Contact Dr Sarah Fletcher

Areas of expertise

  • Aerospace Manufacturing
  • Human Factors
  • Industrial Ergonomics and Human Factors
  • Manufacturing Systems


Sarah leads the Industrial Psychology and Human Factors (IPHF) group in the Centre for Structures, Assembly and Intelligent Automation which works to enhance the integration of people and processes in industry. She has been conducting human-system research at Cranfield for 20 years including her PhD which measured the effects of human variability and attitudes on manufacturing system performance to improve predictive modelling, sponsored by Ford Motor Co. Since then she has worked on many UK and EU projects primarily for the aerospace manufacturing sector, but also in defence, automotive, and driver behaviour research.

Sarah has taught and supervised various subjects at Masters and Doctoral level and now leads modules on human factors, ethics and standards as part of Cranfield's MSc courses in Robotics and Applied Artificial Intelligence. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and member of the Chartered Institute of Human Factors and the Women's Engineering Society.

Current activities

Sarah's research focuses primarily on studying the psychological and social aspects of human-system and human-robot interaction in manufacturing settings. In particular, her work aims to explore how people respond to, and work with, intelligent and digital technologies and to develop solutions that will promote their acceptance, satisfaction and performance. Her research team specialise in applying mixed methods that combine traditional and novel human analysis techniques, including novel sensor-based physiological measurement and analysis tools. Current projects include SHERLOCK (EC Horizon2020), DigiTOP (EPSRC) and the Digitally Enabled Advanced Services Network+ (EPSRC).

Sarah leads the 'Psychology, Ethics and Standards' module of the MSc in Robotics and Applied Artificial Intelligence and the 'Ethical, Regulatory and Social Aspects' module of the MSc in Applied Artificial Intelligence.

She is also actively involved in the development of national and international standards for robotics, industrial safety, and ergonomics of human-system interaction. This work has included contributing to the development of the world's first standard for ethical design and application of robots (BS 8611:2016) and running a national survey to capture public opinions and acceptance of robots in everyday settings: BSI/Cranfield robot survey






BAE Systems


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers
