Contact Dieter Pater


After my BSc. in Mechanical Engineering I worked 10 years as a project engineer to design various industrial mechanical solutions but it also involved technical failures in industrial engines. Then I started teaching technical courses at the BSc. course Logistics & Technical business administration of the Amsterdam University of applied Sciences. In 2005, from my background as a Mechanical Engineer, I contributed in the development of the physics content of the BSc. Course Forensic Investigation. Especially with regard to Forensic Engineering (mechanical failure), Fire Investigation and Forensic Ballistics. This last part of the program has extended due to the obtained MSc. Forensic Ballistics (2016) and the integration of SEM-EDX in the program. In the following years I attended various courses (40hours): Fire Investigation Course (DGMR), Blood Pattern Analyses course (NFI/Ontario Police) and Shooting Reconstruction Course (NFI) with practicals. Furthermore I attended various small courses like DNA, Bayesian Statistics and cartridge case examination at the NFI.

Current activities

Currently I'm a lecturer/researcher at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, lecturing Ballistics, Shooting incident reconstruction, Failure/Fire Investigations and Statistics for the BSc. Forensic Science Course. Since 2016 I also coordinate research projects with lines of research in the area of forensic investigation and physics. These lines of research are part of the professorship "Forensisch Onderzoek", a collaboration between the Dutch Police Academy and our University. I collaborate with the Amsterdam Fire Department (improve safety and prevention) and investigate various unknown sources of fire. Another long term collaboration exists with the CSI of the Dutch Police, where different aspects of the application of forensic light source, collecting GSR and fingerprints are some of the topics. My own research focuses mainly on GSR and Ballistics (with NFI) and I am always willing to intensify our collaboration with CFI.