Contact Dr Andrea Momblanch
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 758264
- Email:
- Twitter: @AndreaMomblanch
- ResearchGate
Areas of expertise
- Computing, Simulation & Modelling
- Natural Capital
- Water Science and Engineering
Dr Momblanch is a water and environmental engineer specialised on catchment-scale water resources systems analysis. Her research focuses on the development of novel water management approaches, aided by modelling, to understand the trade-off between human and environmental water uses, and to discover new ways to reconcile and balance competing demands. She has developed innovative integrated methods to inform global change impacts assessment and adaptation in high mountain regions through a range of NERC funded projects, promoted the application of systems approaches to water management leading several QR GCRF projects, and expanded the capabilities of existing models to better capture physical, eco-hydrological and human-nature interactions supported by NERC, EPSRC, and EU and other international funding.
Current activities
Her current research interests are related to the integration of natural capital and nature-based solutions into water resource systems planning to support sustainable water management and maximise societal benefits.
Affinity Water
Articles In Journals
- Chengot R, Zylberman R, Momblanch A, Salazar OV, Hess T, .... (2024). Evaluating the impacts of agricultural development and climate change on the water-energy nexus in Santa Elena (Ecuador). Environmental Science & Policy, 152
- Momblanch A, Kelkar N, Braulik G, Krishnaswamy J & Holman IP. (2022). Exploring trade-offs between SDGs for Indus River Dolphin conservation and human water security in the regulated Beas River, India. Sustainability Science, 17(4)
- Orr A, Ahmad B, Alam U, Appadurai A, Bharucha ZP, .... (2022). Knowledge Priorities on Climate Change and Water in the Upper Indus Basin: A Horizon Scanning Exercise to Identify the Top 100 Research Questions in Social and Natural Sciences. Earth's Future, 10(4)
- Peralta-Maraver I, Stubbington R, Arnon S, Kratina P, Krause S, .... (2021). The riverine bioreactor: An integrative perspective on biological decomposition of organic matter across riverine habitats. Science of The Total Environment, 772(June)
- Shirsat TS, Kulkarni AV, Momblanch A, Randhawa SS & Holman IP. (2021). Towards climate-adaptive development of small hydropower projects in Himalaya: A multi-model assessment in upper Beas basin. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 34(April)
- Musie M, Momblanch A & Sen S. (2021). Exploring future global change-induced water imbalances in the Central Rift Valley Basin, Ethiopia. Climatic Change, 164(3-4)
- Ncube S, Beevers L & Momblanch A. (2021). Towards Intangible Freshwater Cultural Ecosystem Services: Informing Sustainable Water Resources Management. Water, 13(4)
- Benisiewicz B, Momblanch A, Leggatt A & Holman IP. (2021). Erosion and Sediment Transport Modelling to Inform Payment for Ecosystem Services Schemes. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 26(1)
- Dau QV, Momblanch A & Adeloye AJ. (2021). Adaptation by Himalayan Water Resource System under a Sustainable Socioeconomic Pathway in a High-Emission Context. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 26(3)
- Momblanch A, Beevers L, Srinivasalu P, Kulkarni A & Holman IP. (2020). Enhancing production and flow of freshwater ecosystem services in a managed Himalayan river system under uncertain future climate. Climatic Change, 162(2)
- Bannister D, Orr A, Jain SK, Holman IP, Momblanch A, .... (2019). Bias Correction of High‐Resolution Regional Climate Model Precipitation Output Gives the Best Estimates of Precipitation in Himalayan Catchments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(24)
- Momblanch A, Holman I & Jain S. (2019). Current Practice and Recommendations for Modelling Global Change Impacts on Water Resource in the Himalayas. Water, 11(6)
- Snapir B, Momblanch A, Jain SK, Waine TW & Holman IP. (2019). A method for monthly mapping of wet and dry snow using Sentinel-1 and MODIS: Application to a Himalayan river basin. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 74
- Momblanch A, Papadimitriou L, Jain SK, Kulkarni A, Ojha CSP, .... (2019). Untangling the water-food-energy-environment nexus for global change adaptation in a complex Himalayan water resource system. Science of The Total Environment, 655
- Momblanch A, Paredes-Arquiola J & Andreu J. (2017). Improved modelling of the freshwater provisioning ecosystem service in water scarce river basins. Environmental Modelling & Software, 94
- Antunes P, Santos R, Cosme I, Osann A, Calera A, .... (2017). A holistic framework to assess the sustainability of irrigated agricultural systems. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 3(1)
- Terrado M, Momblanch A, Bardina M, Boithias L, Munné A, .... (2016). Integrating ecosystem services in river basin management plans. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53(3)
- Momblanch A, Connor JD, Crossman ND, Paredes-Arquiola J & Andreu J. (2016). Using ecosystem services to represent the environment in hydro-economic models. Journal of Hydrology, 538
- Momblanch A, Paredes-Arquiola J, Munné A, Manzano A, Arnau J, .... (2015). Managing water quality under drought conditions in the Llobregat River Basin. Science of The Total Environment, 503-504
- Momblanch A, Andreu J, Paredes-Arquiola J, Solera A & Pedro-Monzonís M. (2014). Adapting water accounting for integrated water resource management. The Júcar Water Resource System (Spain). Journal of Hydrology, 519(PD)
- Paredes-Arquiola J, Solera A, Martinez-Capel F, Momblanch A & Andreu J. (2014). Integrating water management, habitat modelling and water quality at the basin scale and environmental flow assessment: case study of the Tormes River, Spain. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59(3-4)
Conference Papers
- Momblanch A, Shirsat T, Kulkarni A & Holman IP. (2022). Integrating glacier flow in hydrological modelling for water resources management
- Shirsat T, Kulkarni A, Momblanch A, Singh Randhawa S & Holman I. (2021). Potential impacts of warming climate on future water resources and hydropower production in a glacierized catchment in Western Himalaya
- Celmi G, Momblanch A, Hess T, Fyffe CL, Potter E, .... (2021). No-regret adaptation to climate change through management of glacial lakes in the Santa River Basin in Peru
- Paredes-Arquiola J, Macián J, Pedro-Monzonís M, Belda E, Momblanch A, .... (2016). River water quality modelling under drought situations – the Turia River case
- Momblanch A, Pedro-Monzonís M, Solera A & Andreu J. (2018). Water Accounting for Integrated Water Resources Management In Friesen J & Rodriguez-Sinobas L (eds), Advances in Chemical Pollution, Environmental Management and Protection (3). Elsevier.
- Momblanch A, Pedro-Monzonís M, Solera A & Andreu J. (2018). Chapter Three Water Accounting for Integrated Water Resources Management Experiences and Recommendations In Advanced Tools for Integrated Water Resources Management (3). Elsevier.
- Andreu J, Momblanch A, Paredes J, Pérez M & Solera A. (2012). Potential role of standardized water accounting in Spanish basins In Godfrey JM & Chalmers K (eds), Water Accounting: International Approaches to Policy and Decision-making. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
- Andreu J, Momblanch A, Paredes J, Solera A & Perez MA. (2012). Potential Role of Standardized Water Accounting in Spanish Basins In Water Accounting. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Andreu J, Momblanch A, Paredes J, Solera A & Perez MA. (2012). Chapter 7: Potential Role of Standardized Water Accounting in Spanish Basins In Water Accounting. Edward Elgar Publishing.