Contact Dr Iveta Eimontaite
Areas of expertise
- Industrial Automation
- Industrial Ergonomics and Human Factors
Iveta Eimontaite studied Cognitive Neuroscience (MSc, University of York, UK) and completed her PhD in Cognitive Psychology (Hull University, UK). Prior to joining Cranfield University in June 2019, Iveta held research positions at Bristol Robotics Laboratory (at the University of West of England) and Sheffield Robotics (at the University of Sheffield). Her work mainly focuses on behavioural and cognitive aspects of Human-Technology Interaction (HTI) with particular interest in user needs and requirements for the successful integration of technology within the workplace/social environments.
Current activities
Within the Industrial Psychology and Human Factors group (IPHF) Iveta works on the H2020 project SHERLOCK ( Her role within this project focuses on acceptance and wellbeing of operators in manufacturing who are working collaboratively with high payload robotic arms, exoskeletons and mobile manipulators in diverse production environments. Iveta is employing a range of qualitative and quantitative methods in conjunction with physiological measures to estimate key psychological safety factors and ensure operator engagement and wellbeing.
Articles In Journals
- Cameron D, Collins EC, de Saille S, Eimontaite I, Greenwood A, .... (2024). The Social Triad Model: Considering the Deployer in a Novel Approach to Trust in Human–Robot Interaction. International Journal of Social Robotics, 16(6)
- Steer Z, Venkatesh PT, Mejia‐Mejia E, Dennis WW, Ogundele PA, .... (2024). SmartSocks: a new data collection paradigm for dementia and other neurological disorders. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 20(S8)
- Ariansyah D, Erkoyuncu JA, Eimontaite I, Johnson T, Oostveen A-M, .... (2022). A head mounted augmented reality design practice for maintenance assembly: Toward meeting perceptual and cognitive needs of AR users. Applied Ergonomics, 98(January)
- Leesakul N, Oostveen A-M, Eimontaite I, Wilson ML & Hyde R. (2022). Workplace 4.0: Exploring the Implications of Technology Adoption in Digital Manufacturing on a Sustainable Workforce. Sustainability, 14(6)
- Eimontaite I, Cameron D, Rolph J, Mokaram S, Aitken JM, .... (2022). Dynamic Graphical Instructions Result in Improved Attitudes and Decreased Task Completion Time in Human–Robot Co-Working: An Experimental Manufacturing Study. Sustainability, 14(6)
- Bolarinwa J, Eimontaite I, Mitchell T, Dogramadzi S & Caleb-Solly P. (2021). Assessing the Role of Gaze Tracking in Optimizing Humans-In-The-Loop Telerobotic Operation Using Multimodal Feedback. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8
- Ibarguren A, Eimontaite I, Outón JL & Fletcher S. (2020). Dual Arm Co-Manipulation Architecture with Enhanced Human–Robot Communication for Large Part Manipulation. Sensors, 20(21)
- Stephenson AC, Eimontaite I, Caleb-Solly P, Morgan PL, Khatun T, .... (2020). Effects of an Unexpected and Expected Event on Older Adults’ Autonomic Arousal and Eye Fixations During Autonomous Driving. Frontiers in Psychology, 11
- Eimontaite I, Schindler I, De Marco M, Duzzi D, Venneri A, .... (2019). Left Amygdala and Putamen Activation Modulate Emotion Driven Decisions in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma Game. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13
- She S, Tian Y, Lu L, Eimontaite I, Xie T, .... (2019). An Exploration of Hiking Risk Perception: Dimensions and Antecedent Factors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(11)
- Eimontaite I, Gwilt I, Cameron D, Aitken JM, Rolph J, .... (2019). Language-free graphical signage improves human performance and reduces anxiety when working collaboratively with robots. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 100(1-4)
- Sun Y, She S, Yang F, Ashworth P, Eimontaite I, .... (2019). Critical factors and pathways influencing genetically modified food risk perceptions. Journal of Risk Research, 22(1)
- Sun Y, Li P, She S, Eimontaite I & Yang B. (2018). Boosting water conservation by improving campaign: Evidence from a field study in China. Urban Water Journal, 15(10)
- Eimontaite I, Goel V, Raymont V, Krueger F, Schindler I, .... (2018). Differential roles of polar orbital prefrontal cortex and parietal lobes in logical reasoning with neutral and negative emotional content. Neuropsychologia, 119
