Contact Bassem Djedi


Bassem is an Aeronautical Engineering graduate demonstrating passion towards design, experimental and numerical studies in the field of Fluid dynamics (FVM) and Structural analysis (FEM). He finished his MScR and MSc in Aerospace engineering from Coventry University (2015 to 2017). During his MScR at Coventry University, he performed experimental analysis on scaled up particulate filter, where the whole experimental rig was designed and 3-D printed by him including a scaled up subsonic wind tunnel, honeycomb, and the particulate single channel filter.

During his MSc he was accepted to work as a summer research intern, where he conducted fundamental research on jet impingement flow, and studied the vortex phenomena using OpenFoam by combining both RANS and LES models for comparison. He is now an approved Part 147 EASA/DGCA/GCAA Knowledge instructor and examiner and Practical instructor and assessor teaching Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME) at the Australian College of Kuwait. His upmost achievement to date was to design curriculum for Bachelor's degree in AME for the aviation department which was approved by ACK presidential office and CQ University in Australia. Bassem decided to continue his PhD (Feb 2021) as a part time student, studying the vortical flow in multiple type of winglets including Blended Body Winglet, and multi-winglets using OpenFoam.

Research opportunities

Summer Research Intern (Coventry University):

Conducted a fundamental research of Jet Impingement phenomena.

Mesh generation & simulation (LES + RANS) using OpenFoam software.

Use of SALOME software to achieve well consistent cells with high denser cells near the impingement plate, in order to catch the necessary boundary layers for later study.

Numerical evaluation & comparison of the simulations between LES & RANS model v2f.

Current activities

Bassem is carrying out his PhD research within Cranfield University in Computation Engineering Sciences. His PhD research involves numerical analysis using OpenFoam, to predict wingtip vortical flow of various types of winglets including Blended Wing Body winglet & multi-winglets using LES & RANS. Also, optimization of winglets to generate an optimal operational winglet that can be used for application purposes.

