Contact Dr Namita Shete


Namita has an MBA and has received her PhD from the University of Bath in 2019. For her research, Namita studied Corporate Social Responsibility and its regulation, where she uncovered organisational interpretations, attitudes and understandings relating to a law that mandates CSR activity. She has also worked on uncovering business power and sustainability within gold supply chains, where she explored involved participants, issues and multi-stakeholder (and industry) initiatives.She has over 13 years of experience working in academia and industry. Through her research, Namita is interested in exploring how organisations make sense of and address sustainability within their operations. She is also interested in how and whether they might be better regulated to do so. Her interests therefore lie broadly in the area of Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility (CR)

Research opportunities

Namita is interested in supervising students interested in

1. Exploring the regulatory context around sustainability - how it is perceived, acted upon and made sense of within different contexts.

2. Topics associated with CSR/Sustainability within developing/emerging country contexts

3. CSR/Sustainability related studies based on a Sensemaking lens.

4. Sustainable/Ethical Supply chains

Current activities

Namita directs the Management and Corporate Sustainability (MCS) programme. She also leads the Leading Corporate Sustainability module on the Masters in Management and Corporate Sustainability, Masters in Management and the Masters in Management and Leadership (Exec) programmes.


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers