile properties of Inconel 718. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 299(January)
- Gornyakov V, Sun Y, Ding J & Williams S. (2022). Efficient determination and evaluation of steady-state thermal–mechanical variables generated by wire arc additive manufacturing and high pressure rolling. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 30(1)
- Gornyakov V, Ding J, Sun Y & Williams S. (2022). Understanding and designing post-build rolling for mitigation of residual stress and distortion in wire arc additively manufactured components. Materials & Design, 213(January)
- Chen G, Williams S, Ding J, Wang C & Suder W. (2022). Multi-energy source (MES) configuration for bead shape control in wire-based directed energy deposition (w-DED). Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 304(June)
- Chen G, Williams S, Ding J, Wang Y & Suder W. (2022). Split anode calorimetry for plasma arc energy density measurement with laser calibration. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 78(June)
- Zimermann R, Mohseni E, Vasilev M, Loukas C, Vithanage RKW, .... (2022). Collaborative Robotic Wire + Arc Additive Manufacture and Sensor-Enabled In-Process Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Evaluation. Sensors, 22(11)
- Zimermann R, Mohseni E, Vithanage RKW, Lines D, Foster E, .... (2022). Increasing the speed of automated ultrasonic inspection of as-built additive manufacturing components by the adoption of virtual source aperture. Materials & Design, 220(August)
- Wang C, Sun Y, Chen G, Chen X, Ding J, .... (2022). A simplified modelling approach for thermal behaviour analysis in hybrid plasma arc-laser additive manufacturing. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 195(October)
- Vithanage RKW, Mohseni E, Lines D, Loukas C, Foster E, .... (2022). Development of a phased array ultrasound roller probe for inspection of wire + arc additive manufactured components. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 80(August)
- Qin J, Wang Y, Ding J & Williams S. (2022). Optimal droplet transfer mode maintenance for wire + arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) based on deep learning. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 33(7)
- Chen X, Wang C, Ding J, Bridgeman P & Williams S. (2022). A three-dimensional wire-feeding model for heat and metal transfer, fluid flow, and bead shape in wire plasma arc additive manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 83(November)
- Gornyakov V, Sun Y, Ding J & Williams S. (2022). Modelling and optimising hybrid process of wire arc additive manufacturing and high-pressure rolling. Materials & Design, 223(November)
- Evans SI, Wang J, Qin J, He Y, Shepherd P, .... (2022). A review of WAAM for steel construction – Manufacturing, material and geometric properties, design, and future directions. Structures, 44(October)
- Wang C, Suder W, Ding J & Williams S. (2021). Wire based plasma arc and laser hybrid additive manufacture of Ti-6Al-4V. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 293(July)
- Syed AK, Zhang X, Davis AE, Kennedy JR, Martina F, .... (2021). Effect of deposition strategies on fatigue crack growth behaviour of wire + arc additive manufactured titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 814(May)
- Eimer E, Williams S, Ding J, Ganguly S & Chehab B. (2021). Effect of Substrate Alloy Type on the Microstructure of the Substrate and Deposited Material Interface in Aluminium Wire + Arc Additive Manufacturing. Metals, 11(6)
- Wang C, Suder W, Ding J & Williams S. (2021). Bead shape control in wire based plasma arc and laser hybrid additive manufacture of Ti-6Al-4V. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 68(Pt.A)
- Zimermann R, Mohseni E, Lines D, Vithanage RKW, MacLeod CN, .... (2021). Multi-layer ultrasonic imaging of as-built Wire + Arc Additive Manufactured components. Additive Manufacturing, 48(December)
- Wang C, Suder W, Ding J & Williams S. (2021). The effect of wire size on high deposition rate wire and plasma arc additive manufacture of Ti-6Al-4V. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 288
- Gornyakov V, Sun Y, Ding J & Williams S. (2021). Computationally Efficient Models of High Pressure Rolling for Wire Arc Additively Manufactured Components. Applied Sciences, 11(1)
- Mohseni E, Vithanage R, Qiu Z, Javadi Y, Lines D, .... (2021). A High-Temperature Phased Array Ultrasonic Roller-Probe Designed for Dry-Coupled In-Process Inspection of Wire + Arc Additive Manufactured Components.
