Here is your quarterly summary of some of the successes of Cranfield alumni:
- Elizabeth Honer (MSc Managing Organisational Performance 2009) is appointed CEO at the Royal Academy of Dance.
- Karl Zammit (MSc Aerospace Vehicle Design 2023) and Christopher Conrad (MSc Advanced Air Mobility Systems 2023) both Maltese Aviation Researchers at Cranfield, are awarded prizes for outstanding results in their respective fields.
- Christophe Gueguen (MSc Engineering for Competitive Manufacturing 1986) is appointed to the Management Committee at Engineering group, Ingerop.
- Cdr Jack Hathaway (MSc Flight Dynamics 2014) Distinguished Aerospace Alumni Award Winner 2024 combines a visit to campus to receive his award, with a trip to Holywell school in Cranfield village. He speaks to the children about his life as an Astronaut with NASA.
- Rochelle Trow (MSc International Human Resources Management 2006) Publishes her book, Awakening to Wholeness: A Life Unmasked. Offering an insight into her childhood in apartheid South Africa to a corporate career in HR.
- Captain Rodney Sears (MPhil School of Engineering 2013) Presents “The Life of a Test Pilot” at the University of Hertfordshire.
- Julia Tatin (MSc Water Management 2005) is one of four finalists for the Women Empowerment Trophy 2025, sponsored by BMCI.
- Wendy Tan White (MSc Management Science and Computer Applications in Management Systems 1994) CEO of Robotics Software company Intrinsic, features in an article in Business Today about her career in Silicon Valley.
- Zuzana Benesova(MSc Environmental Management for Business 2009) Founder of Property company, Seven Keys, talks about how she started her property portfolio.
- Laurence Gale(MSc Sports Surface Technology 2003) Looks back at his 57 year career in Horticulture.
- Johnny Wake(Business Growth Development Programme 2019) Has been announced as the winner of the Cranfield School of Management 2025 Entrepreneur Alumni award.
- Paul Oliver (MSc Bioaeronautics 1989) is included in the Marquis who’s who for leadership in the Aviation sector.
- Chris Van Der Hoven (MBA 1998) is appointed Senior Director at the Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa.
- Francesca Mezzogori (MSc Design of Rotating Machines 2009) Features in an article celebrating her success working in the Aerodynamic team at Scuderia Ferrari.
- Kanat Sharlapaev (MSc Finance and Management 2006) Has been elected President of the Kazakhstan Rugby Federation.
- Lucie Basch (MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management 2014) Co-founder of Too Good To Go, emerges as a new influence in the debate about sustainable development.
- Enrique Garcia Martinez (MSc Research in the School of Engineering 2009) Is appointed Head of Critical Networks and Enterprise for South East Asia, Oceania and India at Ericsson.
- Jason Hill (PhD School of Engineering 2004) Talks to VAI news about founding his company, Hill Helicopters in Stafford.
- Rob Ashing (MBA 1998) Is announced as CEO at International law firm, Al Tamimi & Company.
- Ankita Vashistha (MSc Finance and Management 2009) Is interviewed by Grazia about changing mindsets and supporting women in the workplace.
- Collins Gameli Hodoli (PhD Environment and Agrifood 2020) is announced as a new grantee of the EPIC Air Quality Fund sponsored by the University of Chicago.
- Collins Gameli Hodoli (PhD Environment and Agrifood 2020 and Brighton Chunga (PhD Environment and Agrifood 2018) are celebrated for their work in improving Malawi’s air quality by MIfCAS.
- Dharminder Sharma (MSc Natural Resource Management 2004) takes over as Chief Forest Officer of Punjab.
- Sarah Walsh (MSc Astronautics and Space Engineering 1993) Is appointed as a Non-Executive Director at the UK Statistics Authority.
- Frederick Appoh (Exec MBA 2024) Is appointed CEO at The Ghana Railway Development Authority.
- Bolaji Agbede (MBA 2002) Features in an article celebrating Nigerian women in the Banking Industry.
- Chris Potts (MBA 1987) Joins the Board of Directors at Microsaicsystems.
- Dave Walters (Fellowship in Manufacturing 1983) Founder of Robotas Technologies, celebrates 40 years in business.
- Adam Manikowski (Doctor of Business Administration 2016) Managing Director of Polish convenience store chain, Zabka Polska, is a special guest at the Retail Trends Conference 2025.
If you've been featured in the media, don't forget to share your successes with us so we can include them in our quarterly roundup. Email our Alumni Communications team including a link to the website or press release.
Check out last quarter's summary (October to December 2024) for more alumni in the news.