Contact Dr Heather Almond
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Dr Heather Almond has over 25 years experience in working with advanced machining techniques and more latterly, has worked within the field of Renewable Energies.
She gained her MSc in Advanced Manufacturing Technology at the then Cranfield Institute of Technology in 1987 and her PhD in Advanced Manufacturing Technology at Cranfield University in 1995. Prior to that, she had worked in industry and academia involved with : Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) superconducting magnets and Photochemical Machining (PCM). After her PhD, she worked in Rapid Prototyping and Manufacture with Nottingham University.
Heather rejoined Cranfield University in 1998 to work with micro-electro discharge machining and PCM and allied techniques (such as electrolytic etching, electroplating, electroless plating and electroforming) of exotic & 'difficult-to-machine' materials. She has lectured on Rapid Prototyping/Manufacture and Non-Conventional Machining and Machining of MEMS and undertaken supervision of MSc and PhD students in related topics. She was the course director for the MSc in Microsystems and Nanotechnology.
Over the last 10 years, she has worked with the Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) team, specialising in erosion testing of absorber and receiver surfaces, sol gel technology for absorber tube coatings, soiling/ageing of mirrors, dust barriers, socioeconomic aspects of CSP plant and biomimicry in CSP. She is the deputy course director of the MSc in Renewable Energy, undertaking lecturing and academic supervision.
Articles In Journals
- Zhou Z, Zhang L, Almond H & Ge D. (2024). Investigation of mixing characteristics in a novel SAR micromixer with locally overlapping V-shaped flow channels. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 195
- Zhang L, Zhou Z, Shi J, Wei Y, Yu S, .... (2024). Numerical study of a novel electroosmotic active micromixer with twin diamond-shaped chambers and sawteeth. Microsystem Technologies, 30(12)
- Isern L, Impey S, Almond H, Clouser SJ & Endrino JL. (2024). PTFE layer formation during brush electroplating of nickel. Scientific Reports, 14(1)
- Allauddin U, Rafique MU, Malik O, Rashid O, Waseem A, .... (2023). Investigation of the Thermo-hydraulic performance of a roughened Parabolic trough collector. Applied Thermal Engineering, 219(January)
- Karim M, Sansom C, King P, Almond H, Bouaichaoui S, .... (2023). Durability Assessment of Silvered Glass Mirrors Exposed in Two Different Desert Sites Suitable for CSP Installations. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 1
- Isern L, Impey S, Almond H, Clouser SJ & Endrino JL. (2017). Structure zone diagram and particle incorporation of nickel brush plated composite coatings. Scientific Reports, 7(1)
- Sansom C, Fernández-García A, Sutter F, Almond H, King P, .... (2016). Soiling and Cleaning of Polymer Film Solar Reflectors. Energies, 9(12)
- Atkinson C, Sansom CL, Almond HJ & Shaw CP. (2015). Coatings for concentrating solar systems – A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 45
- Allen DM, Simpkins M & Almond H. (2010). A novel photochemical machining process for magnesium aerospace and biomedical microengineering applications. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20(10)
- Allen DM, Almond HJ, Bedner K, Cabeza M, Courtot B, .... (2009). Processing and characterisation of precision microparts from nickel-based materials. Microsystem Technologies, 15(8)
- Rocks SA, Tredez Q, Almond HJ, Shaw CP & Dorey RA. (2009). Bottom up fabrication of a nickel–lead zirconate titanate piezoelectric microcantilevers. Materials Letters, 63(1)
- Wei W, Di Z, Allen DM & Almond HJA. (2008). Non-traditional Machining Techniques for Fabricating Metal Aerospace Filters. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 21(5)
- Allen DM, Almond HJA, Gaben F & Impey S. (2005). The Causes and Prevention of Smut on Etched AISI 300 Stainless Steels. CIRP Annals, 54(1)
- Almond HJA, Bhogal J & Allen DM. (1999). Positional accuracy study of a micro-EDM machine. SPIE Proceedings, 3680(II)
- Endaya E, Sansom C, Comley P, Almond H, Dekam E, .... Simulation of Th Effct of Libyan Sand on Th Reflctance Surface of CSP. Solar Energy and Sustainable Development Journal, 8(2)