- Zimermann R, Mohseni E, Vithanage R, Lines D, Macleod C, .... (2021). Implementation of an Ultrasonic Total Focusing Method for Inspection of Unmachined Wire+arc Additive Manufacturing Components Through Multiple Interfaces.
- Zhang X, Wang K, Zhou Q, Kong J, Peng Y, .... (2020). Element partitioning and electron backscatter diffraction analysis from feeding wire to as-deposited microstructure of wire and arc additive manufacturing with super duplex stainless steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 773
- Seow CE, Zhang J, Coules HE, Wu G, Jones C, .... (2020). Effect of crack-like defects on the fracture behaviour of Wire + Arc Additively Manufactured nickel-base Alloy 718. Additive Manufacturing, 36
- Eimer E, Suder W, Williams S & Ding J. (2020). Wire Laser Arc Additive Manufacture of aluminium zinc alloys. Welding in the World, 64(8)
- Davis AE, Kennedy JR, Ding J & Prangnell PB. (2020). The effect of processing parameters on rapid-heating β recrystallization in inter-pass deformed Ti-6Al-4V wire-arc additive manufacturing. Materials Characterization, 163
- Gu J, Gao M, Yang S, Bai J, Zhai Y, .... (2020). Microstructure, defects, and mechanical properties of wire + arc additively manufactured Al Cu4.3-Mg1.5 alloy. Materials & Design, 186
- Gu J, Yang S, Gao M, Bai J, Zhai Y, .... (2020). Micropore evolution in additively manufactured aluminum alloys under heat treatment and inter-layer rolling. Materials & Design, 186
- Zhang X, Zhou Q, Wang K, Peng Y, Ding J, .... (2019). Study on microstructure and tensile properties of high nitrogen Cr-Mn steel processed by CMT wire and arc additive manufacturing. Materials & Design, 166
- Zhang X, Wang K, Zhou Q, Ding J, Ganguly S, .... (2019). Microstructure and mechanical properties of TOP-TIG-wire and arc additive manufactured super duplex stainless steel (ER2594). Materials Science and Engineering: A, 762
- Biswal R, Zhang X, Syed AK, Awd M, Ding J, .... (2019). Criticality of porosity defects on the fatigue performance of wire + arc additive manufactured titanium alloy. International Journal of Fatigue, 122
- Xu X, Ganguly S, Ding J, Dirisu P, Martina F, .... (2019). Improving mechanical properties of wire plus arc additively manufactured maraging steel through plastic deformation enhanced aging response. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 747
- Xu X, Ding J, Ganguly S & Williams S. (2019). Investigation of process factors affecting mechanical properties of INCONEL 718 superalloy in wire + arc additive manufacture process. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 265
- Davis AE, Breheny CI, Fellowes J, Nwankpa U, Martina F, .... (2019). Mechanical performance and microstructural characterisation of titanium alloy-alloy composites built by wire-arc additive manufacture. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 765
- Michel F, Lockett H, Ding J, Martina F, Marinelli G, .... (2019). A modular path planning solution for Wire + Arc Additive Manufacturing. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 60
- Martina F, Ding J, Williams S, Caballero A, Pardal G, .... (2019). Tandem metal inert gas process for high productivity wire arc additive manufacturing in stainless steel. Additive Manufacturing, 25
- Gu J, Gao M, Yang S, Bai J, Ding J, .... (2019). Pore formation and evolution in wire + arc additively manufactured 2319 Al alloy. Additive Manufacturing, 30
- Javadi Y, MacLeod CN, Pierce SG, Gachagan A, Lines D, .... (2019). Ultrasonic phased array inspection of a Wire + Arc Additive Manufactured (WAAM) sample with intentionally embedded defects. Additive Manufacturing, 29
- Caballero A, Ding J, Ganguly S & Williams S. (2019). Wire + Arc Additive Manufacture of 17-4 PH stainless steel: Effect of different processing conditions on microstructure, hardness, and tensile strength. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 268
