@prefix rdf: . @prefix oo: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix org: . @prefix skos: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix vcard: . @prefix ospost: . @prefix spatialrelations: . @prefix geo: . @prefix dcat: . @prefix dcterms: . "profile.ttl" rdf:type oo:OrganizationProfileDocument ; foaf:primaryTopic . rdf:type org:FormalOrganization ; skos:prefLabel "Cranfield University" ; rdfs:label "Cranfield University" ; foaf:logo ; # Url of offical logo foaf:homepage ; foaf:mbox ; # Gereneric Email account (delete line if you havn't got one) foaf:phone ; # Switchboard phone number owl:sameAs , , ; vcard:adr ; foaf:based_near . rdf:type vcard:Address ; vcard:postal-code "MK43 0AL" ; vcard:country-name "United Kingdom" ; vcard:street-address "COLLEGE ROAD" ; vcard:locality "CRANFIELD, BEDFORD" . rdfs:label "MK43 0AL" ; rdf:type ospost:PostcodeUnit ; spatialrelations:easting "494079"^^ ; spatialrelations:northing "242615"^^ ; geo:lat "52.073929"^^ ; geo:long "-0.628735"^^ . #Equipment dataset. rdf:type dcat:Download ; oo:organization ; dcterms:subject ; dcterms:conformsTo ; dcterms:license ; # Licence for the Dataset Please pick on of the three listed on http://opd.data.ac.uk/docs/datasets oo:contact ; # contact for the dataset (will be used as default contact for records without a contact) oo:corrections . # a contact for any corrections