We are widely recognised as the United Kingdom’s centre of excellence for digital forensic education, research and casework.

Clients range from all areas of law enforcement to a wide spectrum of leading commercial organisations.

Teaching courses have set the standard for digital forensic education in in the UK since 1998 when the first was delivered to the law enforcement community. All courses, which are aimed at the practitioner, are developed and delivered by leading experts in the field. The lectures given are derived directly from real-world experiences. 

Since 1990, we have carried out several hundred digital forensic investigations. We traditionally focus on providing forensic investigation and expert witness services in relation to highly complex specialised and particularly demanding cases.

We are often required to assist the courts where there is dispute between experts and we remain committed to this high level service. Standard forensic computing investigation services are offered, the focus being on providing timely, accurate and insightful reports.

Working with us

There are a variety of ways in which your organisation can engage and work with us. We can provide real-world solutions that support and inform your operations, products and services. To highlight a few of the ways that you can work with us:

• Provision of expert advice;
• Sponsor a PhD student research project;
• Commission a research project;
• Collaborate on an research activity or project;
• Provision of support to a master's project;
• Commission a customised development programme, tailored to the requirements of your organisation;
• Commission a consultancy project. 


Clients and partners

We work closely with the military, industry and government departments to influence and provide leading solutions to major global defence and security challenges.

Examples of key business clients and partners include:

• RAF,
• Research Councils,
• BAE Systems,
• FCO,
• MOD,
• Chemring,
• AEL Mining,
• Honda.