Contact Dr Hessam Ghasemnejad
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 754395
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- ResearchGate
Areas of expertise
- Aerospace Manufacturing
- Aerospace Structures
- Aircraft Design
- Composites
- Lightweighting & Crashworthiness
- Aerospace Materials
Dr Hessam Ghasemnejad is a Reader in Aerospace Structures at the Centre for Aeronautics. As a course director, he developed and established new short courses and MSc in Advanced Lightweight and Composite Structures (2016 - 2020). Before joining Cranfield, Dr Ghasemnejad was a Senior Lecturer in Composite Materials (2010 - 2016) at Kingston University London. He has supervised several Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral programs as the main supervisor, and secured industrial research grants from Innovate UK, Clean Aviation, MoDs, and SME partners on designing and analysing advanced composite structures. He also acts as a Member of the Editorial Board of Journals and Scientific Committees of International Conferences.
Research opportunities
Hessam's main research activities are focused on experimental, analytical, and numerical aspects of stability and failure in composite structures under various dynamic loading conditions such as impact damage, blast, and crash. The impacts of his research have developed technologies investigated in the awarded projects, which are aimed at achieving world-leading innovative productions and healthier environments by reducing toxic emissions. This has been through the design and analysis of advanced lightweight materials for high-performance composite aerospace and automotive structures. The developed technologies have been assessed on a formal and consistent basis to identify the most promising technologies.
Current activities
List of Post-Doctoral Completions:
1 - 2018 - 2019 - Development of a novel affordable neonate-infant transport incubator - Research Assistant - Innovate UK
2 - 2013 - 2015 - Design and optimisation of new generation of advanced aircraft composite structures - Research Assistant - Innovate UK
3 - 2016 - 2020 - A new power-plant integration with platform systems for future wing structures - Research Fellow - Innovate UK
4 - 2020 - 2021 - Development of aluminium foam box for crashworthiness performance improvement of road service vehicle - Research Assistant - Royal Academy of Engineering
5 - 2022 - 2025 - Hydrogen Engine Architecture Virtually Engineered Novelly (HEAVEN) - Research Fellow - Clean Aviation
6 - 2024 - 2025 - Development and implementation of waste-filled portable crash boxes for crashworthiness performance improvement of road service vehicles - Research Assistant - Royal Academy of Engineering
List of PhD Completions:
1 - 2016 - 2020 - Structural Integrity Enhancement of UAVs using 3D Printed Structures - PhD - (First Supervisor)
2 - 2015 - 2018 - Optimisation of Failure Mechanisms in Crashworthiness of Multi-stitched Composite Tubular Absorbers - PhD - (First Supervisor)
3 - 2014 - 2017 - Analytical Impact Analysis of Variable Curved Composite and Sandwich Panels - PhD - (First Supervisor)
4 - 2014 - 2017 - Analysis of the Effect of High-Velocity Impact Damage on the Repairability of CFRP Composite Panels - PhD - (First Supervisor)
5 - 2011 - 2014 - Explicit Finite Element Analysis to Predict Impact Damage Response of Osteoporosis Hip Bone - PhD - (First Supervisor)
6 - 2010 - 2013 - Delamination Failure in Natural Stitched Composite Structures - PhD - (First Supervisor)
7 - 2010 - 2013 - Fatigue Design of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) Composite Blades - PhD - (Second Supervisor)
8 - 2009 - 2012 - A New Approach to Project Management Based on a Combination of Predictive and Adaptive Thinking - PhD - (Second Supervisor)
- Royal Academy of Engineering
- Innovate UK
- Airbus SE
- ITP Aero (Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC)
- Turkish Aerospace Industries
- Leonardo S.p.A
Articles In Journals
- De Biasio A, Ghasemnejad H, Srimanosaowapak S & Watson JW. (2025). Development of multi aluminium foam-filled crash box systems to improve crashworthiness performance of road Service vehicle. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 109
- Brack T & Ghasemnejad H. (2025). Effect of Embedded Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) on the Low-velocity Impact Behaviour of Stringer Stiffened Composite Plates. Applied Composite Materials, 32(1)
- Nicoud G, Ghasemnejad H, Srimanosaowapak S & Watson JW. (2024). Crashworthiness of Foam-Filled and Reinforced Honeycomb Crash Absorbers in Transverse Direction. Applied Composite Materials, 31(2)
- Al Ali A, Arhore E, Ghasemnejad H & Yasaee M. (2024). Experimental and numerical investigation of multi-layered honeycomb sandwich composites for impact mechanics applications. Results in Engineering, 21
- Valente G, Ghasemnejad H, Srimanosaowapak S & Watson JW. (2023). Advancement in Design and Failure Analysis of Aluminium Foam-filled Honeycomb Crash Absorbers. Applied Composite Materials, 30(3)
- Valente G, Ghasemnejad H & Srimanosaowapa S. (2023). Aluminium Foam-Filled Honeycomb Crash Absorbers. Materials Science Forum, 1083
- Ramírez JG & Ghasemnejad H. (2023). Z-Pinning Techniques to Improve Energy Absorption Capabilities of CFRP Tubular Structures. Applied Composite Materials, 30(5)
- You C, Yasaee M, He S, Yang D, Xu Y, .... (2022). Identification of the key design inputs for the FEM-based preliminary sizing and mass estimation of a civil aircraft wing box structure. Aerospace Science and Technology, 121(February)
- Rabiee A & Ghasemnejad H. (2022). Finite Element Modelling Approach for Progressive Crushing of Composite Tubular Absorbers in LS-DYNA: Review and Findings. Journal of Composites Science, 6(1)
- Chao Correas A & Ghasemnejad H. (2022). Analytical development on impact behaviour of composite sandwich laminates by differentiated loading regimes. Aerospace Science and Technology, 126(July)
- de la Cuesta JJ & Ghasemnejad H. (2022). Improvement of Force History Pattern in Composite Tubular Structures by Developed Trigger Mechanisms. Applied Composite Materials, 29(5)
- Sobhani Aragh B, Borzabadi Farahani E, Xu BX, Ghasemnejad H & Mansur WJ. (2021). Manufacturable insight into modelling and design considerations in fibre-steered composite laminates: State of the art and perspective. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 379(June)
- Correas AC, Crespo AC, Ghasemnejad H & Roshan G. (2021). Analytical Solutions to Predict Impact Behaviour of Stringer Stiffened Composite Aircraft Panels. Applied Composite Materials, 28(4)
- Rabiee A, Ghasemnejad H, Hitchins N, Watson J, Roberts J, .... (2021). Numerical model development to predict the behaviour of infant/neonate crash dummy restrained inside of an incubator under deceleration. International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 16(1)
- Sobhani Aragh B, Borzabadi Farahani E, Xu BX, Ghasemnejad H & Mansur WJ. (2021). Corrigendum to “Manufacturable insight into modelling and design considerations in fibre-steered composite laminates: State of the art and perspective” [Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 379 (2021) 113752]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 384
- Delporte Y & Ghasemnejad H. (2021). Manufacturing of 3D Printed Laminated Carbon Fibre Reinforced Nylon Composites: Impact Mechanics. Open Journal of Composite Materials, 11(01)
- Rabiee A & Ghasemnejad H. (2020). Improvement of Specific Energy Absorption of Composite Tubular Absorbers using Various Stitching Pattern Designs. Applied Composite Materials, 27(6)
- Arachchige B, Ghasemnejad H & Yasaee M. (2020). Effect of bird-strike on sandwich composite aircraft wing leading edge. Advances in Engineering Software, 148
- Dhakal HN, Ghasemnejad H, Zhang ZY, Ismail SO & Arumugam V. (2019). The post-impact response of flax/UP composite laminates under low velocity impact loading. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 28(2)
- Rabiee A & Ghasemnejad H. (2019). Lightweight design to improve crushing behaviour of multi-stitched composite tubular structures under impact loading. Thin-Walled Structures, 135
