Contact Dr Arijit Lodh
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Arijit Lodh is a Research Fellow in Small Scale Mechanical Testing at Cranfield University. His current research at Cranfield is aimed to investigate the role of mesoscale dislocation structures on the mechanical response of metals after overloads by integrating experiments and physics-based models.
Arijit obtained his PhD from IIT-Monash Research Academy, a joint collaboration between Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India and Monash University, Australia where he worked on microstructural origin of residual stress. Prior to joining his PhD, he has worked for 3 years at Research & Development division, Tata Steel India.
Current activities
Arijit is currently working on a EPSRC funded project which is focused to mitigate the uncertainty in assessing the mechanical response of a component under cyclic loading after an overload. He has experience on x-ray and electron diffraction, residual stress measurements and steel metallurgy. He is expanding his research interests in new areas like cyclic deformation, crystal plasticity etc.
Articles In Journals
- Neog SP, Lodh A, Karmakar A, Nair AG, Dasgupta A, .... (2023). Insights into the stability of retained austenite during wear. Philosophical Magazine, 103(3)
- Lodh A, Keller C & Castelluccio GM. (2023). Fabrication and Mechanical Testing of Mesoscale Specimens. JOM, 75(7)
- Ashraf F, Lodh A, Pagone E & Castelluccio GM. (2023). Revitalising Metallic Materials: A Path towards a Sustainable Circular Economy. Sustainability, 15(15)
- Lodh A, Thool K & Samajdar I. (2022). X-ray Diffraction for the Determination of Residual Stress of Crystalline Material: An Overview. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 75(4)
- Lodh A, Pant P, Kumar G, Mani Krishna KV, Tewari R, .... (2020). Orientation-dependent solid solution strengthening in zirconium: a nanoindentation study. Journal of Materials Science, 55(10)
- Tak TN, Prakash A, Lodh A, Keralavarma SM, Narayana Murty SVS, .... (2020). Relating Porosity With Ductility in a Commercial AA7075 Alloy: A Combined Experimental and Numerical Study. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 142(4)
- Mondal R, Bonagani SK, Lodh A, Sharma T, Sivaprasad PV, .... (2019). Relating General and Phase Specific Corrosion in a Super Duplex Stainless Steel with Phase Specific Microstructure Evolution. CORROSION, 75(11)
- Lodh A, Tak TN, Prakash A, Guruprasad PJ, Keralavarma SM, .... (2019). Microstructural Origin of Residual Stress Relief in Aluminum. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 50(11)
- Prakash A, Tak TN, Lodh A, Nayan N, Narayana Murty SVS, .... (2019). Composition Gradient and Particle Deformed Zone: An Emerging Correlation. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 50(3)
- Indla S, Chelvane A, Lodh A & Das D. (2019). Enhancement in magnetostrictive properties of cobalt ferrite by magnetic field assisted compaction technique. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 779
- Lodh A, Tewary U, Singh RP, Tak TN, Prakash A, .... (2018). Orientation-Dependent Developments in Misorientation and Residual Stress in Rolled Aluminum: The Defining Role of Dislocation Interactions. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 49(12)
- Kumar G, Lodh A, Singh J, Singh R, Srivastava D, .... (2017). Experimental characterization and finite element modeling of through thickness deformation gradient in a cold rolled zirconium sheet. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 19
- Lodh A, Tak TN, Prakash A, Guruprasad PJ, Hutchinson C, .... (2017). Relating Residual Stress and Substructural Evolution During Tensile Deformation of an Aluminum-Manganese Alloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 48(11)
- Sk MB, Syed B, Chatterjee A, Lodh A, Kundu S, .... (2017). Effect of Thermal Exposure on the Charpy Impact Properties of Thermo-Mechanically Treated Reinforcement Steel Bar. steel research international, 88(5)
- Das S, Sinha S, Lodh A, Chintha AR, Krugla M, .... (2017). Hot-rolled and continuously cooled bainitic steel with good strength–elongation combination. Materials Science and Technology, 33(8)
- Srinivasan N, Kain V, Birbilis N, Kumar BS, Gandhi MN, .... (2016). Plastic deformation and corrosion in austenitic stainless steel: A novel approach through microtexture and infrared spectroscopy. Corrosion Science, 111
- Kumar G, Kanjarla AK, Lodh A, Singh J, Singh R, .... (2016). Burst Ductility of Zirconium Clads: The Defining Role of Residual Stress. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 47(8)
- Lodh A, Biswas A & Das S. (2015). Modelling hot strength behaviour of steel. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 42(4)
- Jha G, Das S, Sinha S, Lodh A & Haldar A. (2013). Design and development of precipitate strengthened advanced high strength steel for automotive application. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 561
- Jha G, Das S, Lodh A & Haldar A. (2012). Development of hot rolled steel sheet with 600MPa UTS for automotive wheel application. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 552
Conference Papers
- Tak TN, Prakash A, Lodh A, Samajdar I & Guruprasad PJ. (2017). Residual stress development and evolution in two-phase crystalline material: A discrete dislocation study
- Lodh A, Samajdar I, Tewari R, Srivastava D, Dey GK, .... (2012). Effects of Grain Orientations on Nanoindentation Behavior in Hexagonal Zirconium