- Qi Z, Qi B, Cong B, Sun H, Zhao G, .... (2019). Microstructure and mechanical properties of wire + arc additively manufactured 2024 aluminum alloy components: As-deposited and post heat-treated. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 40
- Caballero A, Ding J, Bandari Y & Williams S. (2019). Oxidation of Ti-6Al-4V During Wire and Arc Additive Manufacture. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 6(2)
- Gu J, Wang X, Bai J, Ding J, Williams S, .... (2018). Deformation microstructures and strengthening mechanisms for the wire+arc additively manufactured Al-Mg4.5Mn alloy with inter-layer rolling. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 712
- Bai X, Colegrove P, Ding J, Zhou X, Diao C, .... (2018). Numerical analysis of heat transfer and fluid flow in multilayer deposition of PAW-based wire and arc additive manufacturing. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 124
- Xu X, Ganguly S, Ding J, Seow CE & Williams S. (2018). Enhancing mechanical properties of wire + arc additively manufactured INCONEL 718 superalloy through in-process thermomechanical processing. Materials & Design, 160
- Xu X, Ganguly S, Ding J, Guo S, Williams S, .... (2018). Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of maraging steel produced by wire + arc additive manufacture process. Materials Characterization, 143
- Xu X, Ding J, Ganguly S, Diao C & Williams S. (2018). Oxide accumulation effects on wire + arc layer-by-layer additive manufacture process. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 252
- Qi Z, Cong B, Qi B, Zhao G & Ding J. (2018). Properties of wire + arc additively manufactured 2024 aluminum alloy with different solution treatment temperature. Materials Letters, 230
- Gu J, Bai J, Ding J, Williams S, Wang L, .... (2018). Design and cracking susceptibility of additively manufactured Al-Cu-Mg alloys with tandem wires and pulsed arc. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 262
- Charrett TOH, Bandari YK, Michel F, Ding J, Williams SW, .... (2018). A non-contact laser speckle sensor for the measurement of robotic tool speed. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 53
- Qi Z, Cong B, Qi B, Sun H, Zhao G, .... (2018). Microstructure and mechanical properties of double-wire + arc additively manufactured Al-Cu-Mg alloys. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 255
- Zhang X, Martina F, Ding J, Wang X & Williams SW. (2017). Fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth rate properties in wire + arc additive manufactured Ti‐6Al‐4V. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 40(5)
- Lockett H, Ding J, Williams S & Martina F. (2017). Design for Wire + Arc Additive Manufacture: design rules and build orientation selection. Journal of Engineering Design, 28(7-9)
- Ayarkwa KF, Williams SW & Ding J. (2017). Assessing the effect of TIG alternating current time cycle on aluminium wire + arc additive manufacture. Additive Manufacturing, 18
- Font comas T, Diao C, Ding J, Williams S & Zhao Y. (2017). A Passive Imaging System for Geometry Measurement for the Plasma Arc Welding Process. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64(9)
- Zhan Q, Liang Y, Ding J & Williams S. (2017). A wire deflection detection method based on image processing in wire + arc additive manufacturing. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 89(1-4)
- Cong B, Qi Z, Qi B, Sun H, Zhao G, .... (2017). A Comparative Study of Additively Manufactured Thin Wall and Block Structure with Al-6.3%Cu Alloy Using Cold Metal Transfer Process. Applied Sciences, 7(3)
- Zhang J, Zhang X, Wang X, Ding J, Traoré Y, .... (2016). Crack path selection at the interface of wrought and wire+arc additive manufactured Ti–6Al–4V. Materials & Design, 104
- Williams SW, Martina F, Addison AC, Ding J, Pardal G, .... (2016). Wire + Arc Additive Manufacturing. Materials Science and Technology, 32(7)
