Contact Dr Erik Pickering
Dr Pickering is an experienced researcher with a focus on blast loading utilising both novel experimental design and numerical modelling to complement the capabilities of each methodology.
Dr Pickering has a PhD in Engineering from the University of Cambridge, where he worked on understanding the microstructural response of ceramic-metal composites to improve lightweight body armour systems in a project funded by the ONR (US Navy). He holds a BSc & MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Cape Town where he was a member of the Blast Impact & Survivability Research Institute (BISRU) researching angled vehicle belly armour and buried charges.
Dr Pickering joined Cranfield in 2023 as a Lecturer in Dynamic Modelling. Prior to this he worked with the Blast and Impact Dynamics research group at the University of Sheffield working on projects involving the AFRL, ERDC and DSTL. Additionally, he spent four years in industry working as a research engineer in R&D where he developed an expertise in computer vision and image analysis of high-speed events to create data rich validation tools to assist numerical model development.
Articles In Journals
- Eytan A, Forth SA, Pickering EG, Hazael R & Burrows SJ. (2024). Blast wave ingress into a room through an opening – Review of past research and US DoD UFC 3-340-02. International Journal of Protective Structures
- Rigby SE, Mendham E, Farrimond DG, Pickering EG, Tyas A, .... (2024). An empirical method for modelling the secondary shock from high explosives in the far-field. Shock Waves
- Ramos H, Pickering E, AlMahri S, Krishnan K, Oyebanji J, .... (2023). Experimental evaluation of hybrid lattice structures subjected to blast loading. Additive Manufacturing, 76(August)
- Isaac OS, Alshammari OG, Pickering EG, Clarke SD & Rigby SE. (2023). Blast wave interaction with structures – An overview. International Journal of Protective Structures, 14(4)
- Pickering EG, O'Masta MR, Wadley HNG & Deshpande VS. (2017). Effect of confinement on the static and dynamic indentation response of model ceramic and cermet materials. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 110
- Bele E, Goel A, Pickering EG, Borstnar G, Katsamenis OL, .... (2017). Deformation mechanisms of idealised cermets under multi-axial loading. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 102
- Pickering EG, Bele E & Deshpande VS. (2016). Multi-axial response of idealized cermets. Acta Materialia, 116
- Langdon GS, Karagiozova D, von Klemperer CJ, Nurick GN, Ozinsky A, .... (2013). The air-blast response of sandwich panels with composite face sheets and polymer foam cores: Experiments and predictions. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 54
- Pickering EG, Chung Kim Yuen S & Nurick GN. (2013). The influence of the height of burial of buried charges – Some experimental observations. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 58
- Chung Kim Yuen S, Langdon GS, Nurick GN, Pickering EG & Balden VH. (2012). Response of V-shape plates to localised blast load: Experiments and numerical simulation. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 46
- Pickering EG, Chung Kim Yuen S, Nurick GN & Haw P. (2012). The response of quadrangular plates to buried charges. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 49