Contact Dr Emily Guest


Emily is currently a Research Fellow in Soil and Plant Science at Cranfield University, working as part of the large-consortium Nitrogen Climate Smart (NCS) project. Within this, Emily is researching the potential for legumes within crop rotations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through improvements in soil health and nitrogen use efficiency.

Previously, Emily completed her PhD at the University of Sheffield researching the potential for grass-clover leys to improve soil structure and soil carbon storage in an arable rotation. You can find her major finding published from her PhD open-access here:

Research opportunities

Emily's research goal is to collect more data of plant-soil-atmosphere interactions to inform more sustainable, but productive and profitable, land management decisions.

Emily has an interest in sustainable agro-ecosystems at the rotation scale, and is interested in getting involved with a variety of projects involving diversifying rotations grass/leys in rotation, break crops (e.g. oats, legumes) and improving the sustainability of livestock production through more farm-produced, or UK-grown feed. Emily also has an interest in bringing technology and information to agriculture, including metrics, dynamic benchmarking and remote sensing to inform decisions.


Articles In Journals