- Gu J, Ding J, Williams SW, Gu H, Ma P, .... (2016). The effect of inter-layer cold working and post-deposition heat treatment on porosity in additively manufactured aluminum alloys. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 230
- Cong B, Ouyang R, Qi B & Ding J. (2016). Influence of Cold Metal Transfer Process and Its Heat Input on Weld Bead Geometry and Porosity of Aluminum-Copper Alloy Welds. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 45(3)
- Gu J, Ding J, Williams SW, Gu H, Bai J, .... (2016). The strengthening effect of inter-layer cold working and post-deposition heat treatment on the additively manufactured Al–6.3Cu alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 651
- Ding J, Colegrove P, Martina F, Williams S, Wiktorowicz R, .... (2015). Development of a laminar flow local shielding device for wire + arc additive manufacture. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 226
- Cong B, Ding J & Williams S. (2015). Effect of arc mode in cold metal transfer process on porosity of additively manufactured Al-6.3%Cu alloy. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 76(9-12)
- Ayarkwa KF, Williams S & Ding J. (2015). Investigation of pulse advance cold metal transfer on aluminium wire arc additive manufacturing. International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, 5(1)
- Ding J, Colegrove P, Mehnen J, Williams S, Wang F, .... (2014). A computationally efficient finite element model of wire and arc additive manufacture. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 70(1-4)
- Mehnen J, Ding J, Lockett H & Kazanas P. (2014). Design study for wire and arc additive manufacture. International Journal of Product Development, 19(1/2/3)
- Ding J, Colegrove P, Mehnen J, Ganguly S, Sequeira Almeida PM, .... (2011). Thermo-mechanical analysis of Wire and Arc Additive Layer Manufacturing process on large multi-layer parts. Computational Materials Science, 50(12)
Conference Papers
- Ghafoori E, Dahaghin H, Diao C, Pichler N, Li L, .... (2023). Metal 3D‐Printing for Repair of Steel Structures
- Diao C, Eimer E, Mancini S, Krishnaswamy S, Schwarz F, .... (2022). Manufacture of Large-Scale Space Exploration Components using Wire + Arc Additive Manufacturing
- Zhang X, Syed AK, Biswal R, Martina F, Ding J, .... (2020). High Cycle Fatigue and Fatigue Crack Growth Rate in Additive Manufactured Titanium Alloys
- Zhu S, Salas Avila JR, Yin W, Peyton AJ, Ding J, .... (2020). Real-time Measurement of Electrical Conductivity for Aluminium Wires Using a Novel Calibration Method
- Kissinger T, Gomis B, Ding J, Williams SW & Tatam RP. (2019). Measurements of wire + arc additive manufacturing layer heights during arc operation using coherent range-resolved interferometry (CO-RRI)
- Xu X, Ding J, Ganguly S, Diao C & Williams S. (2019). Preliminary Investigation of Building Strategies of Maraging Steel Bulk Material Using Wire + Arc Additive Manufacture
- Javadi Y, Macleod CN, Pierce SG, Gachagan A, Kerr W, .... (2019). Ultrasonic Phased Array Inspection of Wire + Arc Additive Manufacture Samples Using Conventional and Total Focusing Method Imaging Approaches
- Charrett TOH, Bandari YK, Michel F, Ding J, Williams SW, .... (2017). Laser speckle velocimetry for robot manufacturing
- Fixter J, Gu J, Ding J, Williams SW & Prangnell PB. (2017). Preliminary Investigation into the Suitability of 2xxx Alloys for Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing
- Bandari Y, Charrett T, Michel F, Ding J, Williams S, .... (2016). Compensation strategies for robotic motion errors for additive manufacturing
- Busachi A, Erkoyuncu J, Colegrove P, Martina F & Ding J. (2015). Designing a WAAM Based Manufacturing System for Defence Applications
- Mehnen J, Ding J, Lockett H & Kazanas P. (2011). Design for Wire and Arc Additive Layer Manufacture
- Zimermann R, Rizwan MK, Loukas C, Vasilev M, Mohseni E, .... Dry-coupled ultrasound phased array inspection of as-built complex geometry metal additive manufactured components