- Mokaram S, Aitken JM, Martinez-Hernandez U, Eimontaite I, Cameron D, .... (2017). A ROS-integrated API for the KUKA LBR iiwa collaborative robot * *The authors acknowledge support from the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Intelligent Automation, in undertaking this research work under grant reference number EP/I033467/1, and the University of Sheffield Impact, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange grant "Human Robot Interaction Development". Equipment has been provided under the EPSRC Great Technologies Capital Call: Robotics and Autonomous Systems.. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50(1)
- She S, Eimontaite I, Zhang D & Sun Y. (2017). Fear, Anger, and Risk Preference Reversals: An Experimental Study on a Chinese Sample. Frontiers in Psychology, 8
- Eimontaite I, Nicolle A, Schindler I & Goel V. (2013). The effect of partner-directed emotion in social exchange decision-making. Frontiers in Psychology, 4
- Goel V, Eimontaite I, Goel A & Schindler I. Differential Modulation of Performance in Insight and Divergent Thinking Tasks with tDCS. The Journal of Problem Solving, 8(1)
Conference Papers
- Fletcher S, Eimontaite I, Webb P & Lohse N. (2023). “We don’t need ergonomics anymore, we need psychology!” – the human analysis needed for human-robot collaboration
- Eimontaite I, Togias T, Fletcher S & Dimitropoulos N. (2022). User guided augmented reality manufacturing assembly instruction development: Changing work modes during COVID -19 and its implications
- Eimontaite I, Fletcher SR, Rizzi A, Minissale A & Abba FF. (2022). Exoskeleton-Enhanced Manufacturing; A Study Exploring Psychological and Physical Effects on Assembly Operators' Wellbeing
- Eimontaite I, Fletcher SR, Rizzi A, Minissale A & Abba FF. (2022). Exoskeleton-Enhanced Manufacturing; A Study Exploring Psychological and Physical Effects on Assembly Operators' Wellbeing
- Eimontaite I, Voinescu A, Alford C, Caleb-Solly P & Morgan P. (2020). The Impact of Different Human-Machine Interface Feedback Modalities on Older Participants’ User Experience of CAVs in a Simulator Environment
- Stephenson A, Eimontaite I, Caleb-Solly P & Alford C. (2020). The Impact of a Biological Driver State Monitoring System on Visual Attention During Partially Automated Driving
- Bolarinwa J, Eimontaite I, Dogramadzi S, Mitchell T & Caleb-Solly P. (2019). The use of different feedback modalities and verbal collaboration in tele-robotic assistance
- Eimontaite I, Gwilt I, Cameron D, Aitken J, Rolph J, .... (2018). Graphical Signage Decreases Negative Attitudes towards Robots and Robot Anxiety in Human-Robot Co-working
- Eimontaite I, Fletcher S, Goławski K & Kołcon T. Breaking the barriers: multilingual user engagement to increase process engagement and technology acceptance in manufacturing
- Godhania S, Eimontaite I & Fletcher S. Physiological and Eye Tracking determinants as markers of Skill Acquisition in Manual Inspection
- Sashidharan V, Eimontaite I, Fletcher S, Arpa A, Mazzon A, .... Collaboration and Co-creation in Industry 5.0: User-engagement with industrial operators through co-creation workshops
- Koukas S, Broechler R, Haninger K, Gautam M, Ubis F, .... Software Architecture and Human-Centric design methodology in Human-Robot collaborative production systems
- Kołcon T, Eimontaite I, Gemza P, Goławski K, Kołodziejczyk M, .... (2024). AI-Based Positioning on a Micro Scale In Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics (33 SPAR). Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Eimontaite I. (2022). Human–Robot Collaboration Using Visual Cues for Communication In Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering (81). Springer International Publishing.
- Eimontaite I, Gwilt I, Cameron D, Aitken JM, Rolph J, .... (2019). Dynamic Graphical Signage Improves Response Time and Decreases Negative Attitudes Towards Robots in Human-Robot Co-working In Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics (7). Springer International Publishing.
- Eimontaite I, Gwilt I, Cameron D, Aitken JM, Rolph J, .... (2016). Assessing Graphical Robot Aids for Interactive Co-working In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (490). Springer International Publishing.