- Rai V, Ghasemnejad H, Watson JW, Gonzalez-Domingo JA & Webb PF. (2019). Developed trigger mechanisms to improve crush force efficiency of aluminium tubes. Engineering Structures, 199
- Rabiee A & Ghasemnejad H. (2018). Laminate Tailoring of Composite Tubular Structures to Improve Crashworthiness Design at Off-Axis Loading. Open Journal of Composite Materials, 08(03)
- Alzeanidi N & Ghasemnejad H. (2017). Analysis of the effect of impact damage on the repairability of composite panels. Composite Structures, 176
- Arachchige B & Ghasemnejad H. (2017). Post impact analysis of damaged variable-stiffness curved composite plates. Composite Structures, 166
- Almansour FA, Dhakal HN, Zhang ZY & Ghasemnejad H. (2017). Effect of hybridization on the mode II fracture toughness properties of flax/vinyl ester composites. Polymer Composites, 38(8)
- Rabiee A & Ghasemnejad H. (2017). Progressive Crushing of Polymer Matrix Composite Tubular Structures: Review. Open Journal of Composite Materials, 07(01)
- Rabiee A & Ghasemnejad H. (2016). Effect of multi stitched locations on high speed crushing of composite tubular structures. Composites Part B: Engineering, 100
- Arachchige B, Ghasemnejad H & Augousti AT. (2016). Theoretical approach to predict transverse impact response of variable-stiffness curved composite plates. Composites Part B: Engineering, 89
- Razmkhah O & Ghasemnejad H. (2016). Explicit finite element analysis to predict impact damage response of osteoporosis hip bone. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 4(1)
- Ghafari-Namini N & Ghasemnejad H. (2015). Controllable Crack Propagation in Off-Axis Crushing of Stitched Composite Absorbers. Open Journal of Composite Materials, 05(04)
- Al-Khudairi O & Ghasemnejad H. (2015). To improve failure resistance in joint design of composite wind turbine blade materials. Renewable Energy, 81
- Ghasemnejad H & Mirzaii H. (2014). To Improve Mixed-Mode Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Composite Sub-Structures. Open Journal of Composite Materials, 04(01)
- Ghasemnejad H, Argentiero Y, Tez TA & Barrington PE. (2013). Impact damage response of natural stitched single lap-joint in composite structures. Materials & Design, 51
- Ghasemnejad H, Soroush VR, Mason PJ & Weager B. (2012). To improve impact damage response of single and multi-delaminated FRP composites using natural Flax yarn. Materials & Design (1980-2015), 36
- Ghafari-Namini N & Ghasemnejad H. (2012). Effect of natural stitched composites on the crashworthiness of box structures. Materials & Design, 39
- Ghasemnejad H, Occhineri L & Swift-Hook DT. (2011). Post-buckling failure in multi-delaminated composite wind turbine blade materials. Materials & Design, 32(10)
- Pereira JM, Ghasemnejad H, Wen JX & Tam VHY. (2011). Blast response of cracked steel box structures repaired with carbon fibre-reinforced polymer composite patch. Materials & Design, 32(5)
- Ghasemnejad H & Hadavinia H. (2010). Off-axis Crashworthiness Characteristic of Woven Glass/Epoxy Composite Box Structures. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 29(15)
- Ghasemnejad H, Furquan ASM & Mason PJ. (2010). Charpy impact damage behaviour of single and multi-delaminated hybrid composite beam structures. Materials & Design, 31(8)
- Ghasemnejad H, Hadavinia H & Aboutorabi A. (2010). Effect of delamination failure in crashworthiness analysis of hybrid composite box structures. Materials & Design, 31(3)
- Ghasemnejad H, Blackman BRK, Hadavinia H & Sudall B. (2009). Experimental studies on fracture characterisation and energy absorption of GFRP composite box structures. Composite Structures, 88(2)
- Hadavinia H & Ghasemnejad H. (2009). Effects of Mode-I and Mode-II interlaminar fracture toughness on the energy absorption of CFRP twill/weave composite box sections. Composite Structures, 89(2)
- Ghasemnejad H, Hadavinia H, Marchant D & Aboutorabi A. (2008). Energy absorption of thin-walled corrugated crash box in axial crushing. SDHM Structural Durability and Health Monitoring, 4(1)
Conference Papers
- Arachchige B & Ghasemnejad H. (2018). Effect of variable core stiffness on the impact response of curved sandwich plates
