Contact Dr Deepak Panda
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 754662
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- Twitter: @deepakdep
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Areas of expertise
- Autonomous Systems
- Safety, Resilience, Risk & Reliability
- Systems Engineering
Dr Deepak Panda is a UKIC postdoctoral research fellow focusing on developing AI based security solutions for air traffic infrastructure. He works at the Centre for Cyber-Physical Systems, School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing (SATM) as a member of Human Machine Intelligence Group. He is also involved in teaching several modules in Applied AI MSc and Connected and Autonomous Vehicle MSc.
He obtained his PhD from University of Exeter in 2022, focusing on Applied AI and Control of Smart Grids.
He got his M.Tech in Industrial Automation and Control from National Institute of Technology, Calicut in 2016, after completing his graduation in Electrical Engineering (Power) from Jadavpur University in 2014.
He worked as Smart Factory Deployment Engineer in Schneider Electric Infrastructure Limited, India from 2016-18.
Research opportunities
1. Robust and Safe Reinforcement Learning
2. Adversarial Artificial Intelligence
Current activities
Antifragile AI solutions for advanced air mobility.
Robust AI based UAV navigation against cyber-attacks
- Thales SA
- NATS Holdings
Articles In Journals
- Panda DK, Turner O, Das S & Abusara M. (2024). Prioritized experience replay based deep distributional reinforcement learning for battery operation in microgrids. Journal of Cleaner Production, 434
- Panda DK, Halder K, Das S & Townley S. (2024). Observer based decentralized load frequency control with false data injection attack for specified network quality and delay. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 186
- Panda DK & Guo W. (2024). Action Robust Reinforcement Learning for Air Mobility Deconfliction Against Conflict Induced Spoofing. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(12)
- Kumar Panda D, Das S & Townley S. (2023). Hyperparameter optimized classification pipeline for handling unbalanced urban and rural energy consumption patterns. Expert Systems with Applications, 214
- Alyami L, Panda DK & Das S. (2023). Bayesian Noise Modelling for State Estimation of the Spread of COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia with Extended Kalman Filters. Sensors, 23(10)
- Panda DK, Das S & Townley S. (2022). Toward a More Renewable Energy-Based LFC Under Random Packet Transmissions and Delays With Stochastic Generation and Demand. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 19(2)
- Halder K, Panda DK, Das S, Das S & Gupta A. (2022). Specified QoS based networked observer and PI controller design with disturbance and noise rejection under random packet dropout. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 604
- Panda DK & Das S. (2021). Smart grid architecture model for control, optimization and data analytics of future power networks with more renewable energy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 301
- Panda DK & Das S. (2021). Economic operational analytics for energy storage placement at different grid locations and contingency scenarios with stochastic wind profiles. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 137
- Halder K, Das S, Panda DK, Das S & Gupta A. (2021). QoS aware joint observer and networked PI/PID controller design using LMIs under specified rate of packet dropouts. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 401
Conference Papers
- Conrad C, Xu Y, Panda D & Tsourdos A. (2024). Simulating Enhanced Vertiport Management in a Multimodal Transportation Ecosystem
- Panda DK & Guo W. (2023). Fragility Impact of RL Based Advanced Air Mobility under Gradient Attacks and Packet Drop Constraints
- Conrad C, Xu Y, Panda D & Tsourdos A. (2023). Intelligent Vertiport Traffic Flow Management for Scalable Advanced Air Mobility Operations
- Ghosh S, Panda DK, Das S & Chatterjee D. (2021). Cross-Correlation Based Classification of Electrical Appliances for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring
- Panda DK & Das S. (2021). Robust Bayesian Regression Model of Centrality and Voltage Stability Index for Power Networks under Nodal Attack
- Panda DK & Das S. (2019). Regression Analysis of Grid Stability under Decentralized Control
- Panda DK & Ashok S. (2016). Sensorless speed estimation of linear induction motor under variable discrete loading using cascaded MRAS observer