- Karim M, Sansom C, Hussaini Z, Almond H, Fernández-García A, .... Effect of Operation Time on the Performance and Accuracy of the Condor Reflectometer. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 2
- Karim M, Sansom C, King P, Almond H & Hussaini Z. Comparative Assessment of the Durability of Glass and Polymer Mirrors for Concentrated Solar Thermal Technologies. SolarPACES Conference Proceedings, 2
Conference Papers
- King P, Merlière E, Gosteli C, Coto IM, Reed J, .... (2023). Design of a low-cost high-flux solar simulator
- Karim M, Almond H, Sansom C, Balta-Ozkan N, Mirzania P, .... (2020). The effect of concentrated solar power plants on the socio-economic and livelihood assets of the local community and environment
- King P, Sansom C, Almond H, Karim M & Idiazabal LR. (2020). Simulation of the effect of dust barriers on the reduction of mirror soiling in CSP plants
- Sansom C, Tonnellier X, King P & Almond H. (2019). Concentrating Fresnel lens technology for thermal desalination
- King P, Sansom C, Almond H & Abdulkarim H. (2019). An experimental investigation into factors affecting the soiling of glass mirrors
- Almond H, Tonnellier X, Sansom C, Pearce M & Sengar N. (2019). The design and modification of a parabolic trough system for the hydrothermal liquefaction of waste
- Sansom C, King P, Fernández-García A, Almond H, Kayani T, .... (2018). The design of dust barriers to reduce collector mirror soiling in CSP plants
- Sansom C, Almond H, King P, Endaya E & Bouaichaoui S. (2017). Airborne sand and dust soiling of solar collecting mirrors
- Sansom C, Fernández-García A, Sutter F, Almond H & King P. (2016). Contact cleaning of polymer film solar reflectors
- Xia P, Almond H & Impey S. (2016). Investigation of pre & post plating surface roughness of electroless nickel phosphorus coated substrate for diamond turning application
- Pozzi M, Almond HJA, Leighton GJT & Moriarty RJ. (2015). Low-profile and wearable energy harvester based on plucked piezoelectric cantilevers
- Sansom C, Comley P, King P, Almond H, Atkinson C, .... (2015). Predicting the Effects of Sand Erosion on Collector Surfaces in CSP Plants
- Stoyanov S, Bailey C, Leach R, Hughes B, Wilson A, .... (2008). Modelling and prototyping the conceptual design of 3D CMM micro-probe
- Allen DM, Almond HJ, Bedner K, Cabeza M, Courtot B, .... (2008). Processing and characterization of precision microparts from nickel-based materials
- Almond HJA & Allen DM. (2007). Electrolytic machining of difficult-to-etch metals and alloys
- Almond HJA, Allen DM & Blondeau S. (2007). A technical and economic comparison of the photochemical machining of AISI 304 and AISI 201 stainless steels with ferric chloride etchants
- Allen DM, Almond HJA, Hollinshead N & Kayode Ake G. (2005). Comparisons of various physical chracteristics of electroformed nickels and nickel-cobalt alloys as an aid for the selection of micro-mould insert...
- Allen DM, Almond HJA, Boubal D & Maynard B. (2004). Monitoring dissolved nickel, chromium and copper in aqueous ferric chloride etchants by microspectrometry
- Allen DM, Almond HJA & Maynard B. (2004). Testing of a LIGA-microspectrometer for monitoring the dissolution of copper and stainless steel in aqueous ferric chloride solutions
- Leinvuo JT, Wilson SA, Almond HJA & Whatmore RW. (2004). Performance characterisation of an experimental flextensional ultrasonic piezoelectric micro-motor
- Allen DM & Almond HJA. (2004). Characterisation of aqueous ferric chloride etchants used in industrial photochemical machining
- LEINVUO JT, WILSON SA, ALMOND HJA & WHATMORE RW. (2004). Experimental Design and Construction of a Flextensional Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Micro-Motor
- Allen DM, Almond HJA & Boubal D. (2003). Testing of a LIGA-microspectrometer for monitoring dissolved nickel concentration when etching nickel and its alloys in aqueous ferric chloride solutions
- Allen DM, Almond HJA & Logan P. (2000).
Technical comparison of micro-electrodischarge machining, microdrilling, and copper vapor laser machining for the fabrication of ink jet nozzles - Almond HJA & Allen DM. (2000).
Influence of materials selection and quality on ink jet nozzles fabricated by micro-electrodischarge machining - Allen DM, Almond HJA, Bhogal JS, Green AE, Logan PM, .... (1999). Typical Metrology of Micro-Hole Arrays Made in Stainless Steel Foils by Two-Stage Micro-EDM