- Ghasemnejad H & Roshan G. (2016). Adopting mathematical-based approach in impact response of variable-stiffness curved composite panels
- Razmkhah O, Ghasemnejad H, Argyriou V & Aboutorabi A. (2013). Advanced finite element analysis to predict impact damage behaviour of fractured hip
- Dhakal HN, Zhang ZY & Ghasemnejad H. (2013). Effect of compaction pressure on water absorption behaviour and mechanical properties of hemp fibre reinforced vinyl ester composites
- Ghasemnejad H, Barrington PE & Roshan G. (2013). Advanced crash absorbers stitched by natural fibres to improve effective crack growth resistance
- Ciuraru C & Ghasemnejad H. (2012). An analysis of the wind energy sector in Romania
- Ghasemnejad H & Ghafari-Namini N. (2012). Protection of offshore wind turbine blades against extreme conditions
- Papadopoulos F, Aiyappa D, Shapriya R, Sotirchos E, Ghasemnejad H, .... (2012). Advanced Natural Stitched Composite Materials in Skin-Stiffener of Wind Turbine Blade Structures
- Razmkhah O & Ghasemnejad H. (2012). Green composites for advanced green structures
- Ghafari-Namini N, Ghasemnejad H & Limbachiya M. (2012). Advanced Finite Element Analysis to Predict Off-Axis Crushing Behaviour of Composite Aero-Structures
- Heidari A, Pereira JM, Wen JX, Tam VHY, Ghasemnejad H, .... (2011). Towards understanding the Buncefield explosion through advanced numerical analysis and experimental investigations
- Ghasemnejad H, Thomas V & Hadavinia H. (2011). Mixed-Mode Delamination Failure of Z-Pinned Hybrid Laminated Composites
- Ghasemnejad H & Maheri A. (2010). Buckling analysis for design of horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) composite blades
- Ghasemnejad H & Aboutorabi A. (2010). Cohesive zone modelling of Mode-I & Mode-II interlaminar crack propagation in laminated composite
- Ghasemnejad H & Hadavinia H. (2009). Influence of interlaminar fracture toughness on the energy absorption of FRP composite box structures
- Ghasemnejad H, Hadavinia H & Ordys A. (2009). Coupling of interlaminar fracture toughness and crashworthiness in woven CFRP composite box structures
- Ghasemnejad H, Hadavinia H & Lewis E. (2008). Crushing Behaviour of CFRP Composite Structure
- Ghasemnejad H, Blackman BRK & Hadavinia H. (2008). Crashworthiness of composite thin-walled GFRP and CFRP boxes
- Ghasemnejad H, Hadavinia H & Aboutorabi A. (2008). Investigation of energy absorption of a GFRP composite crash box
- Ghasemnejad H, Hadavinia H & Simpson G. (2007). Crashworthiness Optimization of Crash Box in Automotive Structure
- Ghasemnejad H, Hadavinia H & Simpson G. (2007). Crashworthiness Optimization of Crash Box in Automotive Structure
- Rabiee A & Ghasemnejad H. High speed crushing behaviour of GFRP composite tubes
- Arahchige B, Ghasemnejad H & Agousti AT. Investigating effect on contact stiffness on the low velocity impact response of curved composite plate
- Occhineri L, Ghasemnejad H & Mirzaii H. Use of natural flax yarn to control post-buckling failure in multi-delaminated HAWT blade sub-structures
- Ghasemnejad H, Ghafari-Namini N & Ravanpak Z. Failure analysis of off-axis crushing of stitched composite absorbers
- Esfahani MMN, Ghasemnejad H & Barrington PE. Buckling response of delaminated hybrid composite beams
- Ghasemnejad H & Aboutorabi A. (2014). The response of natural fibre composites to impact damage: a case study In Hodzic A & Shanks R (eds), Natural Fibre Composites. Elsevier.
- Ghasemnejad H & Aboutorabi A. (2014). The response of natural fibre composites to impact damage: A case study In Hodzic A & Shanks R (eds), Natural Fibre Composites: Materials, Processes and Applications. Woodhead Publishing.
- Ghasemnejad H & Aboutorabi A. (2014). 13 The response of natural fibre composites to impact damage: a case study In Natural Fibre Composites. Elsevier.
- Hodzic A, Shanks RA, Dai D, Fan M, Shanks RA, .... (2014). Contributor contact details In Natural Fibre Composites. Elsevier.
- Esfahani MMN, Ghasemnejad H & Barrington PE. (2010). Experimental and Numerical Buckling Analysis of Delaminated Hybrid Composite